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What is Loopring (LRC)?

Describing itself as “an open-source, audited, and non-custodial exchange protocol,” Loopring is bringing something new and innovative to the crypto exchange space.

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Addressing the speed and cost concerns associated with the Ethereum platform and decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges, Loopring delivers a new layer to the DeFi space. Describing itself as “an open-source, audited, and non-custodial exchange protocol,” Loopring is bringing something new and innovative to the space.

Below we answer the burning questions surrounding the DeFi project, such as what is Loopring, how the Loopring protocol works, and what the LRC token is responsible for.

What is Loopring (LRC)?

Loopring is many things. Under the far-stretching umbrella, there is the company, Loopring Project Ltd, the decentralized exchange, Loopring Exchange, the Loopring Protocol, the Loopring Relayer (the backend that powers the protocol), the Loopring Wallet, and the token, LRC.

The layer two protocol is an open DeFi protocol that allows other exchanges to build on top of it. The protocol supports a number of crypto assets and implements zero-knowledge rollups (zkRollups) to address the slow speeds and high costs associated with decentralized exchanges on Ethereum. With zkRollups, Loopring seeks to enable faster settlements for traders by allowing key computations to be completed on other blockchains.

By reducing the number of transactions submitted to the Ethereum network, Loopring exchanges can increase the speed with near-instantaneous settlements and reduce costs for traders.

The Loopring Exchange aims to offer a hybrid platform combining the best features of centralized exchanges and decentralized exchanges, addressing issues like structural limitations and transparency. The platform combines centralized order matching with decentralized blockchain order settlement, using zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) for enhanced privacy, reduced costs, and high speeds.

LRC tokens were first made available to the public in August 2017 as part of an ICO. In December 2019, the Loopring protocol, built on the Ethereum blockchain, was officially launched. 

Who created Loopring?

Loopring was established by Daniel Wang, a software engineer based in Shanghai. Wang has an impressive resume of prior experience working at prominent companies like Google, medical device manufacturer Boston Scientific, and Chinese e-commerce giant, JD.com. While Wang has continued to serve as the CEO of Loopring Foundation.

In 2017, Loopring conducted an initial coin offering (ICO), successfully raising 120,000 ether valued at $45 million. However, due to the tightening regulatory environment surrounding ICOs in China, the company decided to return 80% of the funds raised from the public sale.

Despite this setback, the Loopring team allocated the remaining proceeds toward the development of their platform.

How does Loopring work?

When you perform a transaction directly on Ethereum (a layer one blockchain) the cost of the transaction depends on the amount of data it contains. Larger transactions, which have more data, require more computing power to process and therefore end up being more expensive. Layer two solutions, on the other hand, tackle this issue by executing transactions outside of layer one, resulting in lower costs and less congestion.

As a layer two solution, Loopring does this by utilizing a newer type of cryptography called zero-knowledge rollups, also known as zkRollups. In the term "zkRollups," the "zk" refers to "zero knowledge." Zero knowledge proof is a cryptographic technique that enables one party to prove the truth of a statement to another party without disclosing any information about that statement.

Rollups, on the other hand, batch transactions together and execute them outside of layer one. So after the transaction data is processed, it is posted back to layer one to reach a consensus. This batching process is what enables transactions on layer two to be more affordable.

The Loopring team responsible for the Loopring protocol is the same team that developed the Loopring Exchange, which was the first zkRollup-based exchange accessible to the public on the Ethereum network. This successful launch demonstrated the protocol's effectiveness and the underlying technology.

Loopring sets itself apart from other trading technologies in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space by utilizing an order book-based approach. While decentralized, trading on a Loopring-powered decentralized exchange (DEX) is more similar to trading on centralized exchanges, which primarily rely on order books, but without the security or custodial concerns. This is in contrast to most decentralized exchanges that heavily rely on user-generated liquidity through automated market maker (AMM) technology.

To illustrate its effectiveness, Loopring can handle up to 2,025 trades per second, which is approximately ten times faster than Ethereum can achieve on its own. On top of that it can also lower transaction fees and the overall transaction cost due to its effective use of layer two technology.

What is the LRC token?

The Loopring cryptocurrency, LRC, plays a crucial role in the operations of the protocol.

To operate a decentralized exchange on Loopring, a minimum of 250,000 LRC needs to be locked up. This allows the exchange operator to utilize on-chain data proofs. Alternatively, an operator can stake 1 million LRC to run an exchange without this feature.

LRC serves as an incentive for the proper utilization of the Loopring network. Exchange operators who deposit LRC may face confiscation of their deposits by the protocol if they operate exchanges poorly. These confiscated funds are then distributed to users who choose to lock up LRC.

Additionally, any user can stake LRC to earn a share of the trading fees paid to the protocol. Approximately 70% of the fees are distributed to users who stake LRC. Another 20% is allocated to the Loopring Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), which allows a pool of funds to be used according to the discretion of Loopring users in the future.

Lastly, 10% of the fees are burned, meaning the total supply of LRC decreases over time, leading to potential upward pressure on its price. The maximum supply of LRC tokens is set at 1.375 billion.

How can I buy LRC tokens?

For those interested in accessing the Loopring (LRC) market, users have the option to buy or sell Loopring LRC tokens through the Tap app.

The user-friendly app allows LRC holders to buy and sell tokens using various fiat currencies or cryptocurrencies, and once purchased, the LRC tokens can be securely stored in unique wallets.

Users have the flexibility to hold their LRC tokens for any duration, trade them for other cryptocurrencies, convert them to fiat currencies, or send them to individuals across the globe. With the Tap app, you can conveniently meet your crypto-related requirements with a seamless and hassle-free experience.


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