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How to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies

Cracking the crypto code: Discover the potential rewards, pitfalls, and strategies for navigating the dynamic and ever-changing world of cryptocurrency.

How to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies
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Bitcoin, and many other cryptocurrency markets, have seen a phenomenal influx of funds recently, with the overall market cap reaching just shy of $3 trillion. This bullish market presents an advantageous set-up to make money. Trading, while profitable, introduces an array of issues that may be hard for newbies to overcome. 

If you are looking to make profits without the added risks then investing may be your best bet. But before you get into investing, there are some basic concepts you will need to grasp in order to make an informed decision. In this article, we're covering how to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and what the difference is between investing and trading.  

Investing vs Trading 

To make a long story short, investing refers to long-term holdings while trading refers to short-term holdings, both are seeking profits within the market.

Generally speaking, investors are after greater returns over a longer period of time while traders seek to draw smaller, more frequent returns from rising and falling markets in a much shorter time frame. Trading thrives off of volatile markets, whereas investing seeks more stable options for longer-term rewards. Both provide the opportunity for profits, but each has benefits and flaws of its own. 

For newbies and those who have a more busy lifestyle, investing is the best option as it does not depend on your understanding and monitoring of market movements. Trading on the other hand is more of a career path, it requires considerably more time dedication, while also holding greater risk. As the saying goes, all traders should be investing but not all investors should be trading. 

It's important to note that both investing and trading have their own tax regulations and it is on the individual to find out and adhere to these laws. Bank on paying taxes on any returns made, as a general rule of thumb, but always research the guidance information relevant to your jurisdiction, i.e. tax paid on crypto returns will vary from the UK to Germany.

Bitcoin vs Altcoins 

Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency to come into existence, boasts an impressive market cap and is the highest valued cryptocurrency to date. After it launched in 2009, many cryptocurrencies followed suit and were coined "alternative coins" which soon became shortened to altcoins. While these originally focused on payment-centred cryptocurrencies, today the term altcoin essentially refers to any cryptocurrency that isn't Bitcoin. 

When it comes to investing and Bitcoin vs altcoins, Bitcoin has proven to be the most valuable coin however there are plenty of small to medium cap markets that experience incredible growth. Consider Bitcoin's large price point to be a hindrance to short term investments, but more powerful in the long run. 

To put it into perspective, data shows that if you invested $50,000 into Bitcoin when it was trading around $60,000, you would have to wait for Bitcoin to hit $120,000 before you double your investment. However, if you invested that same $50,000 into an altcoin when it was worth $1, it would only have to reach $2 for you to double your money which is a lot more likely than Bitcoin doubling in the same period. However, this doesn't ring true to all altcoins and one must always do thorough research before investing. 

Altcoins come in all different shapes and sizes, some tackling industries from medical to real estate, all backed by the financial aspect of blockchain technology. Investing is about more than just profits, it is also about the project. Is it something you are interested in and could benefit from in the future? Is it something that could change the world for the better? Does it have real-world use cases? 

All of these are factors to consider when planning to invest. The potential behind the project is oftentimes what secures it as a viable investment option, promising great opportunity for adoption, stability, and growth. At the end of the day, investing in altcoins requires a considerable amount of research.

Where And How To Invest

The first thing you need to consider is which exchange and wallet you will be using. Long term investments mean you need to find a platform you can trust to store your funds in a longer-term time frame. This is the key to securing your investment, rather than coming back a year or two later to discover your funds are gone. 

Some people recommend companies offering hardware wallets to reinforce that investment "do not touch" mindset while others prefer web wallets that are more accessible. It's really up to you which platform you decide you go with, considering all the features and factors, your needs, and confirming your decision with your own research. Make sure to stay up to date on the platform you are storing your funds on to be alerted of any software upgrades, if any hacks occur or if a platform closure notice goes up. 

At Tap, we have integrated a hyper-secure wallet into our mobile app, allowing anyone, anywhere to securely store their funds. We are licensed and regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and hold insurance of up to $100 million, ensuring the protection of your digital assets at all times. The mobile app also grants users access to a number of cryptocurrency markets, where you can freely buy, sell and manage your portfolio.

Final Thoughts 

Investment as a term isn't a difficult concept to catch onto, but finding the right investment is the important part. It is always recommended that you do your own research, and in-depth analysis at that, and don't be scared to diversify your assets. The investment world is yours for the taking, so get out there and start building a lucrative investment portfolio.


What is Bitcoin and how does it work?

Bitcoin is arguably this century's greatest innovation: a decentralised digital currency built on blockchain technology that allows for the transfer of value across the internet. This peer-to-peer digital cash system facilitates international payments at a fraction of the cost and time that fiat transactions of that nature take and are as simple as sending an email. Instead of being controlled and managed by banks or government entities, new coins are regularly entered into circulation through the process of mining. You can learn more about Bitcoin, blockchain transparency, and its lack of intermediaries from our guides.

Should I invest in Bitcoin?

As mentioned above, Bitcoin holds great market potential for both investors and traders. Since 2009, Bitcoin has performed well in terms of displaying strong ROIs, something most investors see as a benefit for future gains. However, investing in Bitcoin comes with its own risks that each individual should consider before entering the market. As a rule, never invest more than you are willing to lose.

Which are the three biggest cryptocurrencies?

Currently, based on market cap the three biggest cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tether.

What are the alternatives to Bitcoin?

Alternatives to Bitcoin are referred to as altcoins. While there are thousands of cryptocurrencies on the market, not all are worth investing in. It's best to research each coin individually and weigh up the project before investing in it. Consider a cryptocurrency as a company, and purchasing coins as buying shares in the business.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for communication purposes only, you should not consider any such information, opinions or other material as financial advice. The information herein does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation to purchase/invest in any crypto assets and is not to be taken as a recommendation that any particular investment or trading approach is appropriate for any specific person. There is a possibility of risk in investing in crypto assets and investors are exposed to fluctuations in the crypto asset market. This communication should be read in conjunction with Tap's Terms and Conditions.


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