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Saving and investing tips for surviving a recession

Survive a recession with these expert saving and investing tips. Learn how to protect your finances and thrive during tough economic times.

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Increasing speculation is that the global economy could be headed for a recession in 2023. This comes as governments around the world continue to grapple with rising debt levels and sluggish economic growth despite massive fiscal stimulus packages. 

Meanwhile, companies are facing headwinds from changing consumer preferences, technological disruption, and escalating trade tensions. All of these factors have raised concerns about whether the current economic expansion can be sustained over the long term. 

Below we explore the likelihood of an upcoming economic downturn and guide you through how to protect your savings and investments should you be faced with one. 

Are we headed for a recession in 2023?

According to economic research conducted by Bloomberg, economists have predicted a 70% chance of a recession next year, up from their 30% prediction in July last year. While not the technical definition, recessions typically take place after two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth, which was seen last year. 

Despite the interest rates and inflation, consumer demand has deteriorated. After two years of bulked-up hiring, job search activity is now also waning. The stock markets have declined approximately 20% in 2022 with speculations indicating that further drops in 2023 are likely to follow suit.

While these stats might cause panic, know that recessions are part of the natural economic cycle. In fact, there have been thirteen recessions since World War II, each lasting an average of 10 months, all of which recovered. With the right preparations, an economic downturn can cause minimal damage to your financial goals. 

How to ride out a recession with minimal damage (hint: emergency fund)

First and foremost, build your emergency savings fund before the recession goes into full effect. This involves saving money to build up three to six months’ worth of expenses that can be used for any unforeseen costs that might pop up over times of economic slowdown. Building an emergency fund is a surefire way to protect your investments and recession-proof your finances.

On top of this, experts recommend putting off any big purchases, especially luxury items, and creating (and sticking to) a budget. Look for valuable money-saving tips and implement these into your day-to-day life. These tips might help you to save money beyond the economic uncertainty and help you to offset the rising costs of living. Consider creative ways to beat the economy and cut costs.

How to manage debt in an economic downturn

If you have a steady job, starting today, increase your payments to eradicate your debt. Don’t underestimate the freedom that comes with being debt-free, not only financially but emotionally too. Once you’ve paid this off you will have more room in your balance sheets to navigate the interest rate hike and increased cost of living typically associated with recessions. 

Should you lose your job, try to minimize your unessential debt repayments and focus on having enough money to cover your four pillars: food, utilities, shelter, and transportation. If you have funds left over, put them in a savings account, particularly if you don’t have your emergency fund set up yet.

Whatever happens, do not get into more debt, high interest debt will only make a bad situation worse. Consider speaking to a certified financial planner if you are unsure.

How to recession-proof your savings

Assuming you still have your job, continue to save money and build your cash reserves. Don’t let economic downturns stop you from moving toward your economic goals. Ideally, you have your emergency savings fund set up to buffer any personal losses and cover your living expenses. This allows you to put your usual amount of savings into an interest-yielding account without any concern for “what ifs”. 

Now is also a great time to review your budget and allocate every cent to a purpose. If there is any extra money left over, incorporate this into your savings or retirement account. If not, revise to see where you can cut spending and fill up your savings jar. 

How to manage your stock market investments during a recession

The golden rule of managing your investments and maintaining your financial position during a recession is not to sell at a loss. Time and time again we see investors make trades based on fear, and ultimately make terrible losses while peers that left their funds in the stock market account see impressive returns once the economy has returned to normal.

Remember: losses are only realized once you withdraw the funds from the investment vehicles. Leave them in there, as with every economic cycle in history, it will get better. And if you have the funds, consider investing a little more - stock market prices will be at “discount” lows. 

Other valuable advice is not to make any sudden changes to your investment strategy, consider investing as a long-term approach. 

Some long-term investors look to incorporate shares in consumer staples companies into their portfolios as a strategy to overcome market slumps. By investing in funds like the Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR Fund or the Vanguard's Consumer Staples ETF, the hopes are that the success of these funds will offset the losses from other stocks within the portfolio.

Avoid FUD and be prepared

Despite whatever economic situation might arise, rest assured that it shall pass. After all, if you are reading this now then you have most likely lived through several recessions before and come out on top. Don't let any worries stop you from being prepared in case of a recession, after all, these tips above on how to recession-proof your finances are your best chance of coming out on top, again. 

7 simple steps to start (and build) your emergency fund

From rainy days to brighter futures: 7 steps to building your emergency fund and securing your financial peace of mind.

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We've all been caught off guard with an emergency payment - from having to replace an appliance to an unexpected medical bill. These things happen and they're out of our control, so it's best to be prepared. Emergency funds are the best way to protect yourself, and a great way to start building your savings. 

These unforeseen expenses shouldn't cripple your savings. With an emergency savings fund, you can recover more quickly and get back on track to achieving your financial goals with little to no stress.

What is an emergency fund?

An emergency fund is easily accessible money stored in a bank account set aside specifically for unexpected expenses or financial emergencies, anything from medical expenses to a loss of income. Emergency savings are typically used for unplanned expenses that fall outside of your normal monthly spending, with the funds stored in a savings account.

These funds allow you to weather the storm and avoid the need (and costs) of taking out a high-interest loan or credit card debt. Keeping the funds in a savings account removes the temptation to spend it, as would be the case if you stored the funds in a checking account.

Why emergency savings are important

Emergency or unexpected expenses without the proper precautions can quickly turn into debt or take a toll on your savings goals. And if hit with two or more in a row, this might cause long-term consequences that cause havoc on your finances. 

Rather rest assured knowing that you have an emergency fund in place should something unexpected happen than fall back on costly loans and credit cards, or even other savings accounts like your retirement savings. 

Emergency funds play an essential role in any reliable financial plan, providing peace of mind and a buffer for your other savings accounts. These funds can be used during periods of unemployment, the sudden death of a family member, illness and disability, or emergency home and auto repairs. Never underestimate the importance of an emergency fund and its impact on your financial well-being should something go wrong.

Start your emergency fund with these 7 simple steps

1. Review your monthly budget and see where you can save

It's critical to understand where your money is going so you can find ways to save it. Budgeting allows you to maximize your income and discover methods to decrease or control your spending.

To do this you can sit down with a financial advisor, or take matters into your own hand with your checking account statements, a pen and paper or a budgeting app. Be sure to review both your checking and savings accounts to get a clear picture. This is the first step in improving your financial health, and to start building your emergency fund.

2. Establish a goal amount for your emergency fund 

A budget is a plan for spending that helps you figure out how much money you'll need each month to meet your essential expenses. A general rule of thumb when looking to build an emergency fund goal is to aim for six months' worth of income, enough to cover monthly expenses for housing, food, and transportation. 

Don't be discouraged by how long this will take, rather establish a goal to work towards and move forward in that direction. Ideally, you want to be able to cover your living expenses for six months.

3. Create a direct deposit to your savings account

Avoid temptation by setting up a direct deposit from your current bank account (or wherever you receive your income) to your savings account. Better yet, you can create a split direct debit which allows you to automatically allocate funds to various accounts, including retirement funds etc. 

If you're new to saving, experts recommend starting with an emergency fund, and once you've established this, move on to other savings accounts. If you already have a retirement fund or money market account set up, continue with this while building your emergency fund. 

4. Little by little increase your savings

Increase the amount you're putting into your emergency fund by 1 percent or a certain amount over time until you've reached your savings goal. Increasing amounts gradually might help to make the smaller deposit into your checking account seem less noticeable and steadily build financial security.

5. Direct any unexpected income straight to your savings accounts

Commit to redirecting any unexpected income to your emergency fund, at least until you have reached your saving goal. This might be money from a bonus, inheritance, a tax refund, lottery winnings etc. 

6. And once you've reached your goal? Save some more

Being unemployed for more than a year or being hospitalized for several months are both situations that require more than a six-month cushion. Should you find yourself here you’ll be glad you have more money saved in your emergency fund.

7. Find a bank account with perks that can kickstart your savings

When opening new checking or savings accounts, shop around by observing bank or credit union offers. Some banks offer cash incentives to new customers. Use this to kickstart your emergency fund, or to add a little extra to an already established one. 

In conclusion

An emergency fund provides a cushion for unplanned events and can help you avoid taking on credit card debt or taking out a personal loan. By putting your emergency money in a high-yield savings account as opposed to checking and savings accounts, you can earn interest while you save money and build your nest egg.

Having an emergency fund saved in a separate account prevents you from spending the money and ensures that it is accessible in the case of an emergency. Emergencies can occur whether or not you are prepared; as a result, being prepared is the best way to deal with a potentially difficult scenario.

Saving vs investing: What's the difference?

Saving vs investing: Understanding the key differences between the two financial strategies and how they can help you achieve your financial goals.

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Saving and investing are two key elements to managing one's personal wealth. In this article, we explore the benefits and downfalls of both these tools and give you a broader understanding of the topics.

What Does saving entail?

Saving money is an imperative step in building one's wealth and involves putting money away on a consistent basis, consistency is key. These funds are usually kept in an interest-bearing account, allowing the value to increase passively over the years. 

In the United Kingdom, there are different types of ISA (individual savings accounts) that offer tax-free savings options.

In order to save, one must be spending less than they're earning. 

What does investing entail?

Investing involves buying an asset with the intention for it to accumulate in value. This typically comes after saving, although the earlier the better. People invest in the likes of stocks, commodities, property and even themselves (education, capital for a business) in the hopes of generating returns. 

What's the difference between saving and investing?

The biggest difference between the two is the varying returns you can earn. Saving money in a bank account typically provides returns of 0.5 - 2% depending of the period in time, while the return potential on stock could be much greater.

The other main difference between saving and investing is the risk. So, while earning higher returns on investments might sound much more appealing, the risk is usually greater. Savings accounts carry minimal risk and are usually insured while investment portfolios will rise and fall with the market and are only insured if the investment company fails. Investors should balance the options and establish which risk level they are comfortable with.

In light of these risks, savings are recommended for short term goals while investments cater better to long term financial objectives. This is because long term investments will ride out the ebb and flow of markets and recover even if there is a drop over a certain period. Savings on the other hand are more easily accessible and won't be "interrupted" if the funds are used for an emergency. 

However, savings are also susceptible to inflation as the interest rates are seldom higher than the inflation rates. For example, if your bank is offering a 0.6% interest on your savings account and inflation rose 2%, your savings would have actually decreased in value. Investing typically beats inflation.

The similarities between savings and investing

As both tools are excellent at building and creating more wealth, there are bound to be similarities between the two.

The main similarity between the two is that both options are best started now, whether you're in them for the long or short term benefits. This is due to compounding. Compounding is the process where the interest you earn on an investment or savings account is continuously reinvested, increasing the base sum each period. 

For example, if you put $1,000 into a compounding savings account and earned 2% interest each year. The next year you will be earning 2% interest on the lump sum plus the interest earned, $1,020. The next year you would earn $1,020.40 ($1,020 interest earned, $20.40). This doesn't sound like too much, but over a ten-year period, you would have amassed $219.20 without having done a thing. 

Before you get started

Before getting started on either of these options, ensure that you have a positive cash flow and are debt-free. You'll also need to establish what your risk tolerance is, your short term and long term financial requirements, and when you would like to access the money.

If you don't have one already, you'll want to establish an Emergency Fund that can cover your living expenses for 3 - 6 months. Should you lose your job you can then fall back on this loan and not have to rely on credit cards with high-interest rates. 

Experts also recommend setting up a retirement fund, with automated monthly contributions. Once your emergency and retirement funds are established, you can consider a short term savings account or long term investment, or both. 

Pros and cons of saving and investing

Below we highlight the pros and cons of both tools:


Pro: Money is accessible and can easily be withdrawn.

Pro: Exempt from market volatility.

Con: Cannot leverage on market gains (potentially missing out on large compound interest benefits).

Con: Susceptible to inflation.


Pro: Longer time frames allow for favourable compounding interest.

Pro: Could tap into large market gains. 

Con: Exposed to more risk as markets are susceptible to drops.

Con: May incur a penalty if the money is withdrawn too soon. 

The bottom line

Both savings and investment options carry their own set of risks and rewards and it's ultimately best for you to speak to a financial adviser who is able to provide you with calculated professional advice. 

The 5 most common crypto scams to watch out for

Don't fall victim to scammers: stay ahead of the game with our guide to the 5 most common crypto scams to watch out for.

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As we move into a more digital world with enhanced security systems, so too are hackers and fraudsters. With millions of dollars lost each year at the hands of these ill actors, in this article we take a look at the 5 most common crypto scams and how to spot them. The financial world need not be a scary place, with a few precautions in place you can bank on being able to avoid them.

What is a crypto scam?

A crypto scam is a type of financial fraud revolving around cryptocurrencies. According to a report by Chainalysis, a record-breaking $14 billion of crypto was stolen last year through crypto scams. While there are many different types of crypto scams, of which we'll explore 5 below, the common thread is that crypto is wrongfully taken from a user through fraudulent activities. 

The biggest crypto scam of recent times was in late 2020 when people hacked into the Twitter accounts of high profile individuals and claimed that should someone send Bitcoin or Ethereum to an address they will receive twice the value back. These accounts included the likes of Barack Obama, Elon Musk and Joe Biden. 

The top 5 most common crypto scams

While there are an infinite amount of crypto scams out there, below we are highlighting the 5 most common ones.

Fake crypto exchanges

These types of exchanges provide a buy/sell platform on which users can trade cryptocurrency, however, once they have deposited the funds they cannot withdraw any money. These funds might still appear on the platform although the money is long gone. 

Always read the reviews of a platform, and do your own research before depositing money anywhere. 

Ponzi schemes

Ponzi schemes might have started in the late 1800s but they're still here. The scheme works in such a way that each member earns rewards by recruiting new members, whose money is then used to pay off older members. This eventually reaches a saturation point after which it collapses. 

Always do your due diligence and ensure that the scheme you're tapping in is solid. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Fake investment schemes

Be wary of an "investment opportunity" promising to deliver unbelievable gains. This might be in the form of depositing funds on a platform only to lose the money or struggle to withdraw it at a later stage. These are often circulated through well-known publications or on social media with celebrities "endorsing" the products. 

Pump and dumps also fall into this category. These schemes are created when a large group of people decide to buy in a coin, only to drive up the prices and cash out at the top. Many people are then left with a worthless coin at the end, and lost all their initial funds put into this coin.

Imitating a crypto exchange

Similar to the concept of phishing, someone might create a social media account of a big exchange and contact the user "on behalf of the company". This is intended to gain your trust and is either done in an attempt to gain your passwords, or with a message that you owe large amounts in tax which needs to be paid in Bitcoin immediately to avoid imprisonment. 

Never follow links in an email, rather access the site from your own browser directly and be sure to check the URL. Successful scams of this nature often have a small typo in the URL which goes unnoticed. 

Malware & ransomware

The malware allows scammers to gain access to your computer, either locking you out of files or stealing credit card or crypto address details. With this information, they can drain your accounts in minutes. 

Ransomware works slightly differently in that the scammers lock the entire computer and demand a ransom to gain access again. This is often paired with blackmail where the victim, and in some cases organizations, are threatened that if they don't pay sensitive information will be released. A lot of victims in this situation manage to get out of it unharmed.

These might sound very scary, but should you maintain safe online protocols and check URLs before entering your details, they should be entirely avoided. 

5 tips on how to avoid crypto scams

These might sound obvious but it never hurts to read them again. Below are 5 tips on how to stay vigilant and avoid crypto scams entirely.

  • Be wary of phone calls and emails claiming to be from exchanges and never click the links from them. 
  • Never give your password, private key or security codes to anyone.
  • Never give someone remote access to your device.
  • Look out for social media accounts imitating legal firms or exchanges or a prominent person in the industry. Support will never contact you from a social media account.
  • And lastly, if it sounds too good to be true - it probably is. 

Easily avoided, comfortably secure

We hope this information assists you in keeping your data and money secure online, proper security is always imperative when using payment methods or services on the internet. As technology evolves, so too must our security systems and vigilance. With these tips above you should be well on your way to spotting something that doesn't quite look right, and avoiding crypto scam.

The Bitcoin mining rush

Bitcoin has become a household name around the world, for very good reasons. The same way gold became the standard of currency, bitcoin is slowly trying to do the same. Here is what is causing the Bitcoin mining rush.

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Bitcoin has become a household name around the world, for very good reasons. The same way gold became the standard of currency, bitcoin is doing the same. With the rise of gold, we also saw a gold rush, as people flocked to the mines to find every flake of gold they could. Something similar is happening to bitcoin right now as the cryptocurrency mining rush has begun, with the world hiking up their ASIC miners to process as fast as possible. Especially with talk of Elon Musk considering reinstating Bitcoin payments once the carbon emissions and energy consumption associated with bitcoin mining are decreased. But why the sudden rush? it is not just another bubble, it is about global economic sustainability and excelling cryptocurrencies. 

Where is the bitcoin mining rush happening?

Although the whole world may be captivated by the potential of cryptocurrency, China has always been a top contender for miners. Despite the repeat FUD spreading around China and its acceptance of digital currency, China bitcoin mining once accounted for more than 70% of mining power. But this summer's sweeping crackdown in China has greatly increased profits for miners outside of the world's second-largest economy, with counties such as the USA, Russia, and Iran making up for lost blocks. These regulations won’t stop Chinese miners from doing what they need, they just may no longer be doing it within the borders of China. 

It was 2 months ago that Beijing made moves to crack down on cryptocurrency. One of the steps was halting the supply of power to bitcoin farms, giving Chinese miners no choice but to pack their bags for more crypto-friendly countries. Chinese researchers express data portraying excess use of electricity consumption, especially in these stressful times. 

What is chinas’ issue with digital currency mining?

China has had numerous issues with cryptocurrencies over the years, first stating they didn’t want their economic wealth flooding into a global currency. They have potentially solved this problem as they announce their own digital currency created by a group of specialist. China’s digital currency, the digital yuan, is controlled by its central bank which will issue the new currency. Now they may have created a digital form of currency, but it is nowhere near cryptocurrency, aside from some computational comparisons. China plans to strip away the anonymity so beloved within Blockchain, and inside track and control where their digital currency goes. Nonetheless, their first issue has been fixed, so what is their problem now?

Supposably carbon emissions and energy consumption in the country are rising, due to cryptocurrency, not the masses staying at home. Regardless of if their reasoning and intent are pure, we know carbon emission due to cryptocurrency is a very real and impending issue. This theory has been confirmed by Tesla's Elon Musk halting bitcoin payments until the carbon emission issue is resolved, rightfully so as the guy selling low carbon emission electric cars. 

What is next for chinese miners?

Bitcoin mining is one of the most lucrative major industries in the world, yet many people don't know that Bitcoin mining generates just as much revenue as gold and silver extraction. The old Gold Rush might be waning, but Bitcoin miners are reaping the rewards of a new gold rush. The current generation shows entrepreneurial spirit unlike many before it, especially as the online era continues to expand. They see the market and trend associated with cryptocurrency and are ensuring they are involved in as many ways as possible. From trading on an exchange, accepting bitcoin for services, or using their computer to mine crypto. Blockchain technology is proving to be a leader in so many industries, even emission avoidance, so no issue should or will stop people from accepting and collecting it. 

Renewable energy countries 

The solution to China's electricity and energy consumption issues is not to stop cryptocurrency mining altogether, but rather for miners to move to more power conscious countries. This may not be so appealing for China itself, but it is proving to be the best option for miners. Miners may take a lot of energy and computer processing, but they also run very hot. So miners are looking for a country with a cheaper electricity cost to move to, with the added benefit of them being cold for an additional cooling process. Most countries that use renewable energy find their costs a lot lower than those that do not, this was even seen in China. Miners would run to the mountains of Sichuan, where abundant hydroelectric power made electricity services costs exceptionally cheaper per unit. 

Colder climates like Germany, Sweden, and Scotland are becoming increasingly more desirable countries of residency for crypto miners. Sweden is planning to be the world's first fossil fuel free country by the year 2040. Denmark has broken a wind power record, showing 43% of its electricity consumption being covered by wind; they also plan to be fossil fuel free by 2050. Germany is a leader in renewable energy, and in the first half of 2018 they proved that, by producing enough renewable electricity to power every household in the country for a year. Scotland is also joining the ranks of the greatest renewable energy countries. Scotland plans to build the worlds’ largest floating wind turbine farm, as wind power can generate 98% of Scotland’s electricity needs.

These are all brilliant, and cold countries can easily fit the needs of any cryptocurrency miner, with cheaper watts and a cooler climate to cut down even more on watts. 

Risk of regulations

While the above-mentioned countries are great candidates for cryptocurrency and bitcoin mining, there are other problems to be wary of. Crypto regulations are just an issue among crypto miners, but also for exchange services. Each country has taken its own approach to enforcing cryptocurrency into its economy, but some may be trickier than others. VISAs are also another thing to take into consideration. Holiday VISAs are easily acquired, but moving your entire mining farm across borders may not be as easy. Would you need a work VISA? A residency VISA? That is up to each miner to find out. Germany has shown positive sentiment to cryptocurrency, considering it as legal tender, and allowing institutional funds to hold up to 20% in cryptocurrency. Denmark and Scotland have also shown interest in cryptocurrencies, considering tax policies to help their native traders and the economy. Miners may be susceptible to taxation, and VISA regulations, but they do not have to worry about being in a country that wants to get rid of cryptocurrency. This alone, in addition to renewable energy, are benefits to any crypto enthusiast. 

Bettering the blockchain process

Not only does renewable energy mining save the world and miners money, but it also advances blockchain in general. Projects and people are more likely to accept cryptocurrency and Blockchain when it doesn’t have such a high economic and environmental burden. Using a terawatt of renewable energy is far more efficient and cost-effective than using electricity powered by fossil fuels and coal. With the bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining rush continuing to rally up troops, we in the community need to make conscious decisions for both cryptocurrency and our planet. The process of excelling bitcoin and bitcoin mining starts at finding a computing process that consumes less energy. Whether the miners in China, or around the world, have this intent is not the issue, as long as the rest of the planet pushes them towards more eco-friendly options. It doesn’t start with the miners, they are simply the suppliers, its starts with what we demand, as seen by Mr. Musk. Let us make better choices for Blockchain, earth, and our national economies. 

The pro and cons of crypto banking

Understanding the benefits and challenges of using cryptocurrencies as a banking alternative.

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Cryptocurrencies have truly sparked a revolution, haven't they? It feels like just yesterday they were the secret of tech enthusiasts and visionaries. Now, they’ve transformed into a bustling digital marketplace that’s open to everyone. It’s incredible to see how businesses, both big and small, are embracing these technologies, eager to be part of this vibrant growth story.

Crypto technologies are here to stay. The era where crypto was only for a specific circle of people is over and more companies are taking advantage of this steadily growing market.  More large corporations than ever before are willing to develop and invest in the advantageous market of cryptocurrencies.

The crypto-world is blooming with new developments, and it seems that developers in this field can't stop pumping out innovative updates. Skilled developers and talented specialists in this field are making exchanges more accessible with their innovative work, by turning simple tasks into ease of access for users around the globe.

Crypto banking has been the go-to for many people in need of an alternative to conventional banking. With its lack of certain features, it still provides all that is needed with crypto limitations taken care of and more!  Here's a look at some advantages of using this service over fiat currency.

The first thing you'll notice when comparing bank services side by side is how similar they can be despite being different types altogether; one might not work without another if both suit your needs well enough

Crypto banking is a revolutionary new way of doing banking. It has many advantages and disadvantages when compared with regular fiat banking. Let’s explore in more detail and analyse what are the advantage and disadvantages of crypto- banking.

The advantages:

Independent system   

Cryptocurrency, as a whole, is set to be free of reliance on outdated and archaic centralized economies allowing users to manage every aspect of it while giving them full control over its finance. There are no strings attached to trap you into a quagmire of peculiar circumstances.

Low withdrawal fees

Banks are generally charging a fee whenever you withdraw cash from an ATM or the terminal, while crypto banking enables you to withdraw cash for free up to a certain amount.

Withdrawal fees with crypto banking are one of the best features and a major step towards the future, they charge users as low as 0.01% for their transactions no matter how big the amount you try to withdraw is compared to conventional banks.


Crypto banking platforms have created opportunities for people who were previously shut out of traditional financial services. If you've credit score is low, it'll be hard to find a loan that's affordable and most banks don't offer good interest rates on their saving accounts either.

Higher returns rate

Crypto platforms offer high-yield savings accounts with rates that far exceed traditional ones, enabling their users to beat the inflationary effects. They also provide secured loans without a credit check and other financial services for people in need who are not considered eligible elsewhere.

Currency exchange

So, you’re exchanging your currency for another one? Well, that could cost as much as 4% - applied to a large amount that could be as high as 40£ for every 1000£ that you are converting! Crypto banking, on the other hand, provides an opportunity for you to exchange between various cryptos with a commission as low as 0.1% and conduct rapid peer-to-peer transfers that can be, depending on your plan, free of charge.

The cons


Crypto banking is based and operated online. It’s all about convenience with a quick and easy app for your smart device to control any of your operations in real-time. However, they might not be the best option for seniors or customers who are challenged with using these online services as they often need more personal attention than what this system offers them.   

Assets volatility

While cryptocurrencies have gained in popularity over the years, they remain volatile assets. Thankfully you can now use fiat currencies and stable coins with many crypto banking providers in order to eliminate this risk.


In conclusion, crypto banking became an essential part of the global financial transformation happening worldwide. In view of the advancement pace it evolved at, we wouldn’t be surprised to see it prosper in the coming years, and infiltrate every aspect of our everyday life.  

News and updates

Millennials and Gen Z: The Catalysts of the Money Revolution?

Millennials and Gen Z are revolutionizing the financial landscape, leveraging cryptocurrencies to challenge traditional systems and redefine money itself. Curious about how this shift affects your financial future? Let's uncover the powerful changes they’re driving!

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