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Boost your brand's image with tailored white-label payment solutions

Empower your brand's identity with branded debit cards. Boost your customer experience and loyalty while enhancing your business image with tailored payment solutions

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In the ever-evolving world of finance, delivering seamless payment experiences is paramount for businesses aiming to stand out. Here enters the game-changer: white-label payment solutions. These innovative services empower businesses to present their unique branded payment methods, all backed by the cutting-edge technology and infrastructure of established third-party providers.

These customisable payment solutions are becoming increasingly relevant, as the global digital payment market continues to soar. According to data collected by Markets and Markets, the global digital payments market size was valued at $111.2 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to reach $193.7 billion by 2028.

What's driving this remarkable growth? Businesses are recognising the immense value that white-label payment solutions can bring to the table. 

What are white-label payment solutions?

Anyone in business will confirm that prioritising strong customer connections is essential. White-label payment solutions provide a special chance to not just boost brand identity but also to nurture customer loyalty.

The centrepiece of these problem-solving solutions is the branded payment card. By incorporating a company's logo, colours, and design, these cards become a constant visual reminder of the brand, reinforcing recognition and familiarity with every use.

Beyond aesthetics, these branded cards also serve as powerful engagement tools. By coupling payment capabilities with customer-centric perks like discounts, rewards, and personalised offers, businesses can incentivise frequent usage and higher spending. The cards transform into valuable marketing platforms, enabling direct communication and tailored promotions that boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Ultimately, customised payment solutions empower businesses to strengthen their brand presence, differentiate themselves in the market, and forge deeper, more meaningful relationships with their customers.

The power of white-label payment solutions

By leveraging these tailored services, companies can tap into several benefits as outlined below:

Enhance brand identity

White-label payments enable businesses to seamlessly integrate their brand's unique visual elements, messaging, and personality into the payment process - a crucial touchpoint that shapes customer perception. Additionally, it can further establish the brand’s credibility and expertise within its industry.

Improve customer loyalty

A cohesive, branded payment experience fosters a stronger connection between the business and its customers, enhancing loyalty and retention.

Leverage advanced functionality

White-label solutions offer a wide array of cutting-edge payment features and capabilities, allowing businesses to cater to evolving customer preferences and stay ahead of the competition.

Streamline payment processes

By outsourcing the technical complexities of payment processing, businesses can focus on their core operations while delivering a streamlined, hassle-free payment experience.

Industries that leverage white-label payment solutions

While white-label products can be applied across a multitude of industries, certain business categories have particularly excelled at leveraging this strategic approach:

Retail giants

Large retailers like Whole Foods and Walmart have effectively developed their own branded products, manufactured by third-party providers. This allows them to cater to the unique needs and preferences of their customer base in real-time.

Electronics manufacturers

The appeal of white-labelling extends beyond retail. Top-tier mobile and computer manufacturers often utilise white-label products to expand their portfolios, positioning more affordable, branded offerings alongside premium lines.

Transnational corporations

The white-label trend has gained significant traction among major corporations. Pioneered by Tesco in 1998, the strategy of segmenting customers and cultivating tailored brands has been widely emulated. Target, for instance, seamlessly integrates over 10 distinct white-label brands, each catering to specific demographics and generating over $1 billion in annual revenue.

Across diverse industries, from grocery to electronics, businesses have capitalised on the versatility and commercial benefits of white-label solutions. This empowers them to better align their offerings with evolving customer demands and solidify their competitive edge in the marketplace.

Tap’s white-label card offering

As part of Tap’s business solutions, the fintech platform offers an easy card-issuing service for businesses of any size. As we’re fully accredited, we can give partner companies Mastercard-powered private cards quickly and inexpensively compared to integrating directly with financial services.

In 2023, Tap teamed up with Bitfinex, a major crypto exchange, to make a customisable prepaid card for the company to offer to their customers. Bitfinex used Tap's financial system to offer their clients a special payment choice and make extra money.

Tap's big advantage is its ability to issue cards and its own processing system, allowing businesses to make their own branded cards efficiently and effectively. With Tap's programs, companies can smoothly add custom payment options that fit their needs, whether they deal in regular money or cryptocurrencies.

If you’re interested in accessing these services, please get in touch here or through the website.

Qu'est-ce que le Bitcoin halving ?

Préparez-vous pour le prochain grand événement du Bitcoin : le Halving de 2024 - Comprenez l'impact de cet événement sur Bitcoin et ses répercussions potentielles pour vous.

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Préparez-vous pour le prochain grand halving de Bitcoin : tout ce que vous devez savoir

Avant le lancement de Bitcoin en 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto a conçu la cryptomonnaie pour avoir une offre maximale de 21 millions de pièces. Dans le cadre du plan plus large, le nombre de nouveaux Bitcoins qui entrent en circulation diminue à intervalles réguliers, maintenant ainsi l'offre totale. Ces intervalles sont connus sous le nom de halvings, dont nous parlerons davantage ci-dessous.

Qu'est-ce que le halving de Bitcoin ?

Approximativement tous les 4 ans, ou tous les 210 000 blocs minés, le réseau subit un halving où la récompense de bloc pour les mineurs est réduite de 50%. Cette récompense est gagnée pour vérifier les transactions et ajouter un nouveau bloc à la blockchain. Le processus de halvings diminue le rythme auquel les nouveaux Bitcoins entrent en circulation, épuisant progressivement l'offre restante jusqu'à ce que le dernier satoshi soit miné, prévu aux alentours de 2140. Après cela, les mineurs s'appuieront uniquement sur les frais de transaction comme incitation à valider les blocs.

Historique du Bitcoin halving

Historique des halving de BitcoinLe prochain halving de Bitcoin devrait avoir lieu en avril 2024, moment où la récompense de minage passera de 6,25 BTC à 3,125 BTC.

Pourquoi le halving a-t-il lieu ?

Le halving de Bitcoin est pré-programmé dans le code de base de Bitcoin et ce n'est pas quelque chose qui peut être changé - c'est gravé dans le marbre. Conçu pour contrôler et ralentir la libération de nouveaux Bitcoins au fil du temps, il en résulte que de moins en moins de Bitcoins sont frappés après chaque événement de halving. Cette offre limitée fait partie intégrante de ce qui confère à Bitcoin sa nature déflationniste et son potentiel d'augmentation de valeur. Comme l'offre est plafonnée à 21 millions, la baisse de la nouvelle offre arrivant sur le marché renforce la rareté artificielle de Bitcoin.

Précédents halvings de BitcoinCi-dessous, nous examinons les précédents halvings et comment ceux-ci ont affecté le prix du Bitcoin. Historiquement, 12 à 18 mois après les halvings, Bitcoin a atteint un nouveau record historique. Bien que ce ne soit pas la règle, cela a certainement été observé.

2009 - Lancement de BitcoinDate : 3 janvier 2009Récompense de bloc : 50 BTC

2012 - Premier halving de BitcoinDate : 28 novembre 2012Bloc : 210 000Récompense de bloc : 25 BTCPrix avant le halving (novembre 2012) : Environ 12 $Prochain record historique après le halving : 1 156 $ (novembre 2013)

2016 - Deuxième halving de BitcoinDate : 9 juillet 2016Bloc : 420 000Récompense de bloc : 12,5 BTCPrix avant le halving (juillet 2016) : Environ 650 $Prochain record historique après le halving : 19 891 $ (décembre 2017)

2020 - Troisième halving de BitcoinDate : 11 mai 2020Bloc : 630 000Récompense de bloc : 6,25 BTCPrix avant le halving (mai 2020) : Environ 8 800 $Prochain record historique après le halving : 69 000 $ (novembre 2021)

En regardant les dates futures, le prochain halving devrait avoir lieu en 2024, moment où la récompense de bloc sera réduite à 3,125 BTC. Par la suite, en 2028 (récompense de bloc 1,5625 BTC) et 2032 (récompense de bloc 0,78125 BTC). Cela continuera jusqu'à ce que tous les Bitcoins aient été minés, prévu pour 2140.

Impacts potentiels du prochain halving

Le prochain événement de halving de Bitcoin devrait avoir plusieurs impacts potentiels sur la cryptomonnaie. Tout d'abord, il réduira de 50% l'offre de nouveaux Bitcoins entrant en circulation, diminuant substantiellement le taux d'inflation. Cette réduction programmée du taux d'émission renforce la rareté intégrée de Bitcoin, ce qui pourrait entraîner une demande accrue si les investisseurs considèrent une offre réduite comme plus désirable. Une demande plus élevée couplée à une offre plus resserrée pourrait potentiellement faire augmenter le prix du Bitcoin.

Cependant, le halving réduira également les récompenses de bloc pour les mineurs de 50%, ce qui pourrait forcer la fermeture de certaines petites opérations minières si leurs dépenses dépassent les revenus nouvellement réduits. Cela pourrait se traduire par une décentralisation moindre du minage, les plus grandes entités ayant des économies d'échelle plus importantes étant en mesure de continuer à fonctionner de manière rentable. Cela pourrait entraîner une consolidation supplémentaire du hashrate minier parmi un nombre plus restreint de grands acteurs.

Indépendamment des mouvements de prix, le halving de 2024 poursuivra le programme d'émission désinflationniste de Bitcoin jusqu'à ce que le dernier Bitcoin soit miné aux alentours de 2140. Cette offre qui diminue systématiquement renforce l'une des principales propositions de valeur de Bitcoin en tant qu'actif déflationniste avec une rareté absolue intégrée dans sa conception.

En résumé

Le halving de Bitcoin est un événement très important à connaître car il applique la politique monétaire désinflationniste codée en dur de la cryptomonnaie. Bien que les halvings passés aient entraîné de puissants marchés haussiers et une appréciation substantielle des prix, comme illustré ci-dessus, il est important de comprendre que les mouvements de prix futurs restent imprévisibles et ne peuvent pas être considérés comme acquis. La valeur de Bitcoin est influencée par un ensemble complexe de facteurs au-delà de la seule dynamique de l'offre, notamment les taux d'adoption, les développements réglementaires et le sentiment général du marché. Bien qu'une offre artificiellement limitée puisse accroître la rareté, la demande est en fin de compte la force motrice des valorisations à long terme.

Communiqué de presse
Simplifying Your Spending: Why Tap’s New Partnership with TapiX Matters to You

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Hey there, Community! ✨

We've got some exciting news to share, and it's all about making your life a little bit easier and a whole lot clearer. We're thrilled to announce our partnership with TapiX – and before you wonder what this is all about, let me break it down into plain English, just for you.

No More Guessing Games 🎲

Ever looked at your transaction history and thought, "Where on earth did I spend that money?" We've all been there, scratching our heads, trying to decipher cryptic names or puzzling out just which coffee shop that was.

Here's where TapiX comes in – and why we're so excited about it. TapiX turns those confusing codes and names into information you can actually understand. We're talking real names of stores, complete with local language and all the details to make it click instantly. Yes, that means no more guessing games!

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words 📷

But why stop at names? When you look at your transactions, you can now see actual logos and images – making it even easier to spot at a glance where you've been shopping. It's like turning your transaction history into a colourful gallery of your spending habits.

Pinpoint Shopping Locations📍

Ever got a charge from a store and wondered, "When did I go there?”. Now, you won't just see the name; you'll get the exact location. We're talking street address, city, even zip codes – perfect for those "Aha!" moments.

Extra Details at Your Fingertips 🫰

And there's more. Want to revisit a store but can't remember the name? You can now access additional details like website links, opening hours, and more for the store and companies that support it. It's like having a little assistant tucked away in your transaction history.

Why This Matters to You 👀

We believe managing your money should be as straightforward as shopping. That's why we partnered with TapiX – to transform your transaction list from a boring spreadsheet into a clear, understandable, and even helpful part of your daily life.

Here's what it boils down to: less time puzzling out your past spends and more time enjoying your present. Whether you're a budgeting pro or just trying to keep track of where your money's going, we think you'll love this new feature.

It's All About You 💙
At Tap, everything we do is aimed at giving you a better experience. We listen, we care, and we act on what you need. This partnership? It's all about making your financial life clearer and simpler.

We're here to help you make sense of your spending, save time, and maybe even discover some new favourite spots along the way. And this is just the beginning – we're always looking for ways to improve your experience.

So go ahead, take a look at your updated transaction history, and see the difference for yourself.

Here's to clearer, simpler, and more enjoyable finances.


The Tap Team.

Fintech market outlook 2024

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Curious about what's in store for fintech this year? Get our Fintech market outlook 2024 ebook, we'll give you a glimpse into the trends and challenges shaping the industry this year.

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Communiqué de presse
Tap temporarily suspends XTP locking/fees in compliance with FCA regulatory requirement

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Tap, announces a temporary suspension of XTP locking/fees payment for all its users, reflecting a steadfast commitment to regulatory compliance and global collaboration.

In alignment with our regulatory-first vision, Tap announce the temporarily suspending XTP locking and fee payment in XTP. This strategic move reflects our dedication to regulatory compliance in every aspect of our operations.

At Tap, we prioritize responsibility alongside innovation. This temporary suspension underscores our commitment to regulatory compliance and our ability to effectively serve all our users in the United Kingdom, aligning with the new FCA regulations set in place.

In accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) financial promotion rule, we regret to inform our UK residents that the utilization of XTP for locking or payment is temporarily suspended. The FCA has classified the use of digital assets for obtaining discounts as a financial incentive, thus preventing its extension to any UK resident.

The temporary suspension of services in the UK has necessitated a pause in functionality across our entire platform due to its unified nature. Nevertheless, our team remains unwavering in our commitment to restoring Locking/Paying Fees in XTP for our global community. 

While this transition may present temporary challenges, it also represents an opportunity for growth and collective progress.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our users for their unwavering support and patience as we navigate through this transition. Rest assured, Tap remains steadfastly committed to delivering an unparalleled digital asset experience that is compliant, secure, seamless, and transformative for users worldwide.

News and updates

Tap Opens Greek Offices, Expanding Its Global Reach

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Simplifying Your Spending: Why Tap’s New Partnership with TapiX Matters to You

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Public Announcement from the Tap Team Regarding Bittrex Global's Upcoming Closure

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Tap temporarily suspends XTP locking/fees in compliance with FCA regulatory requirement

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Tap Teams Up with Notabene for Cryptocurrency Travel Rule Solutions

Tap est ravi d'annoncer son nouveau partenariat avec Notabene pour améliorer ses opérations de conformité, assurant ainsi le respect continu du crypto travel rule pour les cryptomonnaies.

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TAP to pause U.K. client onboarding whilst taking steps meet new FCA Financial Promotions Regime

Tap met en pause l'accueil de nouveaux clients au Royaume-Uni jusqu'à la fin d'une évaluation pour se conformer pleinement au nouveau Régime de la FCA.

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Tap partners with Total Processing

Le nouveau partenariat de Tap avec Total Processing facilite les dépôts Visa par carte de débit, améliorant ainsi la commodité des paiements.

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The Journey to 200K Users: A tale of talent, tenacity, and tremendous support

Préparez-vous à plonger dans une captivante saga fintech, où talent, détermination et soutien de la communauté nous mènent à 200K utilisateurs !

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Tap now supports Ethereum Name Service (ENS).

Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer l'ajout et le support de Ethereum Name Service (ENS) sur Tap !

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Tap now supports Loopring (LRC).

Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer l'ajout et le support de Loopring (LRC) sur Tap !

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Tap partners with Sweatcoin

Tap s'associe à Sweatcoin pour un monde plus financièrement inclusif.

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Tap now supports Kyber (KNC)

Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer l'ajout et le support de Kyber (KNC) sur Tap !

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Tap now supports Balancer (BAL)

Balancer (BAL) est désormais disponible sur Tap !

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Tap announces key additions to executive leadership team

Tap a annonce la nomination de Kriyakant "Kriya" Patel au poste de directeur général.

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Tap now supports PAX Gold (PAXG)

Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer l'ajout et le support de PAX Gold (PAXG) sur Tap !

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