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What is net worth?

Learn what net worth means and how it's calculated. Gain insights into managing personal finances and building wealth, and empower your financial journey.

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Whether you’re a strong investor or just starting out, understanding your net worth is a crucial step toward gaining control over your financial health. Knowing what net worth entails and how to calculate it provides valuable insights that empower you to make informed choices and build a stronger financial future. 

In this article, we will explore the concept of net worth, discuss the factors that influence it, guide you through the calculation process, and provide practical examples to enhance your understanding.

Understanding net worth

Net worth is a comprehensive financial metric that reflects your financial standing. It represents the difference between your assets and liabilities, giving you a holistic view of your wealth. 

Unlike income, which represents your earnings over a specific period, net worth offers a long-term perspective by considering both what you own and what you owe. Understanding what net worth means allows you to evaluate your financial progress, set realistic goals, and make informed decisions about your financial well-being.

Factors affecting your net worth

There are several factors that need to be considered when calculating your net worth:


Your income plays a significant role in determining your net worth. It includes earnings from various sources such as salaries, investments, and side businesses. The higher your income, the more potential you have to accumulate wealth. 

However, it's important to remember that sustainable wealth is not solely dependent on income but also on effective management of expenses.


Assets are valuable resources that contribute to your net worth. They can include investments, savings, real estate properties, and personal possessions. By acquiring appreciating assets and diversifying your portfolio, you can increase your net worth over time. Understanding the value and potential growth of your assets is crucial for making informed financial decisions.

Liabilities and Debts

When liabilities exceed assets, on the other hand, this decreases your net worth. Liabilities and debt encompass mortgages, loans, credit card balances, and any outstanding payments. Minimizing liabilities and managing debts effectively is vital for improving your net worth. 

Net worth is calculated by subtracting the value of your liabilities from the value of your assets.

By reducing high-interest debts and maintaining a healthy debt-to-income ratio, you can positively impact your overall financial health. A healthy debt-to-income ratio is considered to be at or below 43%, meaning that you are spending at or less than 43% of your income on debt payments.

How to calculate net worth

Whether your goal is to improve your net worth or aspire to be one of the high-net-worth individuals in your country, calculating your net worth is an integral step to achieving these. To calculate your net worth, you will need to:

  1. Write a list of all your assets and their estimated values.
  2. Summarize your liabilities, including outstanding debts and obligations.
  3. Subtract your total liabilities from your total assets to determine your net worth.

By regularly updating and monitoring your net worth statement, you can track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Example of a positive net worth calculation

To illustrate what it looks like to calculate a positive average net worth, see this example below:

Step 1: Write a list of all your assets and their estimated values


Home: The current market value of Sarah's primary residence is $400,000.

Savings: Sarah has $50,000 in her savings account.

Investment portfolio: Sarah's investments, including stocks and bonds, are valued at $150,000.

Retirement account: Sarah has a 401(k) retirement account with a balance of $200,000.

Vehicle: Sarah owns a car, which is valued at $20,000.

Step 2: Summarize your liabilities, including outstanding debts and obligations


Mortgage: Sarah still owes $200,000 on her mortgage.

Student loan: Sarah has a remaining balance of $30,000 on her student loan.

Step 3: Subtract your total liabilities from your total assets to determine your net worth

Total Assets

$400,000 (Home) + $50,000 (Savings) + $150,000 (Investment Portfolio) + $20,000 (Vehicle) = $620,000

Total Liabilities

$200,000 (Mortgage) + $30,000 (Student Loan) = $230,000

Net Worth

Total Assets - Total Liabilities = $620,000 - $230,000 = $390,000

Based on these calculations, Sarah's net worth is $390,000. This positive average net worth indicates that her total assets exceed her total liabilities, representing her wealth and financial standing. It showcases her financial progress and the value of her accumulated assets.

Example of a negative net worth calculation

To illustrate what it looks like to calculate a negative net worth, see this example below:

Step 1: Write a list of all your assets and their estimated values


Car: Mark owns a car valued at $10,000.

Personal possessions: Mark has various personal possessions valued at approximately $5,000.

Step 2: Summarize your liabilities, including outstanding debts and obligations


Student loan: Mark has a student loan debt with an outstanding balance of $50,000.

Credit card debt: Mark has accumulated a card debt totaling $8,000.

Medical expenses: Mark has unpaid medical bills amounting to $3,000.

Step 2: Subtract your total liabilities from your total assets to determine your net worth

Total Assets

$10,000 (Car) + $5,000 (Personal Possessions) = $15,000

Total Liabilities

$50,000 (Student Loan) + $8,000 (Credit Card Debt) + $3,000 (Medical Expenses) = $61,000

Net Worth

Total Assets - Total Liabilities = $15,000 - $61,000 = -$46,000

This reveals that Mark's net worth is -$46,000, illustrating a negative value. This negative net worth indicates that Mark's total liabilities exceed the value of his assets, serving as a clear indicator that Mark's financial obligations outweigh his accumulated wealth. This sheds light on his ongoing financial challenges and the extent of his financial struggles. 

6 reasons why it’s beneficial to grow your net worth

​​Financial security

Increasing your net worth provides a foundation of financial security. As your net worth grows, you have a greater buffer against unexpected expenses, job loss, or economic downturns. It offers a safety net to navigate through challenging times and helps you maintain stability in your financial life.

Achieving financial goals

A higher net worth enables you to achieve your financial goals and aspirations. Whether it's buying a home, starting a business, funding education, or retiring comfortably, a growing net worth provides the necessary resources and financial freedom to pursue your dreams.

Building wealth

Net worth is a measure of your wealth accumulation over time. By actively growing your net worth, you increase your overall wealth and improve your financial position. It allows you to build a stronger foundation for yourself and potentially leave a legacy for future generations.

Better financial opportunities

A higher net worth opens doors to better financial opportunities. It improves your borrowing capacity, allowing you to secure favourable loan terms and interest rates when needed. Additionally, a strong net worth can attract investment opportunities and partnerships that can further boost your wealth.

Flexibility and choices

Increasing your net worth provides you with more flexibility and choices in life. It affords you the freedom to make decisions based on what aligns with your long-term goals and values, rather than being constrained by financial limitations. A growing net worth expands your options and empowers you to take calculated risks or make life-changing decisions with confidence.

Peace of mind

Knowing that your net worth is growing can bring peace of mind. It reduces financial stress and anxiety, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life. A positive net worth provides a sense of control over your financial well-being and offers peace of mind that you are on the right track towards a secure financial future.

Tips for increasing your net worth

Building and growing your net worth requires proactive steps and strategic planning. Consider the following tips as a guideline for building your net worth in a sustainable way. 

Manage income and expenses

  • Increase your earning potential through career development or additional income streams.
  • Practice sensible spending habits and reduce unnecessary expenses.
  • Allocate a portion of your income towards savings and investments.

Grow assets and investments

  • Diversify your investment portfolio to mitigate risks and maximize returns.
  • Seek professional advice to identify opportunities for growth in real estate, stocks, or other assets.
  • Regularly review and adjust your investment strategy based on market conditions.

Reduce debts and liabilities

  • Prioritize paying off high-interest debts to minimize interest charges.
  • Consolidate debts and explore refinancing options to potentially lower interest rates.
  • Develop a realistic debt repayment plan and stick to it.

Long-term financial planning considerations

  • Establish an emergency fund to handle unexpected expenses.
  • Plan for retirement by contributing to retirement accounts and exploring other retirement investment options.
  • Consider contacting a financial advisor or planner for personalized guidance and expertise.

In conclusion

Understanding net worth is a fundamental step toward taking charge of your financial future. By comprehending the factors that influence net worth, calculating it accurately, and implementing practical strategies, you can enhance your financial health and build a more secure tomorrow. 

Empower yourself with knowledge, embrace proactive financial habits, and make informed choices that align with your long-term goals. Your net worth is not just a number but a tool that can transform your financial well-being.


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