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Premium plan & upgrading

Upgrade Your Tap Account to Premium Plans

If you're looking to upgrade your account, you've come to the right place. Tap premium plans are the following: "Plus" ,"Prestige" "Platinum","Premier", "Prime".

Upgrade your journey with our exclusive premium plan, offering exceptional benefits. Indulge in premium support, cashback using your Tap card, enjoy low fees, and save on foreign exchange currencies.

Finding Fees and Limits:

To view fees and limits:

- Start from the home screen.

- Tap on your display picture at the top left corner.

- Scroll down to "Fees and Limits".

- Ensure you have the latest version of the app installed.

Steps to Upgrade Your Account:

- Access Home Screen whereas in the bottom there is "Upgrade" button

- Select the Plan you wish to upgrade and then tap on "Upgrade"

- Your XTP will be locked for a 1-year period with your chosen premium plan.

Your physical card remains unchanged, and all upgrades are immediate and automatic, including your spending allowance.                                                                                                                                              

Cashback rewards are received in XTP.

This XTP will remain locked for 1 year. This will be unlocked 1 year after the cashback is paid to them.  

The cashback typically takes between 24 to 36 hours to be credited to your account

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