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How to get started with saving money

Start saving today with practical tips for effective money management and jumpstart your financial journey.

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It's no secret that discussing finances is often considered taboo. Oftentimes, people quickly become uncomfortable when the topic is brought up. But why is talking about money so awkward for most people?

It's because most people are still afraid to discuss about savings openly for a wide variety of reasons from shame, embarrassment, or simply fear of their financial privacy.

However, there are many reasons why saving (and actively building a savings account) is important, and we think that today is a great opportunity to break the stigma around discussing savings openly. Here's what you need to know about starting to save, several ways to save money, and how Tap can help you in your saving quest.

The stats on talking about money

Discussing finances can be an uncomfortable subject for many people, as revealed by a recent survey. In fact, the survey found that over half of respondents, 56%, consider talking about money a taboo topic. Debt emerged as the most controversial financial topic, with 45% of those surveyed expressing discomfort discussing it.

The survey also highlighted that people are more likely to open up about their finances if others do the same. This means that breaking the taboo around money talk can have a positive impact on our financial well-being. By being more transparent about our saving methods, we can help others learn and achieve their own financial goals.

Below are a few ways to get you started with how to save money more efficiently.

How to get started: start saving money

It's never too late to start your savings journey. Whether you're starting your first job, looking to make a down payment on a house, or you're already retired, setting aside money for savings is an important step in building your wealth. Here are a few simple steps to take and ways to save money.

Establish your savings goals

In order to get started, first calculate how much money you need to save each month to reach your financial goals. This will help you determine how much money you need to set aside each paycheck.

Create a budget

The first step is always the most difficult, but it's important to be honest with yourself about your current situation. Review your finances on a regular basis and consider how much you would like to save as well as what that savings goal entails. Build this savings plan to be realistic, making a savings plan you're never going to stick to is only a waste of your time.

If your monthly bills exceed your income, it might be time to make a budget. Look at what you spend on grocery shopping, auto insurance, energy costs or online shopping and see if your monthly budget has room for some cuts. While homeowners insurance and utility bills can't be neglected, consider if there are cheaper alternatives in your area for the things you can afford to cut on - you never know where you might be able to save some extra dollars.

In doing so you are already taking the first step toward your quest to save money.

See where you can cut spending and save money

Take a closer look at your spending habits. Where are you wasting money? Are you eating out too often? Do you have a lot of expensive subscriptions? Once you identify your problem areas, you can start making changes to better save money.

For example, if you're spending too much on eating out or buying lunch, try cooking at home more often. If you have a lot of subscriptions, see if there are any you can live without and consider canceling an expensive subscription service. There are plenty of ways to save money and build wealth, get creative!

Set up a savings account

Next, you can open a savings account and make sure to deposit money into it regularly. This account should be a separate savings account from your checking account so that you're not tempted to spend the money.

You can opt for a saving account programme which allows you to put money in an account that generates extra cash for you, paid out monthly or yearly. The key in this process is to make sure the money is going into savings before you have a chance to spend it.

Also consider putting unexpected income in these accounts, like a tax refund.

Review and adjust

Finally, in your efforts to save money make sure to review your budget regularly and adjust your savings goals as necessary. By following these simple steps, you can start saving money and building your wealth today.

Don't forget to give yourself some breathing room. It's important to have money set aside in an emergency fund, but that doesn't mean you should never spend any of your savings. Indulge in some of your favorite things every once in a while and appreciate all that you've worked for!

Consider paying off credit card debt and building an emergency fund as equally important to building your savings account. If you're making use of passive income generation you could use these earned funds to pay off one of the two. Savings accounts might sound scary but the truth is they're simple, important, and integral to save money.

Here are some of the best saving tips that we think everyone should know:

  • Don't wait to start saving money. The more time you give yourself to spend it the greater the temptation will be. Transferring a fixed percentage of your income into savings accounts as soon as you receive it is an excellent way to make sure you're putting some money away as soon as you get paid.  
  • If you're always frugal with your money, you'll only be frustrated and won't achieve your savings goals. From time to time, remember to give yourself a little treat!

Closing thoughts

Saving money is something that everyone has to do, and it can be made easier by doing it with others. No matter your situation, there are probably other people around you who know exactly how you feel and with whom you could share advice that could help you both save money more efficiently.

Open that savings account today and start building a better financial future. Whether you cut your monthly bills to make a down payment or save money for your emergency fund or dream vacation, putting money aside for your future is always a good idea.

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How to freelance in the new gig economy

Say goodbye to traditional 9-5 jobs and hello to the freedom of freelancing! Learn how to navigate the new gig economy and build a successful career on your own terms.

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Freelancing is a popular career choice that has grown significantly in recent years due to the rise of the gig economy and the increasing availability of remote work opportunities. The freelance market is made up of self-employed individuals who work independently and provide their services to clients on a project-by-project basis. 

This type of work provides a great deal of flexibility and control over one's own schedule, workload, and earning potential. However, like any career choice, freelancing has both ups and downs. Below we explore what a freelance career might look like, and provide tips on how to be your own boss and a successful freelancer.

What is the gig economy?

The gig economy is a labor market where temporary or flexible jobs are common, and independent workers work on a project or task basis rather than being employed by a company or traditional employer on a long-term basis. 

This type of work is often conducted through digital platforms or apps that connect workers with clients who need their services. Freelance platforms include the likes of Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer.com for instance. 

Gig economy jobs can range from driving for ride-hailing services to performing freelance writing or design work. The freelance business allows individuals to work when and where they want, providing them with a great deal of flexibility and control over their work schedules, essentially making them their own boss. 

However, it also comes with challenges such as a lack of job security, no benefits or protections, and potential fluctuations in income. While freelance work sounds attractive, it’s important to consider the skill set needed and whether the ups outweigh the downs in relation to your specific needs and wants. 

Being realistic about freelancing

The freelance business has gained a reputation for offering a very attractive lifestyle, but it still takes work and requires a number of skills and commitments that you, and you alone, will need to front. 

Organization skills

For a successful freelancer, being organized and managing your time effectively is crucial. This means staying on top of your tax obligations, keeping your documents in order, and ensuring that you meet all deadlines. 


In addition, multitasking is a necessary skill for most freelance workers, as you'll likely have to juggle multiple projects simultaneously. This requires effective task prioritization and the ability to switch between different topics seamlessly. 

Strong communication 

Good communication skills are also essential for success, as you'll need to handle difficult clients and know how to ask for guidance when needed. Effective communication is also crucial to a successful freelance career as you will likely need to take the initiative and approach potential clients for work. Promoting your skills and putting yourself out there also requires courage and self-confidence. 


Perhaps the most crucial for a freelancer freelancing in this day and age is self-discipline. No matter what line of work you pursue, you'll need to stay focused and avoid distractions while working independently, whether it's the temptation of a nap or a social interaction.

The freelance lifestyle may sound flexible, but in reality (more often than not) it is still a full-time job as you are essentially running your own business.

Handle criticism 

Being able to handle constructive criticism is an important trait for freelancers, as you'll often need to accept and respond to feedback that isn't always positive. Remember, even talented freelancers producing high-quality work receive negative feedback.


Being self-motivated is key when working as a freelancer, as you'll be responsible for managing your own work schedule and meeting deadlines without the guidance of a manager. If you prefer a more social work environment, freelancing may not be the best fit for you as it often involves working independently. 

Financial resilience

Finally, new freelancers should be prepared to have a certain level of financial resilience as there can be uncertainty about when their next paycheck will arrive. When they start freelancing, quiet periods of contract work can be anxiety-inducing for some people.

The upside of freelancing

On the positive side, freelancing allows individuals to work from anywhere, giving them the flexibility and autonomy to balance work and personal life. 

One of the primary advantages of freelancing is the ability to take control of your work schedule. You have the freedom to choose when and where you work, making it much easier to balance your professional and personal commitments. 

Freelancers having the freedom to select their own projects means that they have a great deal of control over the type of work they do, far more than a regular job. You can choose to work on projects you enjoy and are passionate about, and have the ability to set your own rates and choose clients that align with their values. 

Additionally, freelancers have the potential to earn more money than traditional full-time employees as they have the ability to work with multiple clients simultaneously and charge higher rates for their specialized skills.

Another benefit is that your earnings are directly related to your effort and the quality of your work, which gives you a real sense of achievement that you might not feel working in a traditional office environment.

When done right, freelancing can offer a great deal of professional and personal fulfillment. Before you start full-time freelancing, however, be sure to understand the bigger picture of what is required.

The downside of freelancing

One of the most significant challenges for many freelancers is that it can be financially unpredictable, as one's income can fluctuate from month to month, paired with a lack of job security. Additionally, there are no paid vacation days, sick leave, or other benefits that traditional employees enjoy. 

As a freelancer, you'll need to ensure that you're always available to communicate with your clients, which can require a certain level of flexibility. On top of that, freelancers might also need to continuously search for new clients and projects on online marketplaces to maintain their income. 

If you venture into the world of freelancing, it’s important to note that you will also be responsible for all administrative tasks, including accounting, invoicing, tax obligations, and chasing payments, which can be time-consuming and require a great deal of attention to detail. 

Another issue is the isolation that can come with working independently, as freelancers often work from home or their local coffee shop and may not have the same social connections as traditional employees.

Overall, freelancing can be a rewarding career choice, but it requires a significant amount of self-discipline, motivation, and business acumen to be successful. It's important for individuals considering freelancing to weigh the benefits and drawbacks carefully before making the leap.

If you’re unsure whether freelancing is for you, consider slowly taking on one or two freelancing jobs while still working your traditional 9-5. This way you can test the waters with first-hand experience and see if this is something you would like to pursue full-time. 

10 steps to kickstart your successful freelancer career

If you’ve decided to take on a slow transition or full-time shift to freelancing, we’ve put together these 10 steps for you to take in order to build up your portfolio. From finding work on freelancing websites to managing the workload and establishing pricing, here are the tools you’ll need to build your freelance business. 

Step 1: Find your first job

Freelance work can be found through online freelancing platforms, which are a popular option for both freelancers and clients, with recent data showing that 75% of freelancers find work this way. Explore the various freelancing platforms and find which one best caters to your needs. 

Step 2: Build a portfolio of freelance work

To create a successful freelance profile, it needs to make a strong impression and showcase your skills, experience, and personality to potential clients. Consider taking on smaller projects in the beginning that will display your skill set to gain experience. The more you can show, the more interest you can attract. 

Knowing which freelance projects to take on and how to write a winning proposal can be crucial in securing steady work and building a reputation in the industry.

Step 3: Establish your pricing formula

One of the most common questions that freelancers have is how to price their work, as it can be challenging to balance fair compensation with the risk of losing clients to competitors.

There is a fine line between overcharging and scaring away potential business and selling yourself short. Use trial and error to figure out specifically where your skill set lies, and don’t be afraid to check out what other freelancers offering similar skills are charging. 

Remember: Your work is valuable, and your expertise, experience, and dedication deserve to be rewarded.

Step 4: Discuss the job parameters with the client before beginning

Before starting work on a project, it's important to discuss and agree on details with the client, including deadlines, the scope of work, and payment terms. This step is vital and should never be skipped.

Be sure to understand what the client wants and effectively communicate your requirements before spending any time on the project you’ve just landed on. 

Step 5: Manage client expectations

Freelancers need to manage client expectations and maintain a positive working relationship through effective communication and a clear contract. Always start on the right foot by being polite, assertive, and transparent.

Each client will be different so ensure that you navigate these relationships in a tailor-made manner. Ideally, you want to establish a strong client relationship and meet (or hopefully exceed) their expectations. 

Step 6: Manage your time effectively 

You’ve landed the job, now it's time to do the work. Time management is key to productivity and success as a freelancer. Ensure that you are scheduling work during productive hours, using time-tracking software if necessary, and effectively using your time to balance the workload of multiple projects.

Take the time to explore various tips and tricks for managing your time between projects, and build a winning formula that works specifically to your needs. The primary goal here is to maximize your productivity. 

Step 7: Get paid

Getting paid as a freelancer can involve choosing the right payment options, dealing with fees and invoicing, and learning the best course of action for receiving international payments.

Unfortunately, this is also the time to learn how to address and handle non-payment issues.

Step 8: Manage your finances

Freelancers need to manage their finances carefully, as income can vary and benefits and tax obligations are the sole responsibility of the freelancer.

Be sure to stay up to date with policies like health and disability insurance, and learn about investing and passive income solutions for retirement and other savings goals. 

Step 9: Level up your freelance career

As a freelancer, there are many opportunities to grow your career and income, such as becoming an agency with other people working under you or teaching others your skills and experience through online courses. 

Step 10: If in doubt, start small

It's possible to balance freelancing with a day job, but it takes planning, determination, and persistence to make it work. This is also a great way to test the market and see if the freelancing life is for you. 

How to navigate the freelance business as a newbie

Now that you have a clear understanding of what freelancing entails, and a to-do list of steps to take to pave your new career path, below are some tips for anyone starting out or looking to become a freelancer. These will come in handy as you navigate the space and ensure that you don’t sell yourself short. 

Be selective about what jobs you take

To showcase your skills and present yourself as an expert, it's important to choose freelance projects that align with your skills and interests, rather than accepting every job that comes your way.

Establish a good pricing formula

Finding the right pricing balance can be tricky - charging too little can make you appear less experienced while overcharging can lead clients to seek out more affordable options. Researching market rates can help you find the right pricing balance.

Keep checking in with clients

Following up with clients after completing a project can lead to more work and strengthen your professional relationship. Consider suggesting additional projects that could benefit the client's business and make a note to check in again in a few months.

Always get a signed contract before starting

Before starting work on a project, always ensure you have a signed contract that outlines the obligations on both sides, including payment terms. Although it may feel awkward to request a contract, it can save time and hassle down the line.

Outsource administrative tasks if necessary

Administrative tasks such as invoicing, accounting, and tax management are important but can be time-consuming.

Consider delegating or automating these tasks to free up more time for paid work. Several millionaires interviewed in a study said that one of their keys to success was recognizing their weaknesses and delegating accordingly. 

Structure your day

To manage your time effectively, create a routine that allows you to balance work and other commitments. Scheduling work during your most productive hours and avoiding leaving work until the last minute can help you maximize productivity.

Stay motivated

Freelancing can be challenging at the beginning, but it's important to persevere and not give up. With experience, you'll gain more confidence and find it easier to secure work and manage your business.

Best of luck with your new venture if you decide to start freelancing.

How to prepare your Christmas budget

Let's guide you on how to build your Christmas budget and actually stick to it!

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In the honest words of Benjamin Franklin: “By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail." Don't let your finances go to ruin over Christmas - take the time now to build a budget and arm yourself with a plan to take into the holiday season.

Christmas is a time for giving, but it's also a time when many people overspend and end up using their credit card to buy gifts during Christmas time. To avoid this and stay within your budget, it's important to plan ahead and set a total budget for your holiday spending. This will give you plenty of time to save up for gifts, travel, and other expenses, and it will help you avoid overspending.

Build a budget in 4 simple steps

Much like a monthly budget, your Christmas budget is going to focus on the month ahead, balancing your income with expenses, with a little extra gift-giving thrown in. This is the toughest step - and best believe the most important one.

One way to save money and stay within your budget is to set aside a portion of each paycheck in a dedicated Christmas savings account. This will make it easier to save up for the holiday season and avoid using your credit card to buy gifts. You can also use gift guides and other resources to find affordable gift ideas, and start shopping early to take advantage of sales and discounts.

1. Determine your income

When creating a Christmas budget, it's important to include all sources of income you expect to receive this month. This includes your regular home pay, as well as any additional income from a side hustle, bonus, tax rebate, or other sources. By including the amount of each income stream in your budget, you'll have a clear picture of how much money you have available to spend on Christmas gifts, travel, and other holiday expenses.

If you're expecting any extra money this month, such as a bonus at work or extra income from a side hustle, be sure to include this in your budget as well. This can help you save more money for Christmas and avoid overspending. Consider buying only one gift for each person on your list, rather than buying multiple gifts. And remember, you should only be spending money that you own on Christmas gifts and expenses, rather than using credit or going into debt.

2. Write down all your expenses

From household expenses to utilities to car expenses to debt payoffs and money allocated to your savings funds. Also, be sure to include entertainment and transport, and don't forget the important things like insurance, child care and medical aid.

3. Create a special Christmas column

Added to your regular expenses, map out a budget for gifts, decor, and any food and drink-related expenses you will encounter. To make the task less daunting, start with which friends and family members you need to buy presents for and a rough estimate of what these might cost.

Also, consider things like stocking stuffers, the Christmas tree, decorations, and wrapping paper. Don't put too much pressure on yourself here, go for affordable over perfect and on credit, or better yet shop for a deal in the months before. The point of this budget is to reduce credit card debt, so use the time to come up with some great ideas before you go shopping. 

4. Minus your expenses from your income

With the expenses (including the Christmas expenses) and income column side by side, review your expenditure and ensure that the total amount in your income column can cover this.

  • if your expenditure is higher than your income make tweaks to bring it down. Consider buying a smaller gift for someone, or reducing your entertainment budget.
  • if your income is higher than your expenditure, great job. Now consider allocating those funds somewhere to avoid frivolous spending. Perhaps put more money in one of your savings accounts, or consider gifting some to a charity. Bear in mind that allocating these funds now before you're tempted to spend them will be preferable.

Manage your spending as you go

Check in every now and then to ensure that you're still in line with your spending and fund allocation. You don't need to become an accountant tracing every cent, just check in weekly for an overview of your expenditure and whether you need to make any adjustments.

Sticking to your Christmas season budget will be the second hardest part - but not impossible! Print it out, put it on your fridge and be diligent about sticking to your budget. Your January wallet (and budget and bank repayments) will thank you.

Finding the perfect gift for your loved ones can be challenging, especially if you're on a tight budget. One way to save money on gifts is to shop sales and use coupons. Many stores offer special discounts and deals during the holiday season, so be sure to keep an eye out for these and take advantage of them. You can also use a sinking fund to save extra cash throughout the year for Christmas gifts, which can help you avoid going into debt when it comes time to do your holiday shopping.

Another way to save money during the gift-buying season is to give DIY gifts. These can be personal and heartfelt, and often cost less than store-bought items. Consider making yourself festive Christmas dinner, baked goods, hot cocoa, crafting a handmade gift, or giving an experience gift, such as tickets to a concert or a voucher for a spa day. These gifts can be thoughtful and unique, and they can help you save money on your holiday spending.

Getting prepared for next year

While you're doing most of the groundwork, why not duplicate this information now and implement it into next year's Christmas budget already (meaning more expendable income for you in December)?

Establish your Christmas expenses

When creating your Christmas expenditure list, take into account any changes or new additions to your family or holiday plans. Start by making a list of all the Christmas presents you plan to buy, as well as any expected extra Christmas spending in your budget.

Don't forget to include Christmas presents for your kids and other family members. Also, consider in your holiday budget expenses such as travel, holiday meal, decorations (everyone loves some shiny Christmas lights) , and entertaining. Add up the total cost of all these items to determine your total Christmas budget amount.

If you're using last year's budget as a starting point, be sure to make any necessary adjustments. The whole point of creating a budget is to ensure that you have enough money to cover all your expenses and avoid overspending during the holiday season. This will make your Christmas shopping experience stress-free and enjoyable. 

Work out monthly savings

Divide your Christmas expenses by 12 months and establish what you'll need to put aside each month to meet this goal. Consider creating a separate savings account (better yet one that has interest rewards) so that you have a safe space to put these funds out of reach.

Imagine the feeling of knowing all your festive season expenses are already saved. That might just be sweeter than Aunt Ruth's cranberry jelly.


Get prepared and enjoy this most wonderful time of the year

The festive season doesn’t need to be stressful, with a plan in place and a budget you’re ready to take on by the horns, your Christmas could be a lot cheerier, freeing up more time to enjoy the moments spent with the people you love. 

By following these steps, you can create a budget for Christmas that will help you save money and avoid overspending. And remember, it's not just about buying gifts - the holiday season is about spending time with loved ones and creating memories, not about going into debt. So, make a plan and stick to it, you won't feel guilty and you'll be well on your way to a happy, debt-free Christmas!

What is inflation & how does it affect your money?

Inflation is a real threat to your savings. Fortunately, you can beat inflation by investing a way that provide you an inflation-adjusted return.

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With inflation rates rising across the world, many are naturally looking to regain control of their funds. Affecting everyone from business owners to retirees, and even governments, inflation is the silent killer when it comes to deteriorating personal wealth. In this article, we explore what inflation is exactly, and how you can protect yourself from it. 

What is inflation?

Inflation is a term used to describe the gradual increase in the cost of goods and services in an economy, which results in the reduction of the purchasing power of your money. As goods and services rise in price, each unit of currency becomes able to buy less, thus reducing its purchasing power. Additionally to this, the rise in the cost of living tends to result in a deceleration in economic growth. 

Inflation can be felt far beyond just household goods like food. It is experienced across the board, from services like entertainment, labor, and healthcare to metals and fuel even in transportation and electricity. 

Two indexes used to measure inflation are the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Wholesale Price Index (WPI). CPI examines a basket of household goods and compares the overall prices to the prices registered the year before. Inflation is noted when the same amount of money cannot buy the same amount of goods as previously recorded. 

The WPI measures and tracks the price of goods at the producer or wholesale level. This observes the increases in prices from the foundation up, looking at the raw materials instead of the final product.

Following the pandemic, inflation rates have increased around the world. In some cases, inflation rates are the highest they've been in 30 years, bad news for people's savings and salaries.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Consumer Price Index For All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) recorded a 7.5% annual increase at the end of January 2022, the biggest increase to date since 1982. While, according to information available through the UK equivalent, the Office for National Statistics, a 12-month increase of 6.2% was observed in March 2022.

Inflation vs interest rates

Not to be confused with one another, inflation is the increase in the cost of living while interest rates determine how much money you can earn/pay as a lender/borrower. Inflation and interest rates typically rise and fall together, with an increase in one generally creating an increase in the other.

The different types of inflation

There are three main types of inflation which are categorized as demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, and built-in inflation. Below we outline the differences between the three.

Demand-pull Inflation

Demand-pull inflation is when an increased supply of money leads to an increased demand for goods and services at a pace faster than the economy's production capacity. The increased demand and limited supply result in price rises. 

Cost-push Inflation

Cost-push inflation is the result of increased costs of raw materials and production processes, leading to an increased price in the final product and other consumer prices. 

Built-in Inflation

Built-in inflation is created by a wage-price spiral where consumer prices rise leading workers to demand higher wages which in turn increases consumer prices. 

How to manage funds and navigate inflation

Inflation is an inevitable part of life, however, there are still ways in which one can protect their funds from deteriorating in value. 

Invest in stocks

Stock markets provide much better returns than traditional interest-bearing savings accounts. While managing the stock market is a relatively complicated endeavor and requires more energy, stocks, and ETFs can earn up to 7% annual returns which would both increase your capital and beat inflation.

Invest in property

Property prices tend to increase in value over time. While they require a substantial payment of capital, these can pay off in the long run. 

Invest in commodities

Precious metals like gold and silver, as well as agricultural products and energy resources, offer potential opportunities for preserving wealth during economic uncertainties.

In Conclusion

Managing inflation is integral to maintaining financial stability. Inflation is an inevitable part of the modern economy, however, there are ways to minimize its effects on your savings. Stocks, property, and commodities are all viable options to ensure your personal wealth is protected and growing. 




The internet of things (IoT) explained

The Internet of Things (IoT) demystified: Understanding the network of interconnected devices that are changing the way we live and work.

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As the Internet of Things becomes an increasingly popular topic of conversation, we are here to lay the foundations of what the concept of IoT really is. As people become familiar with blockchain and cryptocurrencies, it is only a matter of time before the IoT becomes deeply ingrained in our day to day living.  

What is the internet of things?

The Internet of Things refers to millions of physical devices that connect to the internet and collect and share data. These systems of interrelated computing devices can be as small as a pill or as large as an aeroplane and are able to communicate real-time data. This marks a prominent milestone in the evolution of the Computer Age.

This shift is possible due to a number of factors that have come into play in the last few decades, such as the decreased cost of connecting to the internet and broadband internet becoming more accessible. There is also the added advantage of more devices being built with sensors and WiFi capabilities and how these devices have reduced in cost becoming more accessible to everybody. These factors contributed to making the perfect storm for IoT to ignite. 

While the term was coined in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, the IoT era is believed to have only truly begun in 2008 when the world officially had more devices connected to the internet than people. 

An example of IoT devices

An IoT device is any natural or man-made object that can be assigned an Internet Protocol (IP) address and transfer data over a network. It can range from smart speakers like Amazon's Alexa and Google Next to a lightbulb, security camera or thermostat that are controlled by apps, from heart rate monitors to sprinklers, and everything in between. 

How does IoT work?

IoT technology is made up of physical devices that consist of networks of sensors, processors and communication hardware. These internetworking components are able to collect, send and act on the data they receive. 

The data is then analysed in the cloud through an IoT gateway or other edge device, or communicated to other related devices from where action can be executed. These processes are all automated, however, human invention can occur when setting them up, accessing data or giving the devices instructions. This technology essentially enables the remote monitoring, programming and control of specific data with minimal human intervention. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can also be implemented to assist in making data collecting processes easier and more dynamic.

In a practical example, an IoT device such as a thermometer will collect the data (temperature), this will then be collated and transferred through an IoT gateway or IoT hub from where the back-end system or user interface (e.g. app on a smartphone) will analyse the data and take action. 

IoT in domestic settings

Already seeing a huge advancement in home and office devices, the IoT movement on a domestic level is big and getting bigger. Home automation is fast becoming a very lucrative endeavour, with the market valued at $44.68 billion in 2020 alone. This ranges from lights to air conditioners to security systems, anything in the home that can be controlled by an app, including smart hubs connecting these devices, like TVs and refrigerators. 

IoT devices have also proven their worth among elders and people with disabilities, as they are able to provide assistive technology for sight, hearing or mobility limitations. 

IoT in industrial settings

While the smart home industry is booming, the industrial use cases are not far behind. IoT in business allows companies to automate processes and can help to monitor the performance of systems and machines in real-time, from supply chain management to logistic operations.

The market has already seen devices used to track environmental conditions (humidity, air pressure, temperature), prevalent in the designs of smart cities. They also prove their worth in the agricultural sector where farmers can use these devices to monitor the water levels of livestock or automatically order new products when the supply is about to run out. 

The future of IoT

Already over a decade into the movement, IoT is only going to get bigger. With a range of use cases that span almost every sector, it's no surprise that the projected value for the industry in 2028 is over $97 billion. Forecasts also predict that industrial and automotive equipment will present the largest opportunity for growth in the future, while smart home and wearable devices will dominate in the coming years. 

However, if the implementation of these devices is not done well this could present a new challenge to the industry. For example, if you have several smart home devices running in your home and need to log into several different apps to use them, this will hinder the growth of that sector. 

In conclusion: The IoT is the future of things

Any device falls into the category of IoT as long as it collects and shares data enabling smarter working with more control. If implemented correctly, IoT devices may well be a permanent fixture in our lives in the next decade, with analysts predicting that adoption and spending will grow exponentially in the next few years. 

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Investing 101: Calculating gains and losses

Learn how to identify and calculate gains and losses in your investments so you can make informed decisions about your money.

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Investing is a great way to grow your wealth and reach financial goals, but it is important to understand the potential risks as well as the rewards. Knowing how to identify capital gains and losses in investments is essential for any investor who wants to make informed decisions about their money. 

Gains and losses will determine whether or not an investment has been successful, so understanding them is critical to making wise choices when investing. Not only that but being able to recognize capital gains and losses can help investors decide when it’s time to get out of an investment before they incur too much damage. 

By learning to spot a gain or loss quickly, investors can protect their funds from unnecessary harm while reaping the benefits of investing. Here we break down how to calculate capital gains and losses.

The basics: how to calculate capital gains/loss

Investors will need to first identify the original cost or purchase price of the investment in order to calculate the percentage capital gain on an investment. You can get this from your broker, or any electronic trade confirmations you might have received. 

The next step is to subtract the original cost of the same investment from the selling purchase price (current value) to arrive at the gain or loss amount. If the amount is negative, this will indicate a loss while a positive amount will illustrate the profit. 

Then take this amount (the gain or loss) and divide it by the original purchase price. Multiply this by 100 and this will establish your gain or loss as a percentage.

Gain/loss ($ amount) = selling price - purchase price

Gain/loss percentage = [(selling price- purchase price) / purchase price] x 100

When the market value of an investment is lower than its cost basis, leading to a negative percentage return, it constitutes a loss on that particular asset.

When the market value or selling price surpasses your initial investment, you'll get a positive percentage that reflects this gain.

Why calculating gain/loss is important

Calculating the loss or gains you've made on an investment is crucial not only for staying on top of your financial situation but also when it comes to monitoring your investment strategy. If you are continuously making losses on an investment it might be time to change course, however, you will only know this by doing the calculations. 

Calculating the capital gains or losses on an investment as a percentage is important because it shows how much was earned as compared to the amount needed to achieve the gain.

Additionally, calculating the gains or losses of an investment are important when calculating any capital gains tax. Having a clear understanding of the financial situation will ensure that you are not underpaying or overpaying on capital gains tax. Be sure to check the capital gains tax rate in your jurisdiction as this will change from area to area.

Additional aspects to consider

As with anything, there are additional costs to factor in. For investments, this might be commissions, broker fees, taxes, etc. Below we look at how to factor in transaction costs, dividends, and trading fees.

Transaction Costs

Take your final gain/loss amount and subtract and transaction costs incurred from this amount.

Gain/loss ($ amount) = (purchase price - selling price) - transaction costs


When calculating your gains, any additional income or distributions should be factored in. Dividends, whether from specific stocks or mutual funds, are the most common form of investment income and are paid to investors on a per-share basis. Not all shares pay out dividends so be sure to confirm this prior to making the trade.

Say an investor owns 100 shares and the company pays out $5 per share annually, this equates to $500 in dividends in a single year. Let's say that each share was bought at $20 and is now worth $40.

Gain/loss percentage 

= [((selling price - purchase price) + dividends) / purchase price] x 100

= [(($4,000 - $2,000) + $500) / $200] x 100

= 125%

Therefore, the dividends payout increased the gains on this investment by 25%. In this example, we have not included trading fees, commissions, etc.

Trading fees

Trading fees or brokerage fees are often an unavoidable aspect of trading and should be factored into your investment calculations. Using the above example, let's say the broker charges $50 in fees for its services and any transaction costs incurred. This amount will need to be subtracted from the original gain/loss amount before dividing it by the original purchase cost.

Gain/loss percentage 

= [((selling price- purchase price) - fees) / purchase price] x 100

= [(($4,000 - $2,000) - $50) / $2,000] x 100

= 97.5%

Here the trading fees dropped the investment gains by 2.5% from 100% to 97.5%.

Capital gains tax rate and mutual funds

Calculating capital gains or losses in a mutual fund is important for several reasons, but one key example is for tax purposes, known as capital gains taxes.

When an investor sells shares of a mutual fund, they may realize a capital gain or loss, which is the difference between the sale price and the purchase price of the shares. If the sale price is higher than the purchase price, the investor realizes a capital gain, and if the sale price is lower than the purchase price, the investor realizes a capital loss.

Capital gains are typically taxable, meaning that the investor must pay capital gains tax on the amount of the gain. However, if the shares were held for more than one year before being sold, the gain may be taxed at a lower rate known as the long-term capital gains rate, depending on the specific tax laws in your country. In contrast, capital losses can be used to offset capital gains, reducing the investor's overall tax liability.

Calculating capital gains or losses in a mutual fund can be more complex than for individual stocks, as mutual funds may buy and sell securities frequently, resulting in multiple tax lots with different purchase prices and holding periods. To accurately calculate gains or losses, investors must track each tax lot and determine the cost basis of each lot, which is the original purchase price plus any reinvested dividends or capital gains distributions.

Failing to properly calculate capital gains or losses on one's investments can result in overpaying or underpaying taxes, which can be costly and potentially lead to penalties. Therefore, it is important for investors to carefully track their mutual fund investments and accurately calculate their capital gains or losses for tax purposes.

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