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Millennials and Gen Z: The Catalysts of the Money Revolution?

Millennials and Gen Z are revolutionizing the financial landscape, leveraging cryptocurrencies to challenge traditional systems and redefine money itself. Curious about how this shift affects your financial future? Let's uncover the powerful changes they’re driving!

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The financial world is undergoing a significant transformation, largely driven by Millennials and Gen Z. These digital-native generations are embracing cryptocurrencies at an unprecedented rate, challenging traditional financial systems and catalysing a shift toward new forms of digital finance, redefining how we perceive and interact with money.

This movement is not just a fleeting trend but a fundamental change that is redefining how we perceive and interact with money.

Digital Natives Leading the Way

Growing up in the digital age, Millennials (born 1981-1996) and Gen Z (born 1997-2012) are inherently comfortable with technology. This familiarity extends to their financial behaviours, with a noticeable inclination toward adopting innovative solutions like cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

According to the Grayscale Investments and Harris Poll Report which studied Americans, 44% agree that “crypto and blockchain technology are the future of finance.” Looking more closely at the demographics, Millenials and Gen Z’s expressed the highest levels of enthusiasm, underscoring the pivotal role younger generations play in driving cryptocurrency adoption.

Desire for Financial Empowerment and Inclusion

Economic challenges such as the 2008 financial crisis and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have shaped these generations' perspectives on traditional finance. There's a growing scepticism toward conventional financial institutions and a desire for greater control over personal finances.

The Grayscale-Harris Poll found that 23% of those surveyed believe that cryptocurrencies are a long-term investment, up from 19% the previous year. The report also found that 41% of participants are currently paying more attention to Bitcoin and other crypto assets because of geopolitical tensions, inflation, and a weakening US dollar (up from  34%). 

This sentiment fuels engagement with cryptocurrencies as viable investment assets and tools for financial empowerment.

Influence on Market Dynamics

The collective financial influence of Millennials and Gen Z is significant. Their active participation in cryptocurrency markets contributes to increased liquidity and shapes market trends. Social media platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and TikTok have become pivotal in disseminating information and investment strategies among these generations.

The rise of cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu demonstrates how younger investors leverage online communities to impact financial markets2. This phenomenon shows their ability to mobilise and drive market movements, challenging traditional investment paradigms.

Embracing Innovation and Technological Advancement

Cryptocurrencies represent more than just investment opportunities; they embody technological innovation that resonates with Millennials and Gen Z. Blockchain technology and digital assets are areas where these generations are not only users but also contributors.

A 2021 survey by Pew Research Center indicated that 31% of Americans aged 18-29 have invested in, traded, or used cryptocurrency, compared to just 8% of those aged 50-64. This significant disparity highlights the generational embrace of digital assets and the technologies underpinning them.

Impact on Traditional Financial Institutions

The shift toward cryptocurrencies is prompting traditional financial institutions to adapt. Banks, investment firms, and payment platforms are increasingly integrating crypto services to meet the evolving demands of younger clients.

Companies like PayPal and Square have expanded their cryptocurrency offerings, allowing users to buy, hold, and sell cryptocurrencies directly from their platforms. These developments signify the financial industry's recognition of the growing importance of cryptocurrencies.

Challenges and Considerations

While enthusiasm is high, challenges such as regulatory uncertainties, security concerns, and market volatility remain. However, Millennials and Gen Z appear willing to navigate these risks, drawn by the potential rewards and alignment with their values of innovation and financial autonomy.

In summary

Millennials and Gen Z are redefining the financial landscape, with their embrace of cryptocurrencies serving as a catalyst for broader change. This isn't just about alternative investments; it's a shift in how younger generations view financial systems and their place within them. Their drive for autonomy, transparency, and technological integration is pushing traditional institutions to innovate rapidly.

This generational influence extends beyond personal finance, potentially reshaping global economic structures. For industry players, from established banks to fintech startups, adapting to these changing preferences isn't just advantageous—it's essential for long-term viability.

As cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology mature, we're likely to see further transformations in how society interacts with money. Those who can navigate this evolving landscape, balancing innovation with stability, will be well-positioned for the future of finance. It's a complex shift, but one that offers exciting possibilities for a more inclusive and technologically advanced financial ecosystem. The financial world is changing, and it's the young guns who are calling the shots.

Tap Product Update: 2024

Take a look at Tap’s journey this year — from new breakthroughs, expansions, bold moves, and exciting changes that are reshaping your financial experience. Curious? Get all the details in our latest product update here.

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In the fast-paced world of fintech, standing still means falling behind. At Tap, we've embraced this ethos wholeheartedly, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in digital finance. As we reflect on the first half of this year, we're proud to share a story of relentless innovation, expansion, and customer-centric improvements that have solidified our position as an innovative crypto-fintech player.

A Fresh Face for Finance

Our journey this year began with a seemingly simple yet profoundly impactful change – we gave our card a fresh new look. This was more than just aesthetics; it was a statement. In a world where your card is an extension of your digital identity, we wanted to ensure that every time our users reach for their Tap card, they feel a sense of pride and modernity.

Our community spoke, and we listened. Our users, ever  trendsetters, made it clear: they wanted to flaunt their Tap cards without turning their hands into impromptu privacy screens. The result? A card so sleek, so modern, that it practically begs to be photographed which makes a big difference in today's social media-driven world.

But we didn't stop at the surface. While giving our cards a modern facelift, our engineering dev team was hard at work enhancing our platform's core. We’ve also added a new exchange to our smart router and improved trading execution times. For our users, this means faster, more efficient transactions – because in the world of finance, every second counts.

Unparalleled Rewards - The Game-Changing Cashback Feature

Our standout achievement this year is undoubtedly the launch of our new Cashback feature. Born from the vocal requests of our vibrant community, this feature offers one of the industry-leading Cashback rates of up to 8% on card purchases. It's more than just a perk, it's a game changer that puts real rewards back into our users' pockets with every transaction.

This feature also breathes new life into our native XTP token, creating a symbiotic ecosystem where token holders can unlock even more value. By embedding XTP directly into our Cashback system, we've supercharged its Tokenomics, seamlessly connecting the best of traditional finance and crypto in a way that's simple, rewarding, and user-centric.

Expanding Horizons: Conquering the American Frontier

Our ambition knows no borders, and this year, we've made significant strides in our global expansion, particularly in the USA. This wasn't just another market entry – it was a testament to Tap’s resilience and unwavering commitment to our global vision.

The path to the US market was fraught with challenges. The regulatory landscape in the USA is notoriously complex, and the new government crackdown in early 2023 delayed our expansion plans, halting our launch just one week before it was set to go live. 

While this setback caused many companies to retreat from the jurisdiction, we saw it as an opportunity to demonstrate our adaptability and determination.

In the face of these obstacles, we didn't just persevere – we thrived. We've built a new, updated app platform specifically for our American users, tailored to navigate the intricate regulatory environment while delivering the innovative financial solutions Tap is known for.

Our successful expansion into the USA, despite the hurdles, is more than just a new market entry. It's a clear signal of Tap’s global ambitions and our ability to adapt and excel in even the most challenging environments.

Premium Experiences for Premium Users

Recognising that our users' needs evolve, we've introduced new premium user tiers. These tiers are designed to offer tailored experiences that align with the diverse financial journeys of our users and to fit every taste and budget. This is a reimagining of how financial services can be personalised.

Each plan now includes our brand new Cashback feature, allowing users to earn as they spend, and a dedicated market newsletter to keep them informed and empowered in their financial decisions. From the budget-conscious to the exclusivity seeker, there's now a Tap experience crafted for everyone.

Elevating the User Experience

Many of you requested this add on and that’s why we've introduced a search bar – a simple addition that makes navigating our feature-rich app a breeze. This simple yet effective addition makes it easier for users to find specific features, transactions, or information within the app.

The search functionality helps both new and experienced users navigate our growing range of services more efficiently, saving time and improving overall satisfaction with the app.

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide diverse financial options, we've expanded our cryptocurrency offerings this year. We've added two new tokens to our platform: GALA and YFI, giving our users more choice in their crypto investments.

Additionally, we've introduced an in-app XTP-BTC trading pair. This new feature allows users to conveniently trade between our native token and Bitcoin directly within the Tap app.

Strengthening Our Core: Behind-the-Scenes

While the changes mentioned above are the ones you can see and touch, they're just the tip of the iceberg. Behind the scenes, we've implemented close to 80 improvements that, while not immediately visible, have dramatically enhanced the overall user experience. 

From app fluidity enhancements to reinforced security measures and new provider integrations, we've been working round the clock to make your Tap experience smoother, safer, and more efficient than ever before.

Looking Ahead

As we move into the second half of the year, we're more excited than ever about the future of Tap. We're not just a financial app; we're your partner in navigating the complex world of modern finance. 

With every update, every new feature, and every market we enter, we're driven by a single goal: to empower you to get more from your money.

The story of Tap is one of constant evolution, and we're thrilled to have you along for the ride. Here's to the innovations of today and the financial revolutions of tomorrow.

How to find opportunities in crypto volatility

Unlock the potential of crypto volatility and explore strategies that could help you navigate market swings and boost returns.

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Volatility has become a defining characteristic of the cryptocurrency market, however, it doesn’t need to be a negative thing. As these digital assets experience significant price swings, driven by factors like speculation, regulation changes, and technological developments, this presents a perfect opportunity to potentially generate substantial returns. 

This article explores strategies to capitalise on crypto volatility, including dollar-cost averaging, swing trading, leverage, and arbitrage. By understanding and embracing volatility, investors can navigate the market's ups and downs and potentially unlock rewarding gains in this dynamic landscape. Let’s dive in.

Understanding what volatility is

Volatility in finance refers to how much an asset price moves up and down over time. There’s no denying that cryptocurrency prices are known for being highly volatile and changing a lot in a short time, or that in many cases this has led traders to a rather healthy return on investment. While also synonymous with the stock market, volatility is typically caused by things like investors speculating and trading based on emotions, news stories that impact cryptocurrencies or shares, and uncertainty around government regulations or geopolitical events. 

Since cryptocurrencies are still fairly new and can be traded globally 24/7, their prices tend to swing wildly. These unpredictable price swings are common in crypto markets, so it's important to understand what causes the big ups and downs, how they contribute to greater economic growth, and to understand the importance of having a solid risk management strategy in place. 

Strategies for capitalising on crypto volatility

No matter which currency you are trading, one common strategy in taking advantage of volatility is dollar-cost averaging (DCA), this means investing a fixed amount at regular intervals regardless of price. DCA allows you to buy more when prices are low and less when prices are high, smoothing out the impact of volatility over time. For example, investing $100 weekly into Bitcoin.

Another approach is buying the dips, purchasing after a price drop, aiming to get in at lower levels. However, trying to "catch a falling knife" by buying too early carries risks. Technical analysis can help identify potential dip-buying opportunities for finding the best value.

Taking profits during rallies is also a key strategy used by investors. This involves setting target prices to sell portions of your holdings allowing you to secure gains amid volatility. A trailing stop-loss strategy can automate this, selling if prices retrace a set percentage from recent highs. It's important to remember that this strategy needs to be monitored and adjusted according to market movements.

Don't put all your eggs in one crypto basket. Diversification is crucial for managing risk in volatile markets. Spread investments across various cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and asset classes like stocks to buffer volatility's impacts.

While lucrative opportunities exist in crypto volatility, appropriate risk management is crucial. Start small, learn strategies gradually, and as the trading law goes: never risk more than you can afford to lose.

The importance of proper risk management

Managing risk carefully and having an effective risk management plan in place is very important when trading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and other altcoins. Using stop-loss orders to automatically exit losing trades and sizing your position properly for your account size can help limit losses. However, be cautious about overtrading or putting too much money into extremely volatile crypto assets. Having too much exposure increases your risks dramatically and may cost you in the long run.

Instead, make sure that you diversify your portfolio and follow a disciplined trading plan as responsible risk management protects your capital and helps ensure long-term success in this unpredictable market.


While volatility defines the cryptocurrency market, it also presents opportunities for savvy investors. By embracing strategies like dollar-cost averaging, buying dips, taking profits during rallies, and diversifying across assets, you can navigate volatility's ups and downs. However, proper risk management through stop losses, position sizing, and avoiding overexposure is paramount. 

Start small, learn gradually, and never risk more than you can afford to lose. With discipline and a solid strategy, you can unlock crypto volatility's potential rewards while mitigating risks in this dynamic landscape. The key is understanding volatility's drivers and harnessing its power through proven tactics. Approach with caution, but don't let volatility's roller coaster scare you away from crypto's wealth-building possibilities.

How to find a Bitcoin ATM near me

Looking for a Bitcoin ATM near you? Discover how to easily locate, use, and safely navigate Bitcoin ATMs with our comprehensive guide.

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Much like traditional ATMs, Bitcoin ATMs are specialized ATMs that allow users to buy or sell Bitcoin using cash, bank transfers or debit cards. These machines provide a convenient way to exchange traditional currency for cryptocurrency, or vice versa. In this article, we’re doing a deep dive on everything you need to know about using Bitcoin ATMs, including how to find one.  

The benefits of using a Bitcoin ATM

There are a number of reasons one might look to use a Bitcoin ATM instead of an exchange or wallet app. 

  • Accessibility & Convenience

Easily buy and sell Bitcoin without complex online processes.
Located in high-traffic areas, easy to access.

  • Instant transactions

No waiting for bank transfers or exchange processing.

  • No bank account needed

Accessible to unbanked or underbanked individuals.
Provides a reliable option where traditional banking is unavailable.

Security concerns when using a Bitcoin ATM

Bitcoin ATMs offer a quick, accessible way to enter the cryptocurrency market, especially for those seeking more privacy or lacking traditional banking options. However, there are also downsides one should be aware of:

  • Fraud and theft risks

ATMs can be targets for criminals. Always be aware of your surroundings and use ATMs in well-lit, public areas. 

  • Secure your Bitcoin wallet

Ensure that your Bitcoin wallet is ironclad, using strong passwords with two-factor authentication. Also, ensure that if using an exchange wallet that the platform is reliable and regulated.

  • Tips for safe Bitcoin ATM transactions
  • Verify all transaction details before confirming
  • Don’t share sensitive information with anyone
  • Don't accept help from strangers
  • Keep your receipt
  • Monitor your wallet for discrepancies

By staying alert and following these precautions, you can safely use Bitcoin ATMs while minimizing security risks.

Fees associated with using a Bitcoin ATM

Bitcoin ATM fees typically consist of transaction fees (usually a percentage) and network fees for Bitcoin transfers. These rates can vary significantly between ATMs and operators, so it's best to use online comparison tools to find the best deals. 

To minimize costs, consider using ATMs with lower fees, even if they're less convenient. And note that conducting larger transactions can reduce the impact of flat fees, while alternative methods might be more cost-effective for smaller amounts. 

Keep in mind that Bitcoin ATM fees are generally higher than those on online exchanges, so always check the fee structure before transacting to avoid unexpected costs. 

How to find a Bitcoin ATM near me

Finding a Bitcoin ATM near you is easier than you might think, with various online tools and local resources at your disposal. Whether you prefer using Google, mobile apps, or exploring your local area, there are multiple ways to find a Bitcoin ATM near you.

  1. Online directories and maps

• Use websites like Coin ATM Radar or Bitcoin.com ATM Map 

• Enter your location to find nearby ATMs 

• Filter results by buy/sell options and supported cryptocurrencies

  1. Mobile apps

• Download apps like Bitcoin ATM Map or CoinATMRadar 

• Enable location services for real-time nearby ATM info 

• Get directions and ATM details on-the-go

  1. Local businesses and retail locations

• Check convenience stores, gas stations, and shopping malls 

• Ask cryptocurrency-friendly businesses for recommendations 

• Look for Bitcoin ATM signage in high-traffic areas

Remember to verify the ATM's legitimacy and compare fees before you use one. Not all Bitcoin ATMs are created equal, do your research. 

How to use a Bitcoin ATM for buying/selling crypto

Once you’ve DYOR and found a reliable Bitcoin ATM, using it is straightforward. To buy or sell cryptocurrency, start by selecting your transaction type on the machine's interface. 

You'll typically need to verify your identity by scanning an ID or entering a phone number, depending on the amount you’d like to buy or sell and your local regulations. Next, enter your wallet address or scan its QR code. 

For buying, insert cash and for selling, send Bitcoin to the provided address. Once the transaction is processed, you'll receive a confirmation and receipt. Keep this safe until the Bitcoin has been deposited into your wallet.

As with any crypto transaction, always double-check all details before finalizing your transaction.

An easier alternative: Tap into the future

Why hunt for Bitcoin ATMs when you can have an all in one crypto app in your pocket? The Tap app revolutionizes how you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies. No more searching for ATMs or carrying cash - simply open the app and trade a wide range of digital assets instantly. 

With high-grade security and the freedom to transact anywhere, anytime, Tap offers unparalleled convenience. Enjoy lower fees, a sleek interface, and portfolio management in one secure location (your phone).

Whether you're a crypto novice or a seasoned trader, Tap delivers a seamless experience that traditional ATMs can't match. Ready to upgrade your crypto game? Tap into the future of digital asset trading.

Navigating the "boring zone" of crypto cycles

Crypto's 'boring zone' is here. Learn why staying patient during this lull could be your best move yet.

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The crypto market has entered a phase that veterans often call the "boring zone." It's a time when:

  • Bitcoin's price seems stuck, fluctuating between $50,000 and $70,000 for months.
  • Altcoins are in an even deeper slumber, with many down 50-80% from their peaks.
  • Trading volumes on major exchanges have plummeted, dropping 30% from the last bull market's heights.

Sound familiar? It should. This lull is a recurring theme in the crypto market cycle, and historically, it's often the calm before the storm. It’s also a common attribute after a recent Bitcoin halving. 

Let's look at what happened after previous Bitcoin halvings:

  • 2012 Halving: 92 days until new all-time high
  • 2016 Halving: 291 days until new all-time high
  • 2020 Halving: 216 days until new all-time high

For perspective, 28 July 2024 marks 100 days from the most recent halving, with 25 February 2025 marking the 300-day mark. 

The power of patient investing

Investing in cryptocurrencies over longer time horizons can be likened to early-stage venture investing, where patience could potentially lead to significant returns. While past performance doesn't guarantee future results, historical examples like Ethereum and Solana demonstrate this potential. 

Ethereum, launching at less than $1 in 2014, and Solana, starting below $1 in 2020, have since seen their values grow to over $3,000 and $140 respectively as of early 2024.

In the crypto space, what’s known as the HODL approach, emphasises the power of time and compound growth, similar to that of traditional asset classes. The idea is straightforward: if you've taken a position in a project you believe has strong fundamentals, maintaining that position through periods of high volatility could potentially lead to significant gains.

To illustrate this point further, in 2010, Bitcoin was worth less than $0.01. By April 2024, it had reached around $70,000. An investor who bought $100 worth of Bitcoin in 2010 and held it until 2024 would have seen their investment grow to millions of dollars.

Strategies for surviving (and thriving) in the "boring zone"

During quiet periods in crypto dive deeper into blockchain fundamentals, research promising projects, instead of anxiously checking prices or reacting to every piece of news, use this time productively.

Alternatively, for those with capital to invest, dollar-cost averaging (DCA) could be something to consider. A Vanguard study found that DCA outperformed lump-sum investing in 68% of cases during market downturns, highlighting its potential effectiveness in notoriously volatile markets.

Know with certainty that this "boring zone" is often temporary. Based on previous cycles, we might see a new Bitcoin all-time high in 30 to 150 days, and once Bitcoin breaks its previous record, top altcoin projects have historically seen gains of 200% to 1,000%.

By staying patient and disciplined during quiet periods, you can be prepared for potential opportunities that may arise as the crypto market evolves. Remember, while historical patterns offer insights, they don't guarantee future results, but these historical patterns are worth considering as you plan your strategy.

We get it, the waiting game is hard

Holding onto your crypto during boring market times can be tougher than you'd think. When prices aren't moving much, it's easy to get antsy or start doubting your choices. But keeping a cool head and being rational is key to long-term success.

First off, remember why you got into crypto in the first place. Was it the tech? The potential? Keep that big picture in mind. It helps to set realistic expectations too - crypto's known for its ups and downs, so flat periods are normal.

Try to limit how often you check prices. Constantly peeking at your portfolio can drive you nuts during slow times. Instead, focus on other parts of your life or dive deeper into learning about blockchain.

Connecting with other crypto fans can help too. Chat about ideas, not just prices. And don't forget to celebrate small wins - even if the market's quiet, projects are still developing and growing.

Stay patient, stay curious, and remember: in crypto, today's boredom could be tomorrow's excitement.

Why stablecoins depeg

Ever wondered why stablecoins depeg? Explore the what, how and why of this unfortunate process, and understand the consequences.

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What is a stablecoin?

A stablecoin is a cryptocurrency that aims to keep its value consistent with a specific asset or group of assets, in other words, its value is pegged to the underlying asset. Unlike volatile cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, stablecoins aim to provide the benefits of digital currencies without the wild price fluctuations. Most commonly, stablecoins are pegged to fiat currencies like the US dollar, with one coin typically equaling one dollar.

How do stablecoins maintain their value?

Stablecoins use various mechanisms to maintain their peg:

  1. Collateralised stablecoins

These are backed by reserves of the pegged asset. For every stablecoin issued, there should be an equivalent amount of the asset held in reserve (in a bank). Examples include USDC and USDT.

  1. Algorithmic stablecoins

These use smart contracts and algorithms to automatically adjust supply based on demand, theoretically maintaining the peg. An example was TerraUSD (UST) before its collapse.

  1. Hybrid models

Some stablecoins combine collateral backing with algorithmic mechanisms.

Maintaining the peg often involves continuous market operations, such as minting new coins when demand increases or burning excess supply when demand decreases.

What does it mean when a stablecoin depegs?

When a stablecoin "depegs," it means its value has deviated significantly from its intended peg. For instance, if a USD-pegged stablecoin trades at $0.95 or $1.05 instead of $1.00, it's considered depegged. Minor fluctuations are normal, but substantial or prolonged deviations indicate a problem.

Why does this happen?

Stablecoins can depeg for several reasons:

  1. Market pressure: Extreme market conditions can lead to massive sell-offs, overwhelming the stabilising mechanisms.
  2. Loss of confidence: If users doubt the stablecoin's backing or the issuer's credibility, they may rush to sell, causing a depeg.
  3. Insufficient collateral: If a stablecoin isn't adequately backed by reserves, it may struggle to maintain its peg during high-stress periods.
  4. Algorithm failures: For algorithmic stablecoins, flaws in the stabilising mechanism can lead to depegging.
  5. Regulatory issues: Legal challenges or regulatory crackdowns can shake confidence in a stablecoin.
  6. Liquidity crises: If there's not enough liquidity in the market, it can be difficult to maintain the peg.
  7. External economic factors: Major economic events or changes in monetary policy can affect a stablecoin's stability.

What are the consequences of a stablecoin depegging?

The consequences of a stablecoin depegging can be severe and far-reaching:

Loss of user funds

Investors holding the stablecoin may face significant losses if the value drops substantially.

Market volatility

A major stablecoin depegging can trigger broader crypto market sell-offs and instability.

Loss of trust

Depegging events can erode confidence in the entire stablecoin market and the specific project.

Regulatory scrutiny

Such events often lead to increased regulatory attention on stablecoins and the broader crypto industry.

Disruption of crypto ecosystems

Many DeFi protocols rely on stablecoins; a depeg can disrupt these systems. And as stablecoins are often used as collateral, depegging can trigger mass liquidations and potential system-wide instability.

Project failure

In extreme cases, like with Terra/LUNA, a stablecoin depeg can lead to the complete collapse of the associated project and ecosystem.

Understanding the mechanisms behind stablecoins and the risks of depegging is crucial for anyone involved in the cryptocurrency space. While stablecoins play a vital role in the crypto ecosystem, providing a bridge between traditional finance and the volatile world of digital assets, they are not without risks. Be sure to always do your own research before engaging in the crypto space.



News and updates

Tap Product Update: 2024

Take a look at Tap’s journey this year — from new breakthroughs, expansions, bold moves, and exciting changes that are reshaping your financial experience. Curious? Get all the details in our latest product update here.

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UK pricing update: Enhancing value for our UK users

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Tap Opens Greek Offices, Expanding Its Global Reach

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Simplifying Your Spending: Why Tap’s New Partnership with TapiX Matters to You

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Public Announcement from the Tap Team Regarding Bittrex Global's Upcoming Closure

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Tap temporarily suspends XTP locking/fees in compliance with FCA regulatory requirement

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Tap Teams Up with Notabene for Cryptocurrency Travel Rule Solutions

Tap is excited to announce its partnership with Notabene, enhancing compliance operations and ensuring adherence to cryptocurrency Travel Rule.

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TAP to pause U.K. client onboarding whilst taking steps meet new FCA Financial Promotions Regime

Tap hits pause on new UK customer onboarding until completion of a review to fully comply with the new FCA Regime.

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Tap partners with Total Processing

Tap's new partnership with Total Processing enables smoother Visa debit deposits, elevating Tap users satisfaction and payment convenience.

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The Journey to 200K Users: A tale of talent, tenacity, and tremendous support

Get ready to dive into a captivating fintech saga, where talent, determination, and community support lead us to 200K users!

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Tap now supports Ethereum Name Service (ENS).

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Ethereum Name Service (ENS) on Tap!

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Tap now supports Loopring (LRC).

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Loopring (LRC) on Tap!

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Tap partners with Sweatcoin

Tap partners with Sweatcoin for a healthier and financially inclusive world

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Tap now supports Kyber (KNC)

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Kyber (KNC) on Tap!

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Tap now supports Balancer (BAL)

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Balancer (BAL) on Tap!

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