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Tap now supports BitDao (BIT)

Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer l'ajout et le support de BitDao (BIT) sur Tap !

Tap now supports BitDao (BIT)
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We are delighted to announce the listing and support of BitDao (BIT) on Tap !

BIT is now available for trading on the Tap mobile app. You can now Buy, Sell, Trade or hold BIT for any of the other asset supported on the platform without any pair boundaries. Tap is pair agnostic, meaning you can trade any asset for any other asset without having to worries if a "trading pair" is available.

We believe supporting BIT will provide value to our users. We are looking forward to continue supporting new crypto projects with the aim of providing access to financial power and freedom for all.

BitDAO is building a decentralized token economy open to everybody. Managed by BIT token holders and one of the largest decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs),  BitDAO is committed to growing the DeFi ecosystem through partner projects and a decentralized economy.

BitDAO is governed and administered by the holders of BIT tokens. It works on the DAO mechanism, a common governance structure within the crypto space. The DAO framework gives BIT token holders power over BitDAO decisions and actions through a system of voting on proposals.

Get to know more about BitDao (BIT) in our dedicated article here.


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