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Crypto interest : What is P.A. crypto?

Exploring the world of crypto interest: what is APY and how does P.A. crypto help investors earn more with their digital assets.

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You might have come across the term p.a. in traditional investment cycles, but how does it relate to crypto? In this article, we’re breaking down what p.a. means, how to get in on it and how it relates to the crypto industry. 

What does P.A. mean?

P.a. is an investment term that stands for per annum. This refers to the interest an investor can gain over a year's period and provides insight into the yields that the investment will generate. This is calculated on a simple basis and not compound. 

You might see digital wallet platforms offering reward rates of 8% p.a. Or 14% p.a., this tells the potential investor that the platform will provide 8% of the initial investment, over a 12 month period. 

PA can also stand for price action, a popular term used on crypto Twitter. In this piece we're focusing on the annual interest rates version.

How can users make money with crypto assets?

There are several ways in with industry participants can earn cryptocurrency. Below we outline the most widely used, and safest options. Be sure to check each option with the relevant blockchain network as these will differ from network to network.

Crypto Mining

Crypto mining can be a lucrative means of generating a passive income, however, the costs might run high depending on where you live and what cryptocurrency you are mining. Each network has its own way of minting new coins, which require different hardware and electricity means. 

Bitcoin, for instance, is a Proof of Work network that requires miners to use large amounts of energy as they race to finish a complex cryptographic puzzle. The first to complete this is rewarded with mining the next block and receiving the associated payoffs. 

Bitcoin requires a large amount of electricity, not practical in areas with high electricity costs, and either a graphics processing unit (GPU) or an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), which can also be costly. 

If you wish to get involved with mining cryptocrrencies be sure to do adequate research on what will be required and what income this could generate before investing any money. 

Crypto Staking

Crypto staking is an alternative minting solution for Proof of Stake networks, such as Cardano and soon-to-be Ethereum. Crypto staking requires users putting their funds in a smart contract usually for a predetermined lock up period to confirm transactions on the network. This will typically require a minimum amount, so as to ensure that individuals hold a “stake” in the network and will act on good intentions. 

When crypto traders stake the minimum balance, a node will deposit these funds into a staking pool on the network, similar to a deposit. The bigger the stake, the higher the chances of that user, now referred to as a node, being chosen to verify transactions. When the node is chosen to confirm transactions, they will create a new block and receive a reward for adding it to the blockchain.

Reward rates are specific to each blockchain network so be sure to check the details relevant to platform on which you wish to stake. As a security mechanism, the staked coin in the network is typically taken away if the node acts with ill intent.

Passive Income

There are a number of crypto initiatives that allow users to earn passive income through their crypto assets. These work in a similar way to holding funds in a wallet, however, these wallets will likely be on a cryptocurrency exchange or DeFi wallet and the user will typically not be able to access the funds for a certain period of time. 

Over the duration the user will earn interest as stipulated in the initial agreement. Note that p.a. Values are subject to change with market fluctuations, rising when prices rise and falling when an asset’s price takes a dip. This typically works in the same way as a savings account.

Its worth noting that the onus lies on the traders to pay taxes on any income generated. It is important to check the crypto specific tax laws in your region.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for communication purposes only, you should not consider any such information, opinions, or other material as financial advice.

Make money with crypto without making a trade

Make passive income with crypto without lifting a finger. Discover the top strategies for earning money without making a trade in the digital asset market.

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There are plenty of reports of investors making huge gains in the crypto market over the years, however, there are plenty more ones on people who have lost money. While investing is designed to increase your personal wealth, many investors are often intimidated by the digital currency market due to its volatility and age. In this piece, we're going to run you through the various ways of making money from cryptocurrencies without making a single trade. 

After the economies around the world were deeply affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, now is as good a time as any to regain control over your funds and use passive income opportunities as a tool to do so. Tap into the innovation available in the crypto space to pay off your mortgage, bond or leverage your pension and forget about fluctuating market prices.

Passive income 101

The least risky way in which to build your personal wealth is through passive income. Passive income involves generating money from investments that don't require any intervention. This includes activities such as earning dividends from stocks, automated sales through a business, monthly or annual rental from properties, etc. 

Another avenue of passive income is earning interest on money in the bank. In this case, the bank will pay you a predetermined percentage of the funds stored in that account. Thankfully, the crypto space has caught up and currently has a number of programs that are offering crypto holders the same benefits, albeit with far greater interest rates. While the regulation surrounding these programs is still being structured, many reliable and trustworthy platforms are offering programs worth taking advantage of.

How to earn passive income with crypto

Below we explore several smart ways in which you can earn a passive income with crypto, all designed to grow your capital. These options are outside of the decentralized finance (DeFi) space so as to avoid any potential problems or scams, rather stick to reliable platforms and networks as outlined below.


As the crypto space has evolved, many platforms have shifted from the original Proof of Work consensus mechanism to a Proof of Stake one. PoW involves miners competing to solve a complex cryptographic puzzle in order to validate transactions on the network and earn the block reward.

PoS models are less energy-intensive and instead require validators on the network to stake a certain amount of the native cryptocurrency in order to validate the transactions and earn the reward. Anyone can get involved thanks to the likes of PoS platforms like Cardano, Polkadot, and Ethereum 2.0.

Stakers can delegate crypto to a validator and earn a portion of the payouts when the validator completes the process. Requiring very little technical knowledge and minimal capital (each platform is different), staking provides an easy opportunity for a cryptocurrency holder to earn passive income. 

Stakes can also opt to be a validator, which requires a considerable amount of effort and technical information. With two options available when it comes to staking, one can either opt to be a validator or delegate coins to a validator. The former will require more capital and attention but yield higher returns, while the latter provides lower returns but ensures that the validators do all the work. 


On the other side of the coin, there is mining. Mining is native to PoW networks and involves confirming transactions for a reward. Networks vary in terms of what computer resources one might need, although cheap electricity is essential as these machines typically require large amounts of power. 

The world of mining has progressed in leaps and bounds since the early days of using CPUs to mine Bitcoin. Should one want to explore this path, we advise you do extensive research on the cost implications beforehand. 


A method favoured by long term investors looking to earn interest on their already accumulated crypto assets, lending involves borrowing the funds to a platform in return for interest. These funds are typically locked away for a certain period of time in exchange for interest payments later on. 

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms usually have a fixed or variable interest rate and will handle the logistics of the borrower and lender. These types of services are often found on platforms that offer margin trading. 

Make money without engaging in any trades, with no betting on the outcome of the market. Passive income from cryptocurrencies can be done simply by storing your already accumulated digital currencies in an income-generating account. Experiences on various platforms will vary, however, in most cases the customer will deposit their funds into a specific account and earn interest in the same currency. Check the platform's publication for guidance if you need any assistance.

What is a yield?

Understanding yield: a beginner's guide to generating returns in the world of crypto and finance.

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When referring to the yield on an investment, this indicates the earnings generated over a certain period of time. It is generally presented in percentage form and includes the interest or dividends relevant to the initial investment. 

While returns are calculated using the difference in value at two specific points in time, the yield will calculate the total (net) value earned over a period of time. This provides an invaluable tool in helping you understand the potential value of an investment. 

Basic yield is calculated as the net realised return divided by the initial investment amount. For example, if an investor bought $100 worth of Bitcoin which grew to $2,000 in the next year, then the formula would look like this:

$1,900 / $100 = 19
-> which translates to 1900%. 

There are several different formulas based on the type of yield you wish to calculate. These include:

  • Yield on Stocks
  • Yield on Bonds
  • Yield to Maturity
  • Yield to Worst
  • Yield to Call

A high yield isn’t necessarily a good thing. Should the market’s decline or the company pays out high dividends the yield will still reflect as high. Always do your own research when considering an investment, or trust a financial advisor. 

crypto vs banking: which is a better choice?

Crypto vs banking: Choosing the best financial option for you. Comparing the benefits and limitations of cryptocurrency and traditional banking.

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The global financial crash in 2007 was the catalyst for the creation of Bitcoin. Designed to provide a decentralized way in which people can manage their own money, digital currencies slowly infiltrated the greater financial markets. 

Almost a decade later, crypto adoption is at its highest and for the first time challenging traditional financial institutions and their product range. So, which is better? Let's explore the pros and cons of each category. 

Blockchain technology has seen an incredible increase in interest in the last few years. While it provides a universal backbone relevant to almost any industry, it has also brought the world cryptocurrencies, NFTs, decentralized finance (DeFi) and other digital assets. 

Tackling existing centralized monetary challenges, blockchain technology and digital currencies are two of the greatest inventions of the 21st century. 

Digital currency versus banking

Cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital currencies that can be used to exchange goods and services as well as a store of value. They're typically acquired through crypto exchanges and kept in secure crypto wallets. These virtual currencies are autonomous, operate in a secure manner with little human interaction, and are increasingly considered the future of finance.

The predominant financial systems in the world are currently banks. They provide financial services to those that meet their requirements, including loans, savings, and other financial services. 

However, unlike cryptocurrencies, they have several problems core to them being centralized and susceptible to biases. They're also slower than cryptos, and some of them charge exorbitant interest rates on loans as well as routine purchases. 

The pros and cons of the Banking system vs digital currencies

There has been little development in the banking sector in the last several decades, so while the products are useful there has been very little innovation in the space. Below we outline the current challenges that the traditional systems face when compared to the advantages of a digital currency. 

Financial Inclusivity

Banks are notorious for requiring lengthy paperwork and in-depth background checks. They are also known to provide different products and limits to different groups of people, including payment durations, soft loans, limits, etc. 

When creating the digital currency Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto wanted to counteract this financial inclusivity pertaining to fiat currencies and the greater financial system and instead provide a financial product available to all. Cryptocurrencies, therefore, do not require any paperwork or identification to operate or open a digital wallet. 

While buying digital assets on an exchange will require personal information, they do not require any background checks or credit scores. Unlike in the traditional financial system, engaging in crypto markets is also not exclusive to location, allowing anyone from any corner of the globe to immediately access the digital payment systems. 


Banking institutions operate within certain hours and are closed on weekends, meaning that transactions can sometimes take days to clear. They will also typically require an in-person authentication for very large transactions, and affect the remittance markets in the global financial system. 

Cryptocurrencies on the other hand operate 24/7 (even on public holidays) as they are maintained by members all around the world. Cryptocurrencies provide zero downtime with unlimited amounts and do not require third-party authentication before making transactions. One digital currency can send value to the other side of the world in minutes, requiring no in-person authentication. 


The banking industry, particularly online systems, are susceptible to being hacked, alongside fraudulent activities and money embezzlement. While this is not always the direct fault of the central bank or financial institutions, it has become a common problem as ill actors have learned how to navigate the security systems and trick the owners of these accounts. 

Through the use of blockchain technology, transactions cannot be intercepted or reversed, and are handled in a peer-to-peer nature ensuring that they do not go through a third party for authentication and require minimal human interference. 

Fees and Transaction Times

During transaction periods, banks often add on extra costs and taxes. When sending and receiving money, banks frequently charge very high transaction fees and taxes, especially when conducting international remittances. These transactions also take a long time to clear due to their sluggish procedures, especially for large amounts of cash.

Cryptocurrencies provide an excellent solution to the remittance markets as they provide fast and cheap transactions. Blockchain technology ensures that they clear in several minutes (depending on the cryptocurrency and the network’s congestion at the time) and that they are sent directly to the recipient’s wallet (as opposed to waiting for the receiving bank to clear the transaction). 


Traditional banking services generally lack significant diversification options due to their competitive pricing structures. However, cryptocurrencies enable users to engage with multiple products simultaneously, which can provide opportunities for leveraging various networks and creating portfolios with reduced risk concentration.

Smart Contracts

Another advantage that blockchain currently holds over traditional banking systems is the use of smart contracts. Smart contracts are digital agreements that automatically execute once predetermined criteria have been met. Leveraging smart contracts in the financial services industry offers a seamless and entirely decentralized approach to modern banking.

Which is Better: The central bank or digital assets?

Comparing central banks and digital assets reveals intriguing aspects of both systems. Banking systems have become an integral part of modern society, underpinning economies and facilitating everyday financial transactions. They offer stability, regulatory frameworks, and familiarity to the masses.

On the other hand, cryptocurrencies introduce a realm of innovation. Their decentralized nature challenges traditional financial paradigms, enabling secure and direct peer-to-peer transactions. Additionally, cryptocurrencies empower novel applications such as smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), and tokenization of assets.

Selecting one over the other isn't straightforward due to their contrasting strengths. Central banks provide stability and a well-established foundation, while digital assets spark possibilities for disruption and financial inclusivity.

Presently, these financial systems coexist synergistically. The banking system maintains its role as a bedrock for economic operations, while digital assets complement by offering alternative avenues for value exchange and financial exploration. As both systems continue to evolve, it's likely that their interaction will shape the financial landscape in intricate and unexpected ways.

Why not use both? Tap offers the perfect solution to merging the best of both worlds through an innovative alt-banking mobile app. Through the app, users can load both fiat and cryptocurrencies into their unique, secure digital wallets and use both interchangeably to pay bills, send money to friends, and even earn interest. Get the best of both worlds by enjoying the benefits of both the traditional banking systems and cryptocurrencies. 

Why not harness the strengths of both paradigms? Embracing this dual approach, Tap presents a groundbreaking solution that seamlessly blends the attributes of both money accounts and digital assets within an innovative mobile application. Tap empowers users to effortlessly load fiat currencies alongside cryptocurrencies into their individualized, secure digital wallets.

This fusion enables users to fluidly alternate between these assets for various purposes, such as settling bills, conducting peer-to-peer transactions, and even capitalizing on interest-earning opportunities. By embracing this convergence, you can truly enjoy the advantages offered by both traditional finance and the dynamic potential of cryptocurrencies.

Are stablecoins the safe haven of crypto?

Amidst the volatility of cryptocurrencies, stablecoins have emerged as the safe haven of digital assets. But is this reputation warranted? Find out more.

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Since stablecoins emerged in the crypto sphere, many have questioned their legitimacy. While cryptocurrencies are perhaps more frequently used as a tool for value storage rather than a means of transaction, coins (or any financial products) that cannot appreciate in value certainly raise several questions. So why have stablecoins become so popular among businesses and individuals alike? Below we're taking a look at their use cases and reporting on whether they're the safe haven of crypto. 

What are stablecoins?

Before we continue, let's clarify what stablecoins are. These types of cryptocurrencies are "stable assets" that have their value pegged to a fiat currency or commodity. This might include the US dollar, Euros, the price of gold or even other cryptocurrencies. So while Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) are subject to bouts of volatility, stablecoins remain consistent with the price of the money they are pegged to.

Stablecoins are not to be confused with CBDCs (central bank digital currencies) which are operated by a government-controlled organisation, usually a country's national bank. Stablecoins are controlled by a company and utilise blockchain technology to facilitate transactions, store the relevant data and maintain security.

Stablecoins' economic policy ensures that they maintain their value through the use of smart contracts, algorithms and reserves. For each Tether in circulation, for example, one US dollar needs to be held in a reserve account. These types of cryptocurrency tokens provide a reliable and non-volatile means of making payments with the companies issuing them regulating the circulating supply.

What value do Stablecoins provide?

While many might not initially see that value in a fiat-pegged cryptocurrency, stablecoins are actually hugely useful in a largely volatile market. Let the current top 5 biggest cryptocurrencies based on market cap in the industry be an indication, with two of the five being stablecoins. 

As stablecoins utilise blockchain technology, the coins naturally inherit all the characteristics of seamless and fast digital transactions (as well as transparency when it comes to transactions). Much like traditional digital assets, stablecoins can be transferred across borders instantly, a much faster and cheaper alternative to using fiat currencies and without the chance of price swings. Users, whether consumers or businesses are able to buy, store and sell stablecoins as they would any other cryptocurrency on the market.

For example, should you wish to pay a business in another country for services rendered or any other expense, it would prove to be much faster and cheaper to use a stablecoin than to send your local currency via traditional banking services. Stablecoins offer a much more streamlined means of completing the job.

Stablecoins also provide an entry into exchanges that don't work with fiat currencies, providing a reliable means of trading on those platforms. Stablecoins have also come to be known as "risk-off" assets, giving newer traders a chance to "test" the markets without the volatility. 

This innovation in the blockchain space has opened many new markets to the use of cryptocurrencies, certainly more mainstream markets across a wide range of countries. As information regarding how they work spreads, more businesses have opened their mind to using them in everyday working life. Stablecoins have also become a popular option with users trading on DeFi (decentralised finance) platforms, providing a secure and efficient means of using the products.

Are stablecoins the safe haven of crypto?

In essence, yes. Since the advent of stablecoins (marked by the launch of Tether) in 2014, there has been a number of new stablecoins to emerge, resulting in more confidence in crypto markets. This has equated to more movement and trade volume, and a lower risk management sector.

So while one isn't going to make huge returns (if any) on stablecoins, they bring value to the market due to their stability and transaction ability. 

As stablecoins are used by traders to hedge against falling markets, they provide a safe haven for their digital funds until the markets return to normal levels. Businesses around the world use stablecoins as they provide a faster and cheaper means of settling bills, allowing them to harness the power of blockchain technology without the worry of prices rising or falling in a short space of time. 

Tap into stability

Tap can support your market entry endeavors by providing a platform to include a variety of assets in your portfolio. Whether you're considering accumulating stablecoins during market shifts or looking to engage in various transactions, Tap offers a streamlined experience. You can easily acquire, sell, trade, store, and manage widely utilized stablecoins like Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC), all from a single secure platform.

Tap now supports Aave (AAVE)

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Aave (AAVE) on Tap!

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We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Aave (AAVE) on Tap!

AAVE is now available for trading on the Tap mobile app. You can now Buy, Sell, Trade or hold AAVE for any of the other asset supported on the platform without any pair boundaries. Tap is pair agnostic, meaning you can trade any asset for any other asset without having to worries if a "trading pair" is available.

We believe supporting AAVE will provide value to our users. We are looking forward to continue supporting new crypto projects with the aim of providing access to financial power and freedom for all.

Aave is one of the leading decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols on the market, allowing users to easily borrow and lend over 20 different crypto assets. Leveraging the age-old financial practice of lending and borrowing, the platform empowers users to manage their assets in a decentralized manner.

AAVE is an ERC-20 token that acts as a backstop for the Aave protocol, protecting the system from having a shortage of capital. The Aave token allows users to vote on the platform’s direction and future Aave protocol developments. Aave token holders are granted voting rights based on their holdings. The Aave system uses fees paid on the platform to buy back AAVE tokens and remove them from circulation. Approximately 80% of the fees paid are used for this burn purpose, while 20% are used to incentivize lenders.

Get to know more about Aave (AAVE) in our dedicated article here.

News and updates

Tap Product Update: 2024

Take a look at Tap’s journey this year — from new breakthroughs, expansions, bold moves, and exciting changes that are reshaping your financial experience. Curious? Get all the details in our latest product update here.

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UK pricing update: Enhancing value for our UK users

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Tap temporarily suspends XTP locking/fees in compliance with FCA regulatory requirement

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Tap Teams Up with Notabene for Cryptocurrency Travel Rule Solutions

Tap is excited to announce its partnership with Notabene, enhancing compliance operations and ensuring adherence to cryptocurrency Travel Rule.

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TAP to pause U.K. client onboarding whilst taking steps meet new FCA Financial Promotions Regime

Tap hits pause on new UK customer onboarding until completion of a review to fully comply with the new FCA Regime.

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Tap partners with Total Processing

Tap's new partnership with Total Processing enables smoother Visa debit deposits, elevating Tap users satisfaction and payment convenience.

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The Journey to 200K Users: A tale of talent, tenacity, and tremendous support

Get ready to dive into a captivating fintech saga, where talent, determination, and community support lead us to 200K users!

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Tap now supports Ethereum Name Service (ENS).

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Ethereum Name Service (ENS) on Tap!

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Tap now supports Loopring (LRC).

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Loopring (LRC) on Tap!

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Tap partners with Sweatcoin

Tap partners with Sweatcoin for a healthier and financially inclusive world

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Tap now supports Kyber (KNC)

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Kyber (KNC) on Tap!

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Tap now supports Balancer (BAL)

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Balancer (BAL) on Tap!

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