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money transfers

Fast-track your money transfers with Tap, experience fast international transfers at exceptional exchange rates, making every transaction a breeze.

fx rates

Enjoy instant transfers between users in the app, making sure your money moves exactly when you need it. Plus, we offer fast traditional transfers through Faster Payments and SEPA, ensuring your funds arrive quickly.

Les transferts d'argent sont-ils rapides ?

Transférez instantanément de l'argent entre utilisateurs dans l'application, sans attendre. Avec Faster Payments et SEPA, vos virements traditionnels sont aussi rapides et efficaces, pour que vos fonds soient là quand vous en avez besoin.

Envoyer de l'argent


Register for free

Download our app for iOS or Android and sign up. Easily top up your account through bank transfer, card, and other options.

Select your method

Choose your transfer method, and enter how much you want to send. Add the recipient's details and their currency.
You'll see our exchange rates and fees upfront in-app.

Transfer money

All done — We’ll handle the rest, and keep you posted on the status of your transfer.

Send money at lightning speed

Fast-track your money transfers with Tap, experience fast international transfers at exceptional exchange rates, making every transaction a breeze.

Start saving