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Tap now supports QUANT (QNT)

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Chiliz (CHZ) on Tap!

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We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Quant (QNT) on Tap!

QNT is now available for trading on the Tap mobile app. You can now Buy, Sell, Trade or hold QNT for any of the other asset supported on the platform without any pair boundaries. Tap is pair agnostic, meaning you can trade any asset for any other asset without having to worries if a "trading pair" is available.

We believe supporting QNT will provide value to our users. We are looking forward to continue supporting new crypto projects with the aim of providing access to financial power and freedom for all.

The Quant Network was designed to connect blockchains and networks on a global scale, prioritising interoperability and trust functions between them using the Overledger operating system, the first OS built for blockchains. The Quant protocol was designed to remove barriers commonly encountered on blockchains in communication, interoperability and scaling.

QNT is an ERC-20 token from the Quant blockchain that provides digital access to a particular application or service and is used to access the Overledger network and validate transactions on the network.

All product users, developers, and gateway operators are required to purchase annual licences, used to maintain platform efficiency. These licence fees are converted to QNT and locked up in the Quant treasury. If a user does not renew their licence, they forfeit their fees, discouraging them from dumping tokens on the market if the price increases.

Get to know more about Quant  (QNT) in our dedicated article here.

How to get started with saving money

Start saving today with practical tips for effective money management and jumpstart your financial journey.

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It's no secret that discussing finances is often considered taboo. Oftentimes, people quickly become uncomfortable when the topic is brought up. But why is talking about money so awkward for most people?

It's because most people are still afraid to discuss about savings openly for a wide variety of reasons from shame, embarrassment, or simply fear of their financial privacy.

However, there are many reasons why saving (and actively building a savings account) is important, and we think that today is a great opportunity to break the stigma around discussing savings openly. Here's what you need to know about starting to save, several ways to save money, and how Tap can help you in your saving quest.

The stats on talking about money

Discussing finances can be an uncomfortable subject for many people, as revealed by a recent survey. In fact, the survey found that over half of respondents, 56%, consider talking about money a taboo topic. Debt emerged as the most controversial financial topic, with 45% of those surveyed expressing discomfort discussing it.

The survey also highlighted that people are more likely to open up about their finances if others do the same. This means that breaking the taboo around money talk can have a positive impact on our financial well-being. By being more transparent about our saving methods, we can help others learn and achieve their own financial goals.

Below are a few ways to get you started with how to save money more efficiently.

How to get started: start saving money

It's never too late to start your savings journey. Whether you're starting your first job, looking to make a down payment on a house, or you're already retired, setting aside money for savings is an important step in building your wealth. Here are a few simple steps to take and ways to save money.

Establish your savings goals

In order to get started, first calculate how much money you need to save each month to reach your financial goals. This will help you determine how much money you need to set aside each paycheck.

Create a budget

The first step is always the most difficult, but it's important to be honest with yourself about your current situation. Review your finances on a regular basis and consider how much you would like to save as well as what that savings goal entails. Build this savings plan to be realistic, making a savings plan you're never going to stick to is only a waste of your time.

If your monthly bills exceed your income, it might be time to make a budget. Look at what you spend on grocery shopping, auto insurance, energy costs or online shopping and see if your monthly budget has room for some cuts. While homeowners insurance and utility bills can't be neglected, consider if there are cheaper alternatives in your area for the things you can afford to cut on - you never know where you might be able to save some extra dollars.

In doing so you are already taking the first step toward your quest to save money.

See where you can cut spending and save money

Take a closer look at your spending habits. Where are you wasting money? Are you eating out too often? Do you have a lot of expensive subscriptions? Once you identify your problem areas, you can start making changes to better save money.

For example, if you're spending too much on eating out or buying lunch, try cooking at home more often. If you have a lot of subscriptions, see if there are any you can live without and consider canceling an expensive subscription service. There are plenty of ways to save money and build wealth, get creative!

Set up a savings account

Next, you can open a savings account and make sure to deposit money into it regularly. This account should be a separate savings account from your checking account so that you're not tempted to spend the money.

You can opt for a saving account programme which allows you to put money in an account that generates extra cash for you, paid out monthly or yearly. The key in this process is to make sure the money is going into savings before you have a chance to spend it.

Also consider putting unexpected income in these accounts, like a tax refund.

Review and adjust

Finally, in your efforts to save money make sure to review your budget regularly and adjust your savings goals as necessary. By following these simple steps, you can start saving money and building your wealth today.

Don't forget to give yourself some breathing room. It's important to have money set aside in an emergency fund, but that doesn't mean you should never spend any of your savings. Indulge in some of your favorite things every once in a while and appreciate all that you've worked for!

Consider paying off credit card debt and building an emergency fund as equally important to building your savings account. If you're making use of passive income generation you could use these earned funds to pay off one of the two. Savings accounts might sound scary but the truth is they're simple, important, and integral to save money.

Here are some of the best saving tips that we think everyone should know:

  • Don't wait to start saving money. The more time you give yourself to spend it the greater the temptation will be. Transferring a fixed percentage of your income into savings accounts as soon as you receive it is an excellent way to make sure you're putting some money away as soon as you get paid.  
  • If you're always frugal with your money, you'll only be frustrated and won't achieve your savings goals. From time to time, remember to give yourself a little treat!

Closing thoughts

Saving money is something that everyone has to do, and it can be made easier by doing it with others. No matter your situation, there are probably other people around you who know exactly how you feel and with whom you could share advice that could help you both save money more efficiently.

Open that savings account today and start building a better financial future. Whether you cut your monthly bills to make a down payment or save money for your emergency fund or dream vacation, putting money aside for your future is always a good idea.

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What is The Sandbox (SAND) ?

Let's take a dive into what is Sandbox and its token SAND

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The Sandbox is a pioneer in the movement to incorporate blockchain technology into the gaming sector. Created in 2011, The Sandbox is an play-to-earn game that allows users to be both creators and players, with the ability to monetize their in-game assets and earn SAND tokens.

Powered by the SAND token, the Sandbox’s native token serves as the foundation for all transactions and interactions. SAND tokens can be obtained by playing games, selling digital assets on the Sandbox Marketplace, participating in competitions, or buying it through a reliable exchange. 

What is the Sandbox platform?

The Sandbox is an Ethereum-based play-to-earn gaming ecosystem and metaverse that allows players to create, share, and monetize in-world assets and gaming experiences. The platform combines the powers of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO), DeFi and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

The Sandbox metaverse offers players a space to interact with one another and the games they have created.

The Sandbox is made up of three main components: 

  1. VoxEdit, which allows users to create and animate 3D objects in the metaverse (i.e. animals, people, tools, etc). These are known as ASSETS and utilize the ERC-1155 token standard which allows both fungible and non-fungible (NFTs) to be minted at the same time. 
  2. The Sandbox Game Maker, where users can create 3D games for free.
  3. The Sandbox Marketplace, where users can sell their ASSETS for SAND tokens. 

Who created The Sandbox?

Initially developed as a mobile gaming platform by Pixowl in 2011, The Sandbox was intended to be a competitor to Minecraft. It quickly grew very popular and soon had more than 40 million downloads worldwide. However, in 2018, the co-founders Arthur Madrid and Sebastien Borget decided to explore the potential of creating a 3D metaverse on the blockchain.

The new and improved platform allows users to truly own their creations, in the form of NFTs, and earn rewards while participating in the ecosystem. The Sandbox team introduced the new Sandbox project in 2020 and it became one of the fastest-growing games in the cryptocurrency world, alongside Axie Infinity and Decentraland. 

The following year the platform raised $93 million and attracted over 50 reputable partnerships, including CryptoKitties, Snoop Dogg and The Walking Dead. 

How does The Sandbox work?

The Sandbox is a dynamic virtual world filled with user-generated content. Players can create and develop their own NFTs, including avatars, virtual goods, and even games, using the platform's VoxEdit and Game Maker. They can also interact with other players as well as monetize these NFTs by selling them on the Sandbox Marketplace, fueled by the SAND token.

The Sandbox's VoxEdit

VoxEdit offers artists and players user-friendly software to create, rig, and animate NFTs. The NFTs are in voxel format, square 3D pixels that look like lego blocks, which can quickly be edited to create different shapes. Users can design and create everything from animals and game tools to avatar-oriented weapons and clothing to any goods that you can use in The Sandbox. 

All these virtual goods can then be exported and traded as NFTs on the Sandbox Marketplace for SAND token.

The Sandbox's Game Maker

The Game Maker is designed to allow users to test their 3D game creations within the metaverse. With no prior coding experience needed, the program allows users to design and organize various objects and elements in a space called LAND (including the VoxEdit NFTs).

The Game Maker allows users to curate quests, place buildings, and characters, edit terrains, etc. Users can then share their designs with the greater community or sell them on the Sandbox Marketplace.

The Sandbox Marketplace

The Sandbox ecosystem has its very own NFT marketplace was launched in April 2021 and creates a space where users can trade ASSETS (in-game assets) with the native token, the SAND token.

The ASSETS (NFTs) can be anything from wearables to buildings to entities, and can then be used within the platform in the Sandbox game and incorporated into LAND to create unique games using the Game Maker. The Sandbox's marketplace is accessible to all users on the platform.

What are SAND tokens?

Sandbox, referred to as SAND, is an ERC-20 token with a supply of 3 billion. The token functions as a utility token, governance token, and can be used for staking.

SAND as a utility token facilitates all interactions and transactions within the Sandbox ecosystem. In order to take part in the activities available on the platform, from playing the games to buying LAND, trading ASSETS or customizing avatars, users will need to own SAND. The LAND tokens are ERC-721 tokens while ASSETS are user-generated NFTs.

The native token also functions as a governance token within the Sandbox ecosystem, allowing SAND token holders to vote on changes made on the platform through the Sandbox DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) structure. 

Lastly, the token can be staked on the platform, allowing holders to earn rewards and a share in the revenue from all SAND transactions. Staking offers the bonus advantage of allowing users to increase their chances of finding valuable game resources designed to boost ASSETS' rarity, known as GEMs and CATALYSTs. These are valuable when looking to create assets and play games.

There are two ways to acquire SAND: either through playing games and contests in The Sandbox, or by purchasing it on a cryptocurrency platform like Tap.

How can I buy the SAND token?

For those looking to incorporate The Sandbox into their crypto portfolios, or simply enter the metaverse gaming sector, we have great news. The Tap app has recently added SAND to the list of supported currencies, allowing anyone with a Tap account to easily and conveniently access The Sandbox market. 

Users can buy SAND by using balances in either their crypto or fiat wallets or with your debit card, you can also buy the cryptocurrency with traditional payment options like bank transfers. Through the integrated wallets on the platform, users can also store and manage their SAND holdings easily and conveniently. 

Tap now supports The Sandbox (SAND)

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of The sandbox (SAND) on Tap!

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We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Sandbox (SAND) on Tap!

SAND is now available for trading on the Tap mobile app. You can now Buy, Sell, Trade or hold SAND for any of the other asset supported on the platform without any pair boundaries. Tap is pair agnostic, meaning you can trade any asset for any other asset without having to worries if a "trading pair" is available.

We believe supporting SAND will provide value to our users. We are looking forward to continue supporting new crypto projects with the aim of providing access to financial power and freedom for all.

The Sandbox is a pioneer in the movement to incorporate blockchain technology into the gaming sector. Created in 2011, The Sandbox is an play-to-earn game that allows users to be both creators and players, with the ability to monetize their in-game assets and earn SAND tokens.

Powered by the SAND token, the Sandbox’s native token serves as the foundation for all transactions and interactions. SAND tokens can be obtained by playing games, selling digital assets on the Sandbox Marketplace, participating in competitions, or buying it through a reliable exchange.

Get to know more about The sandbox (SAND) in our dedicated article here.

What is Synthetix (SNX) ?

Let's take a dive into what is Synthetix and its token SNX

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Synthetix offers a unique approach to DeFi (decentralized finance) through its ability to track and provide returns on underlying (synthetic) assets without requiring one to directly hold the asset. By depositing Synthetix's native token, the SNX token, into a smart contract, users can mint synthetic fiat currencies (or any supported underlying assets) known as synths that can be tracked and traded through the platform or other DeFi platforms.

Formerly called Havven, Synthetix rebranded in 2018 and has built up a solid reputation within the crypto and DeFi ecosystem since. 

What is Synthetix (SNX)?

Synthetix is a groundbreaking decentralized asset protection protocol that permits users to mint, hold, and trade derivatives across different asset classes such as commodities, fiat currencies, stocks, and even cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. This provides an efficient way to gain exposure without needing ownership of the underlying securities or having to rely on centralized intermediaries.

Through the protocol's synthetic assets known as synths, collateralized by the Synthetix Network Token (SNX), users can gain access to classic financial assets and opportunities for new trading strategies while also realizing an increase in the value and liquidity of the underlying assets. The platform also offers binary options, and opportunities to gain capital for different components within the Synthetix ecosystem. 

When the platform launched in 2017 it was governed by the Synthetix Foundation, an Australian non-profit foundation. However, by 2020, the ecosystem is now governed by three decentralized autonomous organizations:

  • ProtocolDAO: responsible for controlling the funding for protocol upgrades and changes to Synthetix’s smart contracts
  • GrantsDAO: responsible for controlling funding for the community proposals for public goods on Synthetix
  • SynthetixDAO: responsible for controlling funding for entities that are advancing the network’s development.

Synthetix provides a decentralized, permissionless, and censorship-resistant platform that allows users to gain exposure to both crypto and non-crypto assets without the need for ownership of these assets. This enables anyone with an interest in DeFi to join the industry through the use of synthetic assets regardless of whether they hold the actual assets or not.

Who created the Synthetix platform?

The platform was initially launched by Kain Warwick in 2017 under the name Havven (HAV) before rebranding to Synthetix a year later. Warwick has previously been an Advisory Council Member in Blockchain Australia and an Advisory Board Member at The Burger Collective. 

Warwick teamed up with software developer Peter McKean, the platform's acting CEO and business strategist, market analyst, and sales leader, Jordan Momtazi, who acts as COO. The CTO, Justin J. Moses, co-founded Pouncer with Warwick, an Australian live-action site, and has been a part of Synthetix since its conception. 

In 2018, the platform raised $30 million through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) initiative. In 2019, Synthetix raised a further $3.9 million by selling SNX tokens to Framework Ventures. 

The initial goal of the platform was to create cryptocurrencies that tracked the performance of cash like the U.S. dollar or the Euro on various blockchains, including Ethereum and EOS. After rebranding, the platform expanded its goals to incorporate synthetic assets for commodities and other cryptocurrencies. 

How does the Synthetix protocol work?

Synthetix's synthetic assets minting service is powered by two separate cryptocurrencies. The first cryptocurrency is its native token, Synthetix Network Token (SNX), and the second is synths, a versatile digital asset with the capability to mimic any real-world underlying asset.

In order to generate synths, a user will need to buy SNX and deposit it onto the platform. The platform will then create a new synth token relative to what the user is after. The value of the deposited SNX is then locked and is required to remain at or above 750% of the value of the synth created. I.e. if a user deposited $1,000 worth of SNX to create synthetic Euros, they would receive $133 worth of sEUR. 


As the SNX token is a tradable cryptocurrency its value is dependent on the open market. As the price fluctuates, the number of synths in circulation will also fluctuate. I.e. when the SNX price rises, the protocol will release additional SNX tokens that are not needed to guarantee previously created synths. These SNX tokens can then be locked up again to create new synths. 

Using the example above, if the price of SNX doubled this would release half of the $1,000 of SNX tokens locked up. These funds could then be used to create more sEUR synths. The higher the SNX price, the more synths can be created. 

Kwenta (DEX)

The Synthetix protocol uses price feeds known as oracles to determine the price of synths. When two synths are exchanged, the first synth is burned (destroyed) and the synth it is being exchanged for will use the price feed to determine its price. The protocol will then automatically create the correct number of synths based on this information. 

Another important element of the Synthetix ecosystem is Kwenta, a decentralized exchange (DEX) that facilitates the trading of synths and cryptocurrencies. Kwenta utilizes peer-to-contract trading, using smart contracts instead of an order book.

Bypassing central exchanges and the capacity to deal with large amounts of orders, this peer-to-contract style of trading easily converts currencies and does not require any waiting periods for matches to be fulfilled. 


As synths are Ethereum-based they can be deposited on other compatible DeFi platforms (Uniswap, Curve) to provide liquidity and earn interest. Alongside derivatives, synths play an integral role in building markets and helping them reach equilibrium by facilitating price recovery and assisting to hedge against volatility.

What is SNX?

Synthetix Network Token (SNX) is an ERC-20 token native to the Synthetix ecosystem. The tokens are used to provide collateral when minting the synthetic assets on the platform, meaning that they are locked up in smart contracts when synths are created, and can also be used for staking. When deposited into the staking pool holders earn rewards, which are generated through transaction fees paid on the Synthetix Exchange. 

Through the derivatives liquidity protocol, the exchange also provides a platform for trading synths (digital assets portraying real-world assets).

There is a maximum supply of 308,069,419 SNX, of which there are roughly 81% in circulation (at the time of writing). 

How can I buy Synthetix (SNX) tokens?

Anyone can add SNX tokens to their cryptocurrency portfolio with the Tap app. This intuitive mobile app allows for a comprehensive and secure experience when trading cryptocurrencies. Creating and verifying an account is straightforward, allowing anyone easy access to buy or sell Synthetix Network Token (SNX) safely. 

Tap into the Synthetix market with Tap's integrated crypto wallet and buy SNX tokens using both fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies. Download the app and create an account to get access to buy, sell, hold and trade SNX.

What is Axie Infinity (AXS) ?

Explore the world of Axie Infinity (AXS) - a blockchain-based game with a rapidly growing following. Our article delves into its history, technology, and potential use cases for investors and gaming enthusiasts alike.

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Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based trading and battling game that allows users to breed, raise, battle and trade Axie creatures. Inspired by the likes of Pokémon and Tamagotchi, Axie Infinity incorporates blockchain technology and the highly popular NFTs (non-fungible token) into their new-age video game.

In a new wave of supported cryptocurrencies on the Tap exchange, the digital currency AXS was incorporated due to its high trading volume, impressive project, growing community and much-loved user experience. Through combining advanced tech with video game functionality, the Axie Infinity platform has proven to be at the cutting edge of the gaming revolution, for players and investors alike. Discover more about this decentralized asset in the article below.

What Is Axie Infinity (AXS)?

Built on the Ethereum blockchain platform, Axie Infinity is a video game that uses NFTs to represent unique creatures, abilities, land plots and other in-game assets. Through the game, users can earn Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) and Smooth Love Potions (SLP, formerly Small Love Potions).

Proving to be one of the most successful blockchain-based games in the industry, Axie Infinity has built a wide following indicated by its impressive USD market capitalization, price gains and on-chain trading volume.

Each Axie is created unique, with varying attributes that players can choose from. With over 500 body parts available across creature categories like beast, bird, plant, bug, aquatic and reptile, these also fall into rarity scales including common, rare, ultra-rare and legendary. With such a range of options, Axies have become rare commodities within the game and are based on ERC token standards. 

Who Created Axie Infinity?

Axie Infinity was officially founded in 2018 by Trung Nguyen, an accomplished entrepreneur, engineer and CEO of Sky Mavis alongside Aleksander Larsen, an accomplished business developer and COO of Sky Mavis. Sky Mavis is a technology-focused gaming studio based in Vietnam. Another notable name contributing to the development and success of the decentralized gaming tech is Viet Anh Ho, CTO of Sky Mavis and accomplished engineer. 

The company has attracted the attention of notable investors, including Blocktower Capital and Mark Cuban, and has gone through several successful rounds of funding. In the project's final round of funding on the Binance exchange Launchpad, it managed to raise an impressive $2.97 million. 

How Does Axie Infinity Work?

In Axie Infinity players battle their Axies, each based on an ERC-721 non-fungible token (a unique form of digital currency that centres around ownership). Monitoring stats across Health, Morale, Skill, and Speed categories, the Axies play against one another in order to determine the stronger of the lot. 

Axies come in various classes, notably the Aquatic, Beast, Bird, Bug, Plant, or Reptile class or one of the secret classes, Dawn, Dusk, or Mech. Each Axie also has six body parts: back, ears, eyes, horns, mouth, and tail, each category coming with a range of options. 

These unique creatures can then earn SLP for participating in the PVP Arena, Adventure Mode, or quests, and can be bred to create even more unique creatures. The maximum amount of times one Axie can be bred is 7, costing the breeders 4 AXS plus SLP (which varies from 150 SLP for the first round of breeding, reaching 3,150 SLP on the seventh and final round allowed). 

These characteristics and classes all play a role in determining how it will fair in gameplay. At its core, Axie Infinity is a video game based on battles and breeding, however, there is another valuable component to the game: land. Players can purchase and trade homes for Axies, called Lunacias, which are essentially plots of land in the Axie Infinity world. 

There is also the Axie Infinity Marketplace where players can buy and sell Axies.

What are Axie Infinity Shards (AXS)?

AXS are non-fungible tokens based on the ERC-721 Ethereum-based token standard. While used in the game for payments, these tokens also serve as governance tokens, allowing holders to have a say in the development of the project. These digital currencies can also be traded on external exchanges.

On the other hand, SLP is the in-game token used to breed Axies. With increased growth in the community, these tokens have gained investor interest outside of the gaming community.

Can I Earn From Playing Axie Infinity?

The Axie Infinity game is at the forefront of the latest play-to-earn video game economy. Through the game, players are able to earn money through three avenues: selling SLP (smooth love potions), breeding rare Axies, and AXS staking.

Selling SLP

Players can earn SLP in the game by fighting other players in Arena Mode, battling monsters in Adventure Mode and completing a variety of daily missions and quests. These NFTs can then be sold on outside marketplaces.

Breeding Rare Axies

As mentioned earlier, the breeding process can be lucrative as more rare combinations are created. Axies can then be sold in the Axie Infinity Marketplace, usually fetching around $200. In late 2020 an Axie by the name of Angle sold for $120,000.

AXS staking

Coming soon, users will be able to stake AXS in interest-bearing smart contracts.

News and updates

Tap Product Update: 2024

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Tap hits pause on new UK customer onboarding until completion of a review to fully comply with the new FCA Regime.

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