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Tap now supports Loopring (LRC).

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Loopring (LRC) on Tap!

Tap now supports Loopring (LRC).
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We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Loopring (LRC) on Tap!

LRC is now available for trading on the Tap mobile app. You can now Buy, Sell, Trade or hold LRC for any of the other asset supported on the platform without any pair boundaries. Tap is pair agnostic, meaning you can trade any asset for any other asset without having to worries if a "trading pair" is available.

We believe supporting LRC will provide value to our users. We are looking forward to continue supporting new crypto projects with the aim of providing access to financial power and freedom for all.

Addressing the speed and cost concerns associated with the Ethereum platform and decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges, Loopring delivers a new layer to the DeFi space. Describing itself as “an open-source, audited, and non-custodial exchange protocol,” Loopring is bringing something new and innovative to the space.

The Loopring Exchange aims to offer a hybrid platform combining the best features of centralized exchanges and decentralized exchanges, addressing issues like structural limitations and transparency. The platform combines centralized order matching with decentralized blockchain order settlement, using zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) for enhanced privacy, reduced costs, and high speeds.

The Loopring cryptocurrency, LRC, plays a crucial role in the operations of the protocol.

To operate a decentralized exchange on Loopring, a minimum of 250,000 LRC needs to be locked up. This allows the exchange operator to utilize on-chain data proofs. Alternatively, an operator can stake 1 million LRC to run an exchange without this feature.

LRC serves as an incentive for the proper utilization of the Loopring network. Exchange operators who deposit LRC may face confiscation of their deposits by the protocol if they operate exchanges poorly. These confiscated funds are then distributed to users who choose to lock up LRC.

Get to know more about Loopring (LRC) in our dedicated article here.


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