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What is a crypto market cap?

Understand what market capitalization (market cap) is and how it is used to measure the value of a company or a cryptocurrency.

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The term market cap is short for "market capitalisation," which refers to the financial value of a company based on the total number of its outstanding shares multiplied by their price per share. For bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, it refers to all coins mined.

All the coins (or all of them that have been mined) in a cryptocurrency add up to its market cap. The crypto market cap refers to this sum and is used as an indicator of how valuable a cryptocurrency or a portfolio of cryptocurrencies is.

The market capitalisation of a cryptocurrency (or any other company) can be calculated by multiplying the number of coins by the current price per coin.

For example: The market capitalisation of a let's call it "Xcoin" is $6.2 billion, the number supply of "Xcoins" in existence is 16,842,100 with a price per coin of $273 which indicates to us that the market cap of the "Xcoin" is equal to $1.37 billion.

These logistics are dynamic and can change depending on the price of a token at any given moment. The infinite total of tokens is a part of the strategies implemented by cryptocurrency projects to ensure no deflation of assets can occur, giving a riser to project potential and profits.

The current market capitalisation of cryptocurrencies

The market capitalisation of the crypto-market is currently above $2 Trillion as per the 17th of August 2021, with more to gain.

Most top coins have a market cap that exceeds $1 billion which means they are in the large-cap group, this includes Bitcoin with its market cap of over $885 billion and Ethereum also well above $383 billion.

This is a good sign for the market as these two coins are among the most large-cap markets and well-known cryptocurrencies. The majority of tokens in the cryptocurrencies market are in fact small caps, with over 90 percent of them currently below $1 billion.

You can view and compare trading and market capitalisation statics on Coingecko for a more in-depth look at each crypto, whether for trading purpose or simple curiosity.

Market cap, a reliable indicator?

A high market capitalization doesn't mean a cryptocurrency is doing well. A cryptocurrency that has a large market cap might be overvalued in terms of price, what it can deliver now and in the short-term future, as well as current demand.

Some coins can have a relatively high price but low volumes because they have been issued in small numbers by only one person, one of the many market capitalisation strategies. The price is largely driven by expectations and hype, rather than the number of coins out there, giving an unwarranted riser to some tokens.

These small market cap tokens have relatively high prices but a low market capitalisation due to a low total volume of their coin supply. These tokens can be particularly risky as most of them do not come with business model plans and many of them are just new (ICOs).

Price is an important factor in any financial sector, but market capitalization (market cap) is an important data point for investors seeking to analyse and compare the value of a cryptocurrency and is often used by traders to help determine the growth potential of a cryptocurrency and if they should buy or sell the specific crypto when compared to others.

The different crypto market cap categories:

Cryptocurrencies and other digital currencies are classified by their market cap into three categories, Large-cap medium-cap and small-cap. Let's get comparing:

Large-cap (capped at $10b )

Generally speaking, coins with the highest market caps are considered to be in the large-cap group. This includes Bitcoin and Ethereum. These are considered "Lower risk" by an investor as they demonstrated a track record of growth and high liquidity which means their volume of trading can withstand a high number of sell transactions without majorly affecting the price, giving a sense of securities.

Medium-caps (capped at $1b to $10b)

The secondary level of cryptocurrencies, mostly altcoins, are considered to be a part of the medium-cap group. They are generally more volatile, but enjoy a greater growth potential than their more traditional large-cap counterparts.

Small-caps (capped at under $1b)

This last category consists of small-cap cryptocurrencies or tokens which generally don't have a market cap exceeding $1 billion. These are most susceptible to dramatic fluctuation of price based on market sentiment. An investor may vouch for them as these fluctuations are easy to make money on, but also have high potential to lose on.

Market Cap is only one way to measure cryptocurrency value, but it is an important data point for investors to consider before purchasing a cryptocurrency. Market trends, a cryptocurrency's stability, and liquidity are also important when looking at the value of a cryptocurrency.

Coin market capitalisation conclusion

Whether you are here for trading strategy analysis, or because you want to know what people mean when they say market cap, we hope this article helped with your evaluation on the differences of each market capitalisation. It's a general recommendation to have some diversification in your portfolio, don't keep all your eggs in one basket as they say. As already stated, the market cap of a blockchain technology token does not give definitive proof of whether a project will be successful or not, it comes down to plenty of variables. Brand market, social media presence, online community, and more. The market cap trend greatly depends on how old the project is, currency market supply, marketing, and more.

It is always important to do your own research before jumping in, evaluating it the project meets your needs, the team behind it, its potential in the market, and so much more. While market cap may be of some importance, it is not the only thing that makes a project successful.

What is Litecoin

Discovering the "silver to Bitcoin's gold" and its features as a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency.

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Litecoin is part of the first generation of altcoins to emerge after Bitcoin ignited the crypto revolution. This peer-to-peer cryptocurrency is a popular option when it comes to transacting in the real world and crypto-enthusiasts’ portfolios, and has been a permanent feature in the top 15 biggest cryptocurrencies by market cap for years. 

What Is Litecoin?

Litecoin was launched in 2011 as an alternative to Bitcoin, providing users with a faster means of transacting money over the internet. While it was never designed to replace Bitcoin, Litecoin was created to complement the original digital money. Litecoin is often referred to as "digital silver" compared to Bitcoin being referred to as "digital gold".

Litecoin is widely considered to be one of the most successful altcoins. Created as a hard fork off of Bitcoin's blockchain, Litecoin holds many similarities in the way it functions, however, the team behind the open-source cryptocurrency incorporated several features to ensure that the network operated in a faster manner.

These include changing the amount of time it takes to process transactions, the maximum total supply, the hashing algorithm, and charging very low transaction fees. Compared to Bitcoin's 21 million total supply and 10-minute transaction processing time, Litecoin has a maximum supply of 84 million LTC and can process transactions in 2.5 minutes. It also opted to use a Scrypt hashing algorithm over the SHA-256 one.

The network is known for pioneering advanced crypto features like the Lightning Network and Segregated Witness, both of which have since been implemented by the Bitcoin network. 

How Does Litecoin Work?

As Litecoin is based on Bitcoin's software, they function in very similar ways. Through the Proof-of-Work consensus, all transactions are executed through mining. When a transaction enters the mempool (pool of pending transactions) it is soon picked up by a miner who will then ensure that all the details are accurate (including valid wallet addresses and available balances).

The first miner to solve a cryptographic puzzle is awarded the task of executing the transactions and in turn, earns a reward. At the time of writing the reward was 12.5 LTC, however, after every 840,000 blocks mined the reward halves in what is known as a halving reward. This mechanism is in place to manage the supply of new tokens entering circulation as each block mined releases minted new tokens.

As mentioned above, transactions are executed in 2.5 minutes, provided there is no congestion on the network, making it attractive to merchants and other service providers. The cost of making a transaction on the Litecoin network ranges from $0.03 or $.04 US cents.

Litecoin vs blockchain technology

Litecoin, like many other cryptocurrencies, is built on blockchain technology. It relies on the blockchain as the underlying technology to facilitate secure and decentralized transactions.

Litecoin transactions are facilitated by the blockchain through a decentralized ledger. When a transaction occurs, it is grouped with other transactions into a block. Miners then validate the transactions and add the block to the Litecoin blockchain. This process ensures the transparency and integrity of Litecoin transactions.

Blockchain plays a crucial role in securing Litecoin transactions by providing a decentralized and immutable record of all transactional activity. Each block is linked to the previous block, forming a chain, making it extremely difficult for malicious actors to alter past transactions. The distributed nature of the blockchain network ensures that no single entity has control over Litecoin transactions, enhancing security and trust in the system.

What gives Litecoin its value?

The value of Litecoin is determined by supply and demand, often determined by trade activity on exchanges. Due to its global liquidity and finite supply, Litecoin is a deflationary currency and has witnessed price gains over the years, making it an attractive option for participants in the global financial landscape over the years. 

What is Litecoin used for?

Litecoin is a peer-to-peer payment system providing both a medium of exchange and a store of value. Due to its fast transaction times and secure network, Litecoin is often favored when making transactions that are time-sensitive, i.e. paying for a coffee or at a restaurant. LTC is widely used by merchants and service providers around the world and has experienced increased crypto adoption and participation over the last decade.

Who created Litecoin?

The Litecoin project is the creation of a former Google engineer and MIT graduate named Charlie Lee. Two years after creating Litecoin, Lee would go on to become the Director of Engineering at a large cryptocurrency exchange. In 2017, Lee rejoined the team as managing director of the Litecoin Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of the blockchain platform and its technology.

Litecoin development and community

Litecoin's development process involves a dedicated team of developers who work on improving the Litecoin software and its functionalities. It follows a transparent and open-source approach, allowing anyone to contribute to its development and propose changes.

The Litecoin software undergoes regular updates and enhancements to ensure it remains secure, efficient, and compatible with emerging technologies. These updates often introduce new features, improve performance, and address any identified vulnerabilities.

Litecoin has a vibrant and active community that actively participates in its evolution. Community members provide feedback, report bugs, and contribute to discussions on Litecoin's future development. Their contributions range from code contributions from developers to community-driven initiatives, fostering a collaborative environment and shaping the direction of Litecoin's growth.

Personal Growth
What is net worth?

Learn what net worth means and how it's calculated. Gain insights into managing personal finances and building wealth, and empower your financial journey.

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Whether you’re a strong investor or just starting out, understanding your net worth is a crucial step toward gaining control over your financial health. Knowing what net worth entails and how to calculate it provides valuable insights that empower you to make informed choices and build a stronger financial future. 

In this article, we will explore the concept of net worth, discuss the factors that influence it, guide you through the calculation process, and provide practical examples to enhance your understanding.

Understanding net worth

Net worth is a comprehensive financial metric that reflects your financial standing. It represents the difference between your assets and liabilities, giving you a holistic view of your wealth. 

Unlike income, which represents your earnings over a specific period, net worth offers a long-term perspective by considering both what you own and what you owe. Understanding what net worth means allows you to evaluate your financial progress, set realistic goals, and make informed decisions about your financial well-being.

Factors affecting your net worth

There are several factors that need to be considered when calculating your net worth:


Your income plays a significant role in determining your net worth. It includes earnings from various sources such as salaries, investments, and side businesses. The higher your income, the more potential you have to accumulate wealth. 

However, it's important to remember that sustainable wealth is not solely dependent on income but also on effective management of expenses.


Assets are valuable resources that contribute to your net worth. They can include investments, savings, real estate properties, and personal possessions. By acquiring appreciating assets and diversifying your portfolio, you can increase your net worth over time. Understanding the value and potential growth of your assets is crucial for making informed financial decisions.

Liabilities and Debts

When liabilities exceed assets, on the other hand, this decreases your net worth. Liabilities and debt encompass mortgages, loans, credit card balances, and any outstanding payments. Minimizing liabilities and managing debts effectively is vital for improving your net worth. 

By reducing high-interest debts and maintaining a healthy debt-to-income ratio, you can positively impact your overall financial health. A healthy debt-to-income ratio is considered to be at or below 43%, meaning that you are spending at or less than 43% of your income on debt payments.

Net worth is calculated by subtracting the value of your liabilities from the value of your assets.

How to calculate net worth

Whether your goal is to improve your net worth or aspire to be one of the high-net-worth individuals in your country, calculating your net worth is an integral step to achieving these. To calculate your net worth, you will need to:

  1. Write a list of all your assets and their estimated values.
  2. Summarize your liabilities, including outstanding debts and obligations.
  3. Subtract your total liabilities from your total assets to determine your net worth.

By regularly updating and monitoring your net worth statement, you can track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Example of a positive net worth calculation

To illustrate what it looks like to calculate a positive average net worth, see this example below:

Step 1: Write a list of all your assets and their estimated values


Home: The current market value of Sarah's primary residence is $400,000.

Savings: Sarah has $50,000 in her savings account.

Investment portfolio: Sarah's investments, including stocks and bonds, are valued at $150,000.

Retirement account: Sarah has a 401(k) retirement account with a balance of $200,000.

Vehicle: Sarah owns a car, which is valued at $20,000.

Step 2: Summarize your liabilities, including outstanding debts and obligations


Mortgage: Sarah still owes $200,000 on her mortgage.

Student loan: Sarah has a remaining balance of $30,000 on her student loan.

Step 3: Subtract your total liabilities from your total assets to determine your net worth

Total Assets

$400,000 (Home) + $50,000 (Savings) + $150,000 (Investment Portfolio) + $20,000 (Vehicle) = $620,000

Total Liabilities

$200,000 (Mortgage) + $30,000 (Student Loan) = $230,000

Net Worth

Total Assets - Total Liabilities = $620,000 - $230,000 = $390,000

Based on these calculations, Sarah's net worth is $390,000. This positive average net worth indicates that her total assets exceed her total liabilities, representing her wealth and financial standing. It showcases her financial progress and the value of her accumulated assets.

Example of a negative net worth calculation

To illustrate what it looks like to calculate a negative net worth, see this example below:

Step 1: Write a list of all your assets and their estimated values


Car: Mark owns a car valued at $10,000.

Personal possessions: Mark has various personal possessions valued at approximately $5,000.

Step 2: Summarize your liabilities, including outstanding debts and obligations


Student loan: Mark has a student loan debt with an outstanding balance of $50,000.

Credit card debt: Mark has accumulated credit card debt totaling $8,000.

Medical expenses: Mark has unpaid medical bills amounting to $3,000.

Step 3: Subtract your total liabilities from your total assets to determine your net worth

Total Assets

$10,000 (Car) + $5,000 (Personal Possessions) = $15,000

Total Liabilities

$50,000 (Student Loan) + $8,000 (Credit Card Debt) + $3,000 (Medical Expenses) = $61,000

Net Worth

Total Assets - Total Liabilities = $15,000 - $61,000 = -$46,000

This reveals that Mark's net worth is -$46,000, illustrating a negative value. This negative net worth indicates that Mark's total liabilities exceed the value of his assets, serving as a clear indicator that Mark's financial obligations outweigh his accumulated wealth. This sheds light on his ongoing financial challenges and the extent of his financial struggles. 

6 reasons why it’s beneficial to grow your net worth

​​Financial security

Increasing your net worth provides a foundation of financial security. As your net worth grows, you have a greater buffer against unexpected expenses, job loss, or economic downturns. It offers a safety net to navigate through challenging times and helps you maintain stability in your financial life.

Achieve financial goals

A higher net worth enables you to achieve your financial goals and aspirations. Whether it's buying a home, starting a business, funding education, or retiring comfortably, a growing net worth provides the necessary resources and financial freedom to pursue your dreams.

Build wealth

Net worth is a measure of your wealth accumulation over time. By actively growing your net worth, you increase your overall wealth and improve your financial position. It allows you to build a stronger foundation for yourself and potentially leave a legacy for future generations.

Tap into better financial opportunities

A higher net worth opens doors to better financial opportunities. It improves your borrowing capacity, allowing you to secure favourable loan terms and interest rates when needed. Additionally, a strong net worth can attract investment opportunities and partnerships that can further boost your wealth.

Have greater flexibility and choices

Increasing your net worth provides you with more flexibility and choices in life. It affords you the freedom to make decisions based on what aligns with your long-term goals and values, rather than being constrained by financial limitations. A growing net worth expands your options and empowers you to take calculated risks or make life-changing decisions with confidence.

Peace of mind

Knowing that your net worth is growing can bring peace of mind. It reduces financial stress and anxiety, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life. A positive net worth provides a sense of control over your financial well-being and offers peace of mind that you are on the right track towards a secure financial future.

Tips for increasing your net worth

Building and growing your net worth requires proactive steps and strategic planning. Consider the following tips as a guideline for building your net worth in a sustainable way. 

Manage income and expenses

  • Increase your earning potential through career development or additional income streams.
  • Practice sensible spending habits and reduce unnecessary expenses.
  • Allocate a portion of your income towards savings and investments.

Grow assets and investments

  • Diversify your investment portfolio to mitigate risks and maximize returns.
  • Seek professional advice to identify opportunities for growth in real estate, stocks, or other assets.
  • Regularly review and adjust your investment strategy based on market conditions.

Reduce debts and liabilities

  • Prioritize paying off high-interest debts to minimize interest charges.
  • Consolidate debts and explore refinancing options to potentially lower interest rates.
  • Develop a realistic debt repayment plan and stick to it.

Long-term financial planning considerations

  • Establish an emergency fund to handle unexpected expenses.
  • Plan for retirement by contributing to retirement accounts and exploring other retirement investment options.
  • Consider contacting a financial advisor or planner for personalized guidance and expertise.

In conclusion

Understanding net worth is a fundamental step toward taking charge of your financial future. By comprehending the factors that influence net worth, calculating it accurately, and implementing practical strategies, you can enhance your financial health and build a more secure tomorrow. 

Empower yourself with knowledge, embrace proactive financial habits, and make informed choices that align with your long-term goals. Your net worth is not just a number but a tool that can transform your financial well-being.

What is KYC (Know your customers)?

Understanding the regulations and procedures aimed at preventing fraud and money laundering in financial transactions.

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Know your customer also known as "KYC" is a regulatory requirement imposed by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network to combat money laundering, terrorism financing, and fraud prevention. The requirements for KYC are determined on an industry-by-industry and product basis. Fintech businesses and the Banking industry typically require KYC of customers who open a new account with them.

KYC ensures that financial institutions know their customers' identity well enough to understand where funds came from for deposits or how payments will be made before starting to use the company's services. KYC is an efficient first line of defense in combating terrorism financing by verifying customer identities to help identify any problem or potential links to terrorist organizations, bribery, corruption, and individuals with a history of money laundering.

KYC is an important measure in anti-money laundering regulations, making it a safety guard for cryptocurrencies. Financial institutions and regulated service providers such as Tap boast robust KYC processes to protect our consumers so that you can feel more confident that your funds will remain secure no matter the business environment or exchange circumstances.

How does it work?

Within the Finance sector in the global market, any company or project must meet strict rules and regulations that require them to have rigorous individual identification checks (also called regulatory compliance) such as verification of address information, and validation of residency status. Apart from verifying a customer's identity, it's also important to confirm the user's location and address.

Your identity documents will provide basic data like your name and date of birth, but more is needed to establish your residence, for example.

During a standard Know Your Customer process, you will be asked for several documents:

  • A proof of identity (such as a passport, ID card, driving license)
  • A proof of residence
  • A selfie (to verify that it's you)

The KYC must be completed at the initial stage as well as on an ongoing basis so that businesses can deliver services or goods to clients. It is a best practice for any business offering financial services to re-verify the identity of their customers at regular intervals to ensure AML. Sometimes new customers have to go through several steps of verification before they can start any financial transaction/exchange using the service of the company.

Failing to adhere to KYC regulations can lead to reputational damage and penalties served by the body in charge.

KYC around the world

KYC regulations can vary from country to country, but there is a lot of international cooperation on the basic data information needed. For example in the United States, KYC and AML processes are driven by financial crime prevention legislations such as The Bank Secrecy Act (2001) and Patriot Act (2006).

Internationally, there's a consensus that the FATF should lead in coordinating multinational cooperation on regulatory conditions. This ensures consistency and effectiveness in combating financial crimes like money laundering and terrorist financing.

The benefits

In spite of the time it takes to set up accounts, KYC identity verification is worth it when taking into account the benefits: keeping your funds safe, and protect you from identity theft, fraud, and other illegal activities is largely the result of robust KYC control. These procedures ensure that financial service providers are not only safe but trustworthy. Trade crypto with confidence with regulated companies like Tap boasting robust KYC procedures to safeguard its customer assets and information.

In conclusion

KYC is a common regulatory requirement that financial service providers are obliged to fulfill in order for businesses to operate under the law and consumers should take KYC seriously. KYC requirements differ across the financial sector. It is a necessary measure in anti-money laundering regulations, making it an important safety guard for cryptocurrencies as well as customer assets by preventing fraudulent activity. KYC in the Fintech or Bank sector is generally imposed on new customers who open a new account and typically involve on-going monitoring.

What is impermanent loss ?

Discover the impact of impermanent loss on your cryptocurrency holdings. Learn why understanding this concept is essential for any trader.

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The DeFi scene has exploded in recent years, with a number of successful protocols contributing to the rising volume and liquidity (Uniswap, PancakeSwap, and SushiSwap to name a few). While these protocols have entirely democratized trading in the crypto space, there are still some risks associated with getting involved. 

If you have experience in DeFi trading you’ve likely come across this term. Impermanent loss refers to losses made as a result of the price changes of the digital assets from when the liquidity provider deposited them into the liquidity pool to now. Below we break down how impermanent loss happens and how to manage the risk. 

How does impermanent loss happen?

Impermanent loss is when the price of the digital asset changes from the time you deposited it, providing liquidity to a liquidity pool, to the time you withdrew it. The bigger this change, the bigger the loss (essentially less dollar value at the time of withdrawal). There are of course ways to mitigate impermanent loss.

Liquidity providers' exposure to impermanent loss is decreased when trading in pools with assets that have smaller price ranges, like stablecoins (a stable asset) and wrapped versions of coins for example. In these cases, liquidity providers can provide liquidity with a lower risk of impermanent loss.

In some cases, impermanent loss can also be counteracted by trading fees. Liquidity pools exposed to a high risk of impermanent loss can still be profitable thanks to lucrative trading fees. 

For example, Uniswap offers liquidity providers 0.3% on every trade, so if the pool has a high trading volume, liquidity providers can still make money even if exposed to impermanent loss. This will depend on the protocol, deposited assets, specific pool, and wider market conditions. 

What does impermanent loss looks like for liquidity providers in liquidity pools?

Here is an example of what impermanent loss might look like for a liquidity provider trading on automated market makers (AMM).

Say John finds an automated market maker that requires a pair of digital assets equating to the same value. For the sake of this example, say 1 ETH is equivalent to 1,000 USDT, which he deposits in a liquidity pool. The total value of his deposit, therefore, sits at $2,000. 

Other liquidity providers have contributed a combined offering of 10 ETH and 10,000 USDT into the liquidity pool, meaning that John holds a 10% share of the overall liquidity pool. 

Let's say that the price of ETH rises to 4,000 USDT. During this time, arbitrage traders will contribute USDT to the liquidity pool and remove ETH until the ratio reflects the price increase. Note that AMMs don't have order books. Instead, the price of assets is determined by the ratio between them in the liquidity pool, meaning that while the liquidity remains constant, the ratio of assets in it changes. 

In this case, if the price of ETH is now worth 4,000 USDT then the arbitrage traders will work to ensure that the liquidity pool now holds 5 ETH and 20,000 USDT. The liquidity pool's total liquidity is now worth $40,000.

If John decides to withdraw his funds, he's entitled to 10% of the liquidity pool's share based on his initial deposit and the size of the liquidity pool. He, therefore, is entitled to withdraw 0.5 ETH and 2,000 USDT, equating to $4,000 in value. However, if he'd kept the initial 1 ETH and 1,000 USDT this would be worth $5,000 now. 

In this case, John would have made bigger returns had he hodled instead of using the liquidity pool and this is what impermanent loss is all about. 

This example does not incorporate trading fees that John might have earned for providing liquidity to the liquidity pool. In many cases, these fees would cancel out the losses and make the process profitable. Either way, understanding what impermanent loss is, is imperative before providing liquidity in the DeFi space.

A look at impermanent loss vs price increases (excl trading fees)

So, impermanent loss happens when the price of the cryptocurrency assets in the liquidity pool changes. But how much is it exactly? Note that it doesn’t account for fees earned for providing liquidity.

Here is an overview of the impermanent losses incurred due to asset price increases (note that trading fees are not factored in here).  Impermanent loss examples:

1.25x price change = 0.6% loss

1.50x price change = 2.0% loss

1.75x price change = 3.8% loss

2x price change = 5.7% loss

3x price change = 13.4% loss

4x price change = 20.0% loss

5x price change = 25.5% loss

Note that impermanent loss happens whether the price both increases or decreases as it is calculated by the price ratio relative to the time of the initial deposit into the liquidity pool. Unfortunately in these cases, price volatility leads liquidity providers to lose money.

The risks associated with becoming a liquidity provider

Realistically, impermanent loss isn't the best name. The losses are known as "impermanent" because they only become evident when you withdraw your coins from the liquidity pool. However, the "temporary loss" then becomes pretty permanent. Although the fees might be able to compensate for those losses, it does seem like a somewhat deceptive title.

When you put cryptocurrency assets into an AMM, be cautious. Some liquidity pools are far more vulnerable to fleeting losses than others, as we've discussed above. As a general rule, the more volatile the assets in the liquidity pool are, the greater your chance of being exposed to impermanent loss. It's also preferable to start by depositing a little bit of money in a liquidity pool to see the returns before exposing a lump sum. 

Another thing to keep in mind is to look for more established, tried-and-true AMMs. It's fairly simple to fork an existing AMM and make a few modifications thanks to DeFi. However, this might introduce bugs that lock your funds in the liquidity pool indefinitely. If a liquidity pool promises exceptionally high returns, there's more than likely a tradeoff taking place and there's likely to be much higher risk associated. Be sure to understand the ins and outs of any liquidity pool before making any deposits.

What is interest?

Understand what interest is and how it works as a fee charged for borrowing money or the amount earned on invested money.

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Interest is a fundamental concept in the world of finance and economics. At its simplest, interest can be understood as the fee charged for borrowing money, or the amount earned on invested money. Understanding interest is essential for anyone seeking to manage their finances effectively, whether they are borrowing money, investing their savings, or simply trying to make informed decisions about their financial future.

In this article, we will explore the basics of interest, including how it is calculated, the different types of interest, and how to navigate interest in various financial situations. We will also provide real-life examples and valuable tips to help you make informed decisions about your money.

Types of Interest

There are two primary types of interest: landed money interest and earned interest. Landed money interest refers to the interest paid on borrowed money, while earned interest refers to the interest earned on invested money.

Landed Money Interest

Landed money interest, also known as borrowing interest, is the interest paid by a borrower to a lender in exchange for the use of money. This type of interest is charged on a wide range of financial products, including mortgages, car loans, personal loans, and credit cards.

The interest rate on a loan is typically expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed, and is determined by a variety of factors, including the borrower's credit score, the term of the loan, and the lender's own risk assessment. The interest rate on a loan can have a significant impact on the overall cost of borrowing, with higher interest rates resulting in higher monthly payments and a greater total cost over the life of the loan.

For example, let's say you take out a $10,000 car loan with an interest rate of 5% per year, to be repaid over a five-year term. Over the course of the loan, you will pay a total of $1,322.74 in interest, in addition to the $10,000 principal amount. If the interest rate were increased to 8%, the total cost of the loan would rise to $1,845.87, a difference of over $500.

Earned Interest

Earned interest, also known as investment interest, is the interest earned on invested money. This type of interest is paid to investors by banks, governments, and other financial institutions in exchange for the use of their money.

The interest rate on investments can vary widely depending on the type of investment, the term of the investment, and the risk associated with the investment. For example, savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs) typically offer lower interest rates but are considered low-risk investments, while stocks and other securities can offer higher potential returns but are also considered higher risk.

For example, let's say you invest $10,000 in a CD with an interest rate of 2% per year for a five-year term. At the end of the term, you will have earned a total of $1,047.13 in interest, in addition to the $10,000 principal amount. If you had instead invested the same $10,000 in the stock market and earned an average annual return of 8%, your investment would have grown to $14,693.28 over the same five-year period.

Calculating Interest

The calculation of interest depends on a variety of factors, including the amount of the loan or investment, the interest rate, and the length of the loan or investment term. In general, the formula for calculating interest is as follows:

Interest = Principal x Rate x Time


  • Principal is the amount borrowed or invested
  • Rate is the interest rate expressed as a decimal
  • Time is the length of the loan or investment term, expressed in years

For example, let's say you invest $5,000 in a savings account with an interest rate of 2% per year, to be held for three years. Using the formula above, we can calculate the interest earned as follows:

Interest = $5,000 x 0.02 x 3Interest = $300

In this case, you would earn $300 in interest over the three-year term, in addition to the $5,000 principal amount.

Tips for Navigating Interest

Navigating interest can be challenging, particularly for those new to the world of finance. Here are some valuable tips to help you make informed decisions about interest in various financial situations:

  1. Understand the terms of your loan or investment: Before taking out a loan or investing your money, make sure you understand the terms of the agreement, including the interest rate, term length, and any associated fees or penalties.
  2. Shop around for the best interest rates: When taking out a loan or investing your money, be sure to shop around for the best interest rates. Compare offers from multiple lenders or financial institutions to ensure you are getting the best deal.
  3. Consider the impact of compounding interest: When investing your money, consider the impact of compounding interest. Compounding interest is interest that is earned on both the principal amount and any accumulated interest, resulting in exponential growth over time.
  4. Avoid overexposure: Be careful not to overexpose yourself to any one type of investment or loan. Diversify your portfolio and consider spreading your investments across a range of asset classes to minimize risk.
  5. Take advantage of tax benefits: Some types of interest, such as mortgage interest and student loan interest, may be tax-deductible. Be sure to take advantage of any available tax benefits when borrowing or investing.

Real-Life Examples

Let's look at some real-life examples of interest in action:

  1. Car loan: You take out a $20,000 car loan with an interest rate of 4% per year, to be repaid over a five-year term. Over the course of the loan, you will pay a total of $2,164.17 in interest, in addition to the $20,000 principal amount.
  2. Savings account: You deposit $10,000 in a savings account with an interest rate of 1% per year, to be held for three years. Over the three-year term, you will earn a total of $308.18 in interest, in addition to the $10,000 principal amount.
  3. Mortgage: You take out a $300,000 mortgage with an interest rate of 3.5% per year, to be repaid over a 30-year term. Over the course of the mortgage, you will pay a total of $184,968.79 in interest, in addition to the $300,000 principal amount.

In Conclusion:

Interest is a fundamental concept in the world of finance and economics, and understanding how it works is essential for anyone seeking to manage their finances effectively.

Whether you are borrowing money, investing your savings, or simply trying to make informed decisions about your financial future, understanding interest can help you make better decisions and maximize your potential returns. By considering the tips and real-life examples presented in this article, you can navigate interest with confidence and make informed decisions about your money.

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