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What is a paper wallet?

Let's explore what is a paper wallet and whether it's suited to your crypto need

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When learning about paper wallets it's likely that you came across this option nestled safely in the “cold wallet” section in the different types of cryptocurrency wallets. While the popularity of paper wallets has somewhat declined, there are still a strong number of crypto enthusiasts that still appreciate the completely offline storage option. Let's explore what is a paper wallet and whether it's suited to your crypto needs.

What is a paper wallet?

For those needing a recap, a paper wallet is a piece of paper that holds both one’s public and private keys in both alphanumeric form and QR codes. Known as a non-custodial cold storage wallet, paper wallets allow the holders to manage their own private keys and remain entirely offline. A private key is a unique code that grants a user ownership of their wallet and digital funds, akin to a pin code for a bank account.

Creating paper wallets is incredibly simple, and can be completed in a matter of seconds. As a paper wallet "functions" offline, this makes them free from hackers, unlike a software wallet which is operated online. However, the paper wallet still carries its own set of risks in that the piece of paper cannot get damaged or lost.  Many Bitcoin paper wallets have been lost due to the paper fading or the information becoming illegible.

The objective of keeping a paper wallet is to keep the private key safe whether its for a Bitcoin paper wallet or one designed to hold any other cryptocurrency. Each crypto wallet will be designed to store one specific cryptocurrency.

The term Bitcoin wallet is a generic term for any type of crypto wallet, whether a paper wallet, a software wallet or any type of online wallet or hot wallet. The only distinguishing factor is that the digital wallet only holds Bitcoin.

Precautions for using paper wallets

While storing the paper wallet securely in a safe location makes the top of the list here, other precautions to take are listed below:

Quality printer

Always use a good quality printer. Ensure that your paper wallet is printed with a high-quality inkjet printed to ensure that the characters on the paper don’t fade or bleed over time. Should this happen you could lose access to your funds. 

Don’t share private keys

Never share your private keys with anyone. Paper wallets are designed to show the public key QR code on one side and the private key on the other. When sharing your public key with someone be sure not to accidentally share the private key as then they could gain access to your funds. 

Be sure to set up a change address

If you don't set up a change address before sending funds from a paper wallet, the leftover funds will go to waste. A change address is a separate wallet address that picks up the change from a transaction. 

If you have, for example, 100 BTC in your Bitcoin paper wallet and only spend 0.50 BTC, the remaining  99.5 BTC will either be sent to the change address or lost from your own paper wallet entirely. 

Paper wallets are not designed to be used for sending funds, but instead for receiving and storing funds for the long term. Hot wallets (as opposed to paper wallets) are better suited to users looking to frequently send and receive funds. There are plenty of crypto wallets on the market, ensure that you find the most convenient one for you.

Alternatively, funds can be stored in a yield-generating account where your funds can earn interest. Tap offers a wallet of this nature conveniently located on the app, which allows users to hold several crypto and fiat currencies and earn rewards based on each currency. The longer the funds remain there, the higher the yield.

While paper wallets remain offline, there are still risks associated with them. Be sure to adhere to the above precautions in order to keep your funds safe. 

Are paper wallets still relevant?

In the early days of crypto trading, paper wallets were strongly advised due to the offline safety of storing private keys. They began to be popular around the end of 2010 but unfortunately have been on a decline in more recent years as innovation in the industry has picked up momentum. A paper wallet is resistant to online attacks as long as it's made correctly; you can't hack a piece of paper.

In the past, people could create and print paper wallets for their crypto right from their exchange accounts. But now experts believe that hardware wallets are a more secure option, so most major exchanges don't offer this service anymore.

While some die-hard crypto traders still believe in the solid security of paper wallets, there are plenty of more innovative options available on the market today. 

What is a rug pull in Crypto ?

Crypto's sneaky trap: Unraveling the rug pull phenomenon. Protect your investments from deceptive maneuvers!

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You might have come across the term crypto rug pull in the news over the years, but what does it mean? Different to a pump and dump scheme, we explore the rug pull crypto meaning to help you gain a greater understanding of the industry.

What is a Rug Pull Crypto?

A rug pull is a malicious cryptocurrency industry technique where developers abandon a crypto project and flee with investors' funds.

In the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, particularly on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), bad actors create a token and list it on a DEX, then link it to a major digital currency like Ethereum.

Developers will often also create hype around the token on Telegram, Twitter, and other social media platforms by abruptly pumping loads of money into their liquidity pool in an attempt to reassure investors. Once a large number of unsuspicious investors swap their ETH for the offered token, the creators drain everything from the liquidity pool, bringing the coin's price to zero.

This is typically seen in a new project, and not in established projects such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.

Rugs Pools and DEXs

Rug pulls thrive on decentralized exchange platforms like DEXs since they allow users to list tokens without undergoing an audit, unlike centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Furthermore, creating ERC-20 tokens on open-source blockchain technologies such as Ethereum is simple and free. These two features create the ideal climate for a rug pull, and are being used against the unsuspecting public.

What To Look Out For

While this is unlikely to happen to established cryptocurrency projects, there are many crypto projects out there, especially new ones, that might signal a red flag.

It's important to note that the prices of tokens in a pool are determined by the current balances of each. To prevent being caught off guard, ensure there is liquidity in a pool. However, this is only the beginning; you must also look for any lock-in requirements on the pooling system. Most reputable firms lock pooled liquidity for a certain length of time.

A coin that has risen in price within hours is another common feature of a rug pull. A rug pull coin, for example, might jump from 0 to 50X in just 24 hours. This scheme is intended to generate FOMO among investors and encourage them to add even more money into the project.

An "unruggable" project is one that doesn't have a significant number of tokens held by the development team. A project may be classed as "unruggable" if it does not include the signature big number of team-held tokens that could be stolen through a rug pull or exit scam.

An unruggable project is one in which the team gives up any ownership of tokens, such as those they would have received during a presale.

Are Crypto Rug Pulls Illegal?

While crypto rug pulls should be illegal, unfortunately, due to the youth of the crypto industry the laws surrounding rug pulls are not the legal system. Unfortunately, many criminals have and continue to get away with rug pulls and related crimes.

Biggest Rug Pulls

One of the biggest rug pulls to take place in the crypto industry is the Squid game crypto rug pull, which took place in late 2021.

The token, which was named after the popular Netflix series Squid Game was created by an unknown group, and grew dramatically in value with each coin rising from next-to-nothing to an astounding $2,861.

At the peak of its performance, the website was taken down and the promoters were unable to be reached. The liquidity suddenly vanished, sending the value of the token plummeting to near zero while the developers took home more than $3.3 million. Over 43,000 investors had the rug pulled out from under their feet as they suddenly become holders of a worthless token.

It was subsequently discovered that the project's creators had included an anti-dumping mechanism preventing individuals from selling their tokens, indicating that it was designed to be a rug pull from the beginning. By using the name of a well-known TV program and gaining a lot of media exposure, the creators were able to boost public awareness and lend the fraudulent coin a sense of legitimacy.

In Conclusion

While not terribly common, rug pulls happen from time to time and it's in investors' best interests to know about them. Consider these tips mentioned above when navigating the crypto space, and be sure to fully vet a project's quality before parting ways with any money. Choosing established cryptocurrency projects is always advisable, particularly over a new project that has garnered a lot of hype. Unfortunately, crypto rug pulls are here to stay, but that doesn't mean that you need to be involved.

What is a Satoshi and how to calculate it

Unravel the mystery of Satoshi! Learn what it is and how to calculate its value in this quick and easy guide.

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When Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, they designed it in such a way that should the value of the cryptocurrency increase dramatically, there would still be an inclusive decimal value for the masses. Satoshis, the smallest decimal place in one Bitcoin, could one day be how we buy a cup of coffee anywhere in the world, using the same currency from Britain to Japan.

Who is Satoshi?

Satoshi Nakamoto is the enigmatic figure credited with birthing Bitcoin, the groundbreaking decentralized cryptocurrency, or described on its website as "a free software project with no central authority." As the pseudonymous creator, Satoshi's true identity remains shrouded in mystery, sparking endless debates and intrigue within the crypto community.

Launched in 2009, Bitcoin revolutionized the financial world, offering a peer-to-peer digital cash system without the need for intermediaries like banks. Satoshi's whitepaper laid the foundation for this groundbreaking technology, establishing the concept of blockchain and sparking the rise of a vast and evolving ecosystem of cryptocurrencies.

Despite numerous theories and claims, the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains one of the most captivating mysteries in the world of cryptocurrency and modern influential people.

Satoshi's contribution extends beyond just Bitcoin

Satoshi Nakamoto's creation of Bitcoin in 2009 introduced the world to the revolutionary concept of blockchain technology. While Satoshi is not credited with designing blockchain technology, they did play a valuable role in solving inconsistencies that then made it universally viable.

At its core, blockchain is a decentralized and immutable distributed ledger that records any transaction across a network of computers. It provides the foundation for most cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, ensuring secure and transparent record-keeping without the need for intermediaries like banks.

The decentralized nature of blockchain makes it resistant to single points of failure, enhancing security and preventing data manipulation. Its transparency allows anyone to verify transactions, promoting trust, service, and accountability. Additionally, the immutability of blockchain ensures that once data is recorded, it cannot be altered, safeguarding the integrity of the entire system.

This powerful technology continues to drive innovation across various industries beyond the realm of cryptocurrencies.

How many Satoshis are in a Bitcoin?

Much like fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies can be divided into smaller units of money. While the United States dollar and Euro have cents as their smallest denomination, Bitcoin has satoshis (also referred to as SATs). But unlike cents, satoshis are 100 millionth of a Bitcoin, meaning that Bitcoin can be divided into 100 million units, that's eighteen decimal places. 

See the table below illustrating the various values of Bitcoin vs satoshis.

How many Satoshis are in a Bitcoin, exactly?

1 Satoshi 0.00000001 Bitcoin

10 Satoshi 0.00000010 Bitcoin

100 Satoshi 0.00000100 Bitcoin

1,000 Satoshi 0.00001000 Bitcoin

10,000 Satoshi 0.00010000 Bitcoin

100,000 Satoshi 0.00100000 Bitcoin

1,000,000 Satoshi 0.01000000 Bitcoin

10,000,000 Satoshi 0.10000000 Bitcoin

100,000,000 Satoshi 1.00000000 Bitcoin

As defined by the technology, only 21 million Bitcoin will ever exist, meaning that there will only ever be 210,000,000,000,000 satoshis. That's a tough figure to wrap your head around. As indicated above the link between satoshis and Bitcoin is several decimal places, certainly not calculations we were taught in school.

A less complicated notion to digest is that satoshis were named after Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.  

Bitcoin measurement units

The creator of the peer-to-peer digital currency outlined in the Bitcoin white paper the decimal places that Bitcoin is divisible by. Throughout the whitepaper, they only referred to two measurement units, Bitcoin itself and satoshis. Several years down the line as the BTC price continued increasing, market research and various discussions resulted in the decision that more measurement units were required.

Five years after Satoshi Nakamoto disappeared from online forums, a universal ISO update was released that recognized two new Bitcoin measurements. 

  • MicroBitcoin (μBTC) 

1 BTC = 1,000,000 MicroBitcoins (μBTC) = 100 SATs

  • MilliBitcoin X (mBTC)

1 BTC = 1,000 MilliBitcoins (mBTC) = 100,000 SATs

When taking a glance at your Bitcoin wallet you can choose to see satoshis, microBitcoins or miliBitcoins. By any account, it will likely take a few years before we're referring to buying goods in SATs.

How to calculate SATs

As we've already established in the information provided above, 1 BTC is worth 100,000,000 SATs. While one could do the maths, there are plenty of tools available online that can do the sums for you. Better yet, as satoshis are recognized as universal units of value, you can change the currency setting on several sites.

For instance, on CoinMarketCap, you can change the default currency to SATs by selecting the currency drop-down option in the top right-hand corner. Select the Satoshi option under Bitcoin units.

This will then display all values as satoshis. 

Alternatively, you can use one of the many satoshi calculators available online, which will instantly convert your currency value into SATs. In the future when using SATs as a form of payment, the value owed will likely be presented to you in the same form, allowing for a much easier consumer experience.

‍Key Takeaways

SATs are used by the Bitcoin network and crypto exchanges. Miners on the Bitcoin blockchain use SATs to determine the fee owed to them for transactions validated, while some exchanges use SATs to measure altcoins' value and performance against Bitcoin.

It is likely in the future when Bitcoin is fully integrated into our financial systems that prices in shops and supermarkets will be reflected as a value in SATs as opposed to BTC.

What is a return on investment?

Return on investment, or ROI, has come to be a universally accepted method to measure profitability and is calculated using a formula to work out your net return.

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Investing centers around making gains off of your initial capital. When determining the potential gains one could make there are a number of variables one needs to consider, such as how much capital one has put into the investment and what returns are associated with that asset class.

This led to the creation of ROI (return on investment), a measure that allows anyone to calculate the net profit or loss of an investment in percentage form. 

What is return on investment?

All investments, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and small businesses, come with the goal of making more money than you put in. The money you earn over and above your initial investment is called profit. When discussing investment profitability, people often use the term ROI, meaning return on investment. This metric expresses the amount of net profit one can earn/earned as a percentage of what the initial investment was.

ROI can help you assess if buying property or investing in a business is worth it. It's also helped companies determine the value of adding new products, building more facilities, acquiring other businesses, advertising campaigns, etc.

ROI (return on investment) is the percentage of gain or loss on an investment relative to the total cost of the investment.  In other terms, it's a way to compare different investments in order to figure out which ones are worth pursuing. For example, you could calculate ROI to decide whether selling one stock and buying another would be a good idea.

While there is no limit to a return on investment theoretically, in practice, no investment is guaranteed to have any return. If your ROI is negative, it means you not only failed to make a profit but also lost some of your original investment. The worst possible outcome would be -100% ROI, meaning you completely lost your initial investment. An ROI of 0% signifies that you at least recovered the money you put in, but gained nothing beyond that.

While ROI is often used as a marker of profitability, it isn't foolproof. There are several limitations to calculating ROI as your only measure which include the time frame in which you will earn back your investment, inflation rates, how risky a venture is, and additional maintenance costs that may be incurred.

Calculating ROI terminology

Before we dive in, let's first cover some basic terminology.

Net profit or net income

Net profit is the amount of money left over after all operating costs, such as the cost of transaction costs or maintenance costs, and other expenses have been accounted for and subtracted from the total revenue. It is used to measure profitability. Net profit can also be called net income, net earnings, or the bottom line.

Total cost of investment

This figure will look at the amount of money invested in a particular investment.

How to calculate ROI: the ROI formula

The ROI formula is a simple equation that looks at the price change of the asset and the net profits (the initial cost of the investment minus its value when you sell it). When calculating ROI you would use this formula:

ROI = (Net Profit / Total Cost of Investment) x 100

To factor trading costs into your ROI figure, you'll use: 

ROI = ((Value of Investment - Cost of Investment – Associated Costs) / Cost of Investment) x 100

As an example, let's say you buy 5 shares of $100 each in Twitter, equating to $500. You sell them a year later for $150 each, equating to $750. Let's say you paid $5 commission on each trade, costing you $25 in trading fees. 

ROI = (($750 - $500 - $25) / $500) x 100 = 45%

This means that you made a 45% return on investment on that particular investment.

How to determine a strong ROI

A "good" return on investment is any number above 0, as this means you made some profit. However, the ideal ROI should be higher than what you could've earned had you chosen another investment (the next best thing). 

To compare this, investors often compare their earnings to what they could've made on the broader stock market or in a high-yield savings account. Using the S&P 500 as a control, over the past four decades it has made gains of around 7% (after inflation). An ROI is generally considered to be a strong one if it beats the stock market in the long term. 

It's always important to note that past performance does not equate to future results. Another pearl of wisdom to remember is that high rewards generally come alongside high risks. If an investment promises very high ROIs, consider this also means that it comes with high risks. 

Therefore, a strong ROI will vary depending on the investment's level of risk, your goals, and how much risk you're willing to take.

Where the ROI formula falls short

The main limitation of using this return on investment ROI formula as a marker of success is that it doesn't show how long it took to earn the money back. When comparing various investments, the time it takes to mature will have a significant impact on the profits you could earn.

For instance, a year loan versus a bond held for five years versus a property held for 10 years will all have varying ROIs once you've established how long it will take to earn the specified ROIs. 

In this scenario, the ROI calculations mentioned above skimp on the full story. It also doesn't account for risk. For instance, the loan repayments could be delayed or the property market might be in a slump, all affecting the potential profits earnable.

With many variables, it becomes harder to predict what the exact ROI calculation on an investment will be, so be sure to factor this in when using the return on investment ROI formula to determine how attractive an investment opportunity or business venture is. 

ROI alternatives

Although the return on investment doesn't consider how long you keep an asset, it's essential to compare the ROI of investments held for comparable lengths of time as a more clear performance measure. If that's not possible, there are a few other options.

Average Annual Return

Also known as annualized return on investment, this adjusts the ROI formula to factor in the timing. Here you would divide the ROI by the number of years you hold the asset.

Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)

This option is more complicated but yields more accurate results as it factors in compound interest generated over time. 

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

This measure factors in the notion that profits earned earlier outway the same profits earned later, taking into account interest that could've been earned and factors like inflation. This equation is quite complicated but there are online calculators one can use. 


A return on investment (ROI) is a formula used to calculate the net profit or loss of an investment in percentage form. The ROI calculation can present valuable information when investing capital or determining profitability ratios. The ROI equation looks at the initial value of one investment and determines the financial return. A negative ROI indicates that the investment returns were lower than the investment cost.

What is a token?

In this article we're breaking down what a token is, and how to distinguish a coin from a token and how it can be used as a tool to store value.

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You've likely come across the term "token" in your crypto ventures, or heard Bitcoin and Ethereum described as a token, but what does this all mean? In this article, we're breaking down what a token is, and how to distinguish a coin from a token and how it can be used as a tool to store value.

Token Definition

A token, in the cryptocurrency sense of the world, represents a particular asset or utility. It's worth noting in this item that tokens and cryptocurrencies are terms often used interchangeably however they technically differ. Tokens typically fall into one of the following three categories:

Payment tokens

These tokens allow users to purchase goods and services outside of the blockchain, offering an alternative currency. 

Security tokens

Similar to initial public offerings (IPOs) on the stock market, security tokens offer users an ownership stake or entitle the holder to dividends in a blockchain project. 

Utility tokens 

Utility tokens offer users access to a service within a particular ecosystem, similar to loyalty points on a Starbucks card. These points hold value within their own ecosystem but cannot be used outside of that. 

Coins vs Tokens

Getting more technical, when exploring coins vs tokens, tokens are categorised as crypto assets that have been built on top of another blockchain while coins are built on their own blockchain. 

Ether, for example, is the native token to the Ethereum blockchain, however, the platform allows developers to create a range of token standards on top of it. Based on this information, all ERC-20 tokens are therefore categorised as tokens as opposed to coins. 

USD Coin (USDC) and Tether (USDT) are therefore tokens as they are built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. While each network is operated by its own leadership, both use Ethereum's blockchain to facilitate all transactions.

How Are Tokens Traded?

Much like coins, tokens can be bought, sold and traded on exchanges, or sent directly from one wallet to another. This is facilitated by blockchain technology, in the same way that coins are transferred from one location to another. Unlike coins, which are all fungible in nature, tokens can sometimes be non-fungible, meaning that they are not identical in value and function. 

Tokens are sent using the wallet address of a recipient's blockchain-compatible wallet. The address is often represented by a barcode in the form of a QR code, or through a lengthy alphanumeric code. All transactions take place from the wallet holding the tokens and are sent directly to the wallet of the recipient without the need for a centralized authority like a bank. Tokens can typically be bought on exchanges, often with Visa or Mastercard, or exchanged between users.

How is an NFT Different from Cryptocurrency?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are all different from each other as they each represent a real-world object, whether a digital piece of artwork or a bottle of fine wine. Bitcoin can be traded for anything around the world, whereas NFTs are unique in nature and while they hold value they cannot be used interchangeably. 

What Are NFTs Used For?

NFTs are used to represent a particular asset, whether it be physical or digital. When minted, these tokens will permanently represent that asset and cannot be changed. For example, one NFT could represent an apartment in London while another could represent a song by Kings of Leon. The possibilities are endless, and the marketplaces are huge.

Users can easily trade NFTs on marketplaces (through a website or mobile app) such as OpenSea or Rarible. Once you own an NFT you are credited with the ownership rights of the asset the NFT represents. Due to the nature of blockchain technology, this is permanently displayed on the network's public ledger for anyone to review. This process ensures that the ownership of an NFT cannot the changed and the information is available for anyone to credit.

Note that several blockchain networks currently support the minting of NFTs, and the holder will need a wallet specific to that blockchain in order to hold the NFT.

Are Tokens Regulated?

When it comes to regulation, countries around the world are currently drawing up legal frameworks to better implement cryptocurrencies into our current financial system. This includes the likes of tokens.

Once cryptocurrencies are regulated by government authorities, they could provide the world with unrealized use cases like being used to manage a prescription at a pharmacy or clinical services or to provide feedback to IT support. While there are plenty of tokens available on the market today, it's likely that this is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of their potential to improve issues faced around the world.

What is Aave (AAVE) ?

Let's take a dive into what is Aave and its token AAVE

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Aave is one of the leading decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols on the market, allowing users to easily borrow and lend over 20 different crypto assets. Leveraging the age-old financial practice of lending and borrowing, the platform empowers users to manage their assets in a decentralized manner.

The Aave token also allows users to vote on the platform’s direction and future Aave protocol developments. Aave token holders are granted voting rights based on their holdings.

What is Aave?

Created in response to the rising demand for decentralized money markets, Aave has successfully and firmly positioned itself in the top 10 biggest DeFi markets. Based on the Ethereum blockchain, the protocol allows users to lend and borrow a wide range of cryptocurrencies, from altcoins to stablecoins.

Native to the platform, the AAVE token acts as both a utility token, providing discounts for fees, and a governance token.

By placing digital assets into specific liquidity pools within the Aave protocol, lenders earn interest. Those who need money can use crypto as collateral to take out a flash loan from these same pools.

The decentralized lending protocol was launched in November 2018 under the name ETHLend (with LEND tokens) but later underwent a rebranding after losing traction in the 2018 crypto bear market. After revamping the concept of decentralized crypto lending, the Aave team relaunched the protocol under the name Aave. Aave means ghost in Finnish.

Who created Aave?

Aave was created by Stani Kulechov and a team of developers. Stani Kulechov was disappointed with the lack of lending applications available on Ethereum, so he and a team of developers took it upon themselves to create a space to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies. This project occurred before decentralized finance was even an idea, and launched following an ICO in November 2017.

Kulechov is a self-taught programmer who went to law school after high school and began programming in his teenage years. He is also an early blockchain adopter. The CEO announced that he intended to rebrand ETHLend as Aave in order to provide additional services beyond just ETH lending, incorporating the greater crypto assets market.

How does Aave work for Aave users?

The Aave protocol uses an algorithm that automatically enables loans from the platform's liquidity pools, instead of individually matching each lender to a borrower. On the Aave network, lenders can deposit their cryptocurrency into liquidity pools and in turn earn interest based on the amount deposited.

These interest rates are then paid to the lenders depending on the number of assets being used in the pool. For instance, if all the assets are being utilized, the interest rates are higher as this will provide greater incentive to lenders and more deposit options for Aave borrowers. If utilization is low, the interest rates are lower, attracting more borrowers. Borrowers and lenders are mutually dependent.

Aave loans require users to make a deposit in the form of collateral that is higher in value than the amount they are borrowing. If borrowed assets are not returned within the given timeframe, lenders will take possession of the collateral.

Aave employs a liquidation procedure in the event that the collateral value falls below the collateralization rate established and determined by the Aave protocol. Flash loans are also available, allowing borrowers to borrow money without putting up any assets as long as they pay for the interest fee known as one-block.

What are AAVE tokens?

AAVE is an ERC-20 token that acts as a backstop for the Aave protocol, protecting the system from having a shortage of capital. Known as the "Safety Module", AAVE is sold for assets to cover the deficit if there isn't enough cash in the DeFi protocol to cover lenders' money. Only AAVE deposited in the module will be liquidated. To encourage deposits, a regular yield is paid out in AAVE.

The second major application for Aave is protocol governance. Holders of the cryptocurrency can discuss and vote on Aave Improvement Proposals, which may be implemented if accepted by a specified number of AAVE token holders. This covers altering the money market parameters as well as managing funds in the ecosystem reserve, similar to other governance cryptocurrencies. Each AAVE equals one voting right for Aave holders.

The Aave system uses fees paid on the platform to buy back AAVE tokens and remove them from circulation. Approximately 80% of the fees paid are used for this burn purpose, while 20% are used to incentivize lenders. Aave has a limited supply of 16 million units.

How can I buy the AAVE token?

For those looking to enter the world of DeFi and incorporate Aave into their crypto portfolios, things just got a lot easier. If you're considering including AAVE in your cryptocurrency portfolio, look no further than the Tap app. With the Tap app, you can conveniently manage and trade a diverse range of digital assets, including AAVE. Whether you're a seasoned trader or new to the world of cryptocurrencies, our user-friendly interface and intuitive features make it seamless for anyone to navigate and engage in the crypto market

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